--TEST-- Test strtok() function : usage variations - modifying the input string while tokenising --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing strtok() : with modification of input string in between tokenising *** *** Testing strtok() when string being tokenised is prefixed with another string in between the process *** string(4) "this" -- Token 1 is -- string(2) "is" -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 2 is -- string(1) "a" -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 3 is -- string(6) "sample" -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 4 is -- string(6) "string" -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 5 is -- bool(false) -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 6 is -- bool(false) -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- *** Testing strtok() when string being tokenised is suffixed with another string in between the process *** string(5) "extra" -- Token 1 is -- string(6) "string" -- Token 2 is -- string(4) "this" -- Token 3 is -- string(2) "is" -- Token 4 is -- string(1) "a" -- Token 5 is -- string(6) "sample" -- Token 6 is -- string(6) "string" -- Token 7 is -- bool(false) -- Token 8 is -- bool(false) -- Token 9 is -- bool(false) -- Token 10 is -- bool(false) Done --UEXPECTF-- *** Testing strtok() : with modification of input string in between tokenising *** *** Testing strtok() when string being tokenised is prefixed with another string in between the process *** unicode(4) "this" -- Token 1 is -- unicode(2) "is" -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 2 is -- unicode(1) "a" -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 3 is -- unicode(6) "sample" -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 4 is -- unicode(6) "string" -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 5 is -- bool(false) -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- -- Token 6 is -- bool(false) -- Input str is "extra string this is a sample string" -- *** Testing strtok() when string being tokenised is suffixed with another string in between the process *** unicode(5) "extra" -- Token 1 is -- unicode(6) "string" -- Token 2 is -- unicode(4) "this" -- Token 3 is -- unicode(2) "is" -- Token 4 is -- unicode(1) "a" -- Token 5 is -- unicode(6) "sample" -- Token 6 is -- unicode(6) "string" -- Token 7 is -- bool(false) -- Token 8 is -- bool(false) -- Token 9 is -- bool(false) -- Token 10 is -- bool(false) Done