--TEST-- Test fgetss() function : usage variations - read/write modes --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- , , */ echo "*** Testing fgetss() : usage variations ***\n"; /* string with html and php tags */ $string_with_tags = <<Testing fgetss() functions {;}<{> this is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& html this line is without any html and php tags this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting correctly after 80 characters this text contains some html tags body
this is the line with \n character. EOT; $filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fgetss_variation3.tmp"; /* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */ $file_modes = array("w+","w+b", "w+t","a+", "a+b", "a+t","x+","x+b","x+t"); for($mode_counter = 0; $mode_counter < count($file_modes); $mode_counter++) { echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n"; /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */ $file_handle = fopen($filename, $file_modes[$mode_counter]); fwrite($file_handle,(binary)$string_with_tags); //writing data to the file if(!$file_handle) { echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n"; exit(); } // rewind the file pointer to begining of the file rewind($file_handle); var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); var_dump( filesize($filename) ); var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); /* rewind the file and read the file line by line with allowable tags */ echo "-- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , --\n"; $line = 1; while( !feof($file_handle) ) { echo "-- Line $line --\n"; $line++; var_dump( fgetss($file_handle, 80, ", , ") ); var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // check the file pointer position var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // check if eof reached } // close the file fclose($file_handle); // delete the file unlink($filename); } // end of for - mode_counter echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing fgetss() : usage variations *** -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+ mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+b mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+t mode -- int(0) int(453) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+ mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+b mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+t mode -- int(0) int(453) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+ mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+b mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+t mode -- int(0) int(453) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) Done --UEXPECTF-- *** Testing fgetss() : usage variations *** -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+ mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+b mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using w+t mode -- int(0) int(453) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- unicode(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- unicode(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- unicode(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- unicode(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- unicode(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- unicode(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- unicode(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- unicode(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- unicode(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- unicode(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+ mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+b mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using a+t mode -- int(0) int(453) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- unicode(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- unicode(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- unicode(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- unicode(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- unicode(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- unicode(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- unicode(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- unicode(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- unicode(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- unicode(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+ mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+b mode -- int(0) int(445) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- string(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- string(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- string(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- string(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- string(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- string(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- string(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- string(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- string(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- string(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using x+t mode -- int(0) int(453) bool(false) -- Reading line by line with allowable tags: , , -- -- Line 1 -- unicode(40) "Testing fgetss() functions " int(40) bool(false) -- Line 2 -- unicode(10) " {;} this " int(99) bool(false) -- Line 3 -- unicode(44) "is a heredoc string. ksklnm@@$$&$&^%&^%&^%& " int(152) bool(false) -- Line 4 -- unicode(21) " html " int(193) bool(false) -- Line 5 -- unicode(43) "this line is without any html and php tags " int(236) bool(false) -- Line 6 -- unicode(79) "this is a line with more than eighty character,want to check line splitting cor" int(315) bool(false) -- Line 7 -- unicode(27) "rectly after 80 characters " int(342) bool(false) -- Line 8 -- unicode(46) "this text contains some html tags body br " int(410) bool(false) -- Line 9 -- unicode(23) "this is the line with " int(433) bool(false) -- Line 10 -- unicode(12) " character. " int(445) bool(true) Done