$Id$ About Satellite --------------- Satellite is CORBA support for PHP using ORBit. The original version was made by David Eriksson during the summer 2000. Installation ------------ Read below about installing ORBit. Then create a directory on your server for your IDL files, and add an entry to your php.ini like this: idl_directory = /var/idl Note: If you compile Satellite as a dynamic PHP extension you must have the above line located before the extension=satellite.so line in php.ini! PHP as an Apache static module ------------------------------ Before linking Apache you must do either of these things: a) Before running Apache's configure you set the environment variable LIBS like this: export LIBS="`orbit-config --libs client` `libIDL-config --libs`" b) You edit apache/src/modules/php4/libphp4.module and add `orbit-config --libs client` `libIDL-config --libs` within the quotes on the line beginning with LIBS= What version of ORBit is required? ---------------------------------- You need the CVS version of ORBit to use Satellite! This does NOT work with ORBit 0.5.3 or earlier. How to install ORBit from CVS ----------------------------- (1) Get it from CVS CVS root: :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome Password: Empty string Directory: ORBit More about GNOME:s CVS on http://www.gnome.org/start/source.html (2) Set the environment variable CERTIFIED_GNOMIE to whatever you like. (3) Run ./autogen.sh, gmake och gmake install