--TEST-- Test get_html_translation_table() function : basic functionality - table as HTML_SPECIALCHARS --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing get_html_translation_table() : basic functionality *** -- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS & quote_style = ENT_COMPAT -- array(4) { ["""]=> string(6) """ ["<"]=> string(4) "<" [">"]=> string(4) ">" ["&"]=> string(5) "&" } -- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS & quote_style = ENT_QUOTE -- array(5) { ["""]=> string(6) """ ["'"]=> string(5) "'" ["<"]=> string(4) "<" [">"]=> string(4) ">" ["&"]=> string(5) "&" } -- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS & quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTE -- array(3) { ["<"]=> string(4) "<" [">"]=> string(4) ">" ["&"]=> string(5) "&" } Done --UEXPECT-- *** Testing get_html_translation_table() : basic functionality *** -- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS & quote_style = ENT_COMPAT -- array(4) { [u"""]=> unicode(6) """ [u"<"]=> unicode(4) "<" [u">"]=> unicode(4) ">" [u"&"]=> unicode(5) "&" } -- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS & quote_style = ENT_QUOTE -- array(5) { [u"""]=> unicode(6) """ [u"'"]=> unicode(5) "'" [u"<"]=> unicode(4) "<" [u">"]=> unicode(4) ">" [u"&"]=> unicode(5) "&" } -- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS & quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTE -- array(3) { [u"<"]=> unicode(4) "<" [u">"]=> unicode(4) ">" [u"&"]=> unicode(5) "&" } Done