// vim:ft=javascript // $Id: config.w32 306241 2010-12-11 22:18:10Z pajoye $ // "Master" config file; think of it as a configure.in // equivalent. ARG_WITH("toolset", "Toolset to use for the compilation, give: vs, clang, icc. " + "The only recommended and supported toolset for production use " + "is Visual Studio. Use others at your own risk.", "vs"); toolset_option_handle() var PHP_CYGWIN="notset"; toolset_setup_compiler(); // do we use x64 or 80x86 version of compiler? X64 = toolset_is_64(); toolset_setup_arch(); toolset_setup_linker(); toolset_setup_project_tools(); // stick objects somewhere outside of the source tree ARG_ENABLE('object-out-dir', 'Alternate location for binary objects during build', ''); object_out_dir_option_handle(); ARG_ENABLE('debug', 'Compile with debugging symbols', "no"); ARG_ENABLE('debug-pack', 'Release binaries with external debug symbols (--enable-debug must not be specified)', 'no'); if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes" && PHP_DEBUG_PACK == "yes") { ERROR("Use of both --enable-debug and --enable-debug-pack not allowed."); } if (PHP_PREFIX == '') { PHP_PREFIX = "C:\\php"; if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes") PHP_PREFIX += "\\debug"; } DEFINE('PHP_PREFIX', PHP_PREFIX); DEFINE("BASE_INCLUDES", "/I " + PHP_DIR + "/include /I " + PHP_DIR + "/include/main /I " + PHP_DIR + "/include/Zend /I " + PHP_DIR + "/include/TSRM /I " + PHP_DIR + "/include/ext "); toolset_setup_common_cflags(); ARG_WITH('prefix', 'PHP installation prefix', ''); ARG_WITH('mp', 'Tell Visual Studio use up to [n,auto,disable] processes for compilation', 'auto'); var PHP_MP_DISABLED = true; if (VS_TOOLSET && PHP_MP != 'disable') { // no from disable-all if(PHP_MP == 'auto' || PHP_MP == 'no') { ADD_FLAG('CFLAGS', ' /MP '); PHP_MP_DISABLED = false; } else { if(parseInt(PHP_MP) != 0) { ADD_FLAG('CFLAGS', ' /MP'+ PHP_MP +' '); PHP_MP_DISABLED = false; } else { STDOUT.WriteLine('WARNING: Invalid argument for MP: ' + PHP_MP); } } } /* For snapshot builders, where can we find the additional * files that make up the snapshot template? */ ARG_WITH("snapshot-template", "Path to snapshot builder template dir", "no"); // General link flags toolset_setup_common_ldlags(); // General libs toolset_setup_common_libs(); // Set some debug/release specific options toolset_setup_build_mode(); setup_zts_stuff(); if (MODE_PHPIZE) { DEFINE("PHPDLL", PHP_DLL); DEFINE("PHPLIB", PHP_DLL_LIB); } // Find the php_build dir - it contains headers and libraries // that we need ARG_WITH('php-build', 'Path to where you extracted the development libraries (http://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/libs). Assumes that it is a sibling of this source dir (..\\deps) if not specified', 'no'); php_build_option_handle(); ARG_WITH('extra-includes', 'Extra include path to use when building everything', ''); ARG_WITH('extra-libs', 'Extra library path to use when linking everything', ''); var php_usual_include_suspects = PHP_PHP_BUILD+"\\include"; var php_usual_lib_suspects = PHP_PHP_BUILD+"\\lib"; ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS", '/I "' + php_usual_include_suspects + '" '); ADD_FLAG("LDFLAGS", '/libpath:"\\"' + php_usual_lib_suspects + '\\"" '); ADD_FLAG("ARFLAGS", '/libpath:"\\"' + php_usual_lib_suspects + '\\"" '); probe_basic_headers(); add_extra_dirs(); //DEFINE("PHP_BUILD", PHP_PHP_BUILD); STDOUT.WriteBlankLines(1); STDOUT.WriteLine("Build dir: " + get_define('BUILD_DIR')); STDOUT.WriteLine("PHP Core: " + get_define('PHPDLL') + " and " + get_define('PHPLIB')); /* XXX inspect this for other toolsets */ //AC_DEFINE('ZEND_DVAL_TO_LVAL_CAST_OK', 1); AC_DEFINE('HAVE_STRNLEN', 1); STDOUT.WriteBlankLines(1); if (PHP_SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE == "no") { /* default is as a sibling of the php_build dir */ if (FSO.FolderExists(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\template")) { PHP_SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\template"); } else if (FSO.FolderExists(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\..\\template")) { PHP_SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\..\\template"); } } DEFINE('SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE', PHP_SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE); AC_DEFINE("PHP_DIR", PHP_DIR); DEFINE("PHP_DIR", PHP_DIR); ARG_WITH("codegen-arch", "Architecture for code generation", "no"); toolset_setup_codegen_arch();