| // | Tomas V.V.Cox | // | | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ require_once 'PEAR.php'; require_once 'Archive/Tar.php'; require_once 'System.php'; /** * TODO: * - check in inforFromDescFile that the minimal data needed is present * (pack name, version, files, others?) * - inherance of dir attribs to files may fail under certain circumstances */ class PEAR_Common extends PEAR { // {{{ properties /** stack of elements, gives some sort of XML context */ var $element_stack = array(); /** name of currently parsed XML element */ var $current_element; /** array of attributes of the currently parsed XML element */ var $current_attributes = array(); /** list of temporary files created by this object */ var $_tempfiles = array(); /** assoc with information about a package */ var $pkginfo = array(); /** * Permitted maintainer roles * @var array */ var $maintainer_roles = array('lead','developer','contributor','helper'); /** * Permitted release states * @var array */ var $releases_states = array('alpha','beta','stable','snapshot'); // }}} // {{{ constructor function PEAR_Common() { $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Common_tempfiles'] = array(); $this->_tempfiles =& $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Common_tempfiles']; $this->PEAR(); } // }}} // {{{ destructor function _PEAR_Common() { // doesn't work due to bug #14744 //$tempfiles = $this->_tempfiles; $tempfiles =& $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Common_tempfiles']; while (is_array($tempfiles) && $file = array_shift($tempfiles)) { if (@is_dir($file)) { System::rm("-rf $file"); } elseif (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } } // }}} // {{{ addTempFile() function addTempFile($file) { $this->_tempfiles[] = $file; } // }}} // {{{ mkDirHier() function mkDirHier($dir) { $this->log(2, "+ create dir $dir"); return System::mkDir("-p $dir"); } // }}} // {{{ log() function log($level, $msg) { if ($this->debug >= $level) { print "$msg\n"; } } // }}} // {{{ mkTempDir() function mkTempDir() { if (!$tmpdir = System::mktemp('-d pear')) { return false; } $this->addTempFile($tmpdir); return $tmpdir; } // }}} // {{{ _element_start() function _element_start($xp, $name, $attribs) { array_push($this->element_stack, $name); $this->current_element = $name; $spos = sizeof($this->element_stack) - 2; $this->prev_element = ($spos >= 0) ? $this->element_stack[$spos] : ''; $this->current_attributes = $attribs; $this->cdata = ''; switch ($name) { case 'dir': if (isset($this->dir_names)) { $this->dir_names[] = $attribs['name']; } else { // Don't add the root dir $this->dir_names = array(); } if (isset($attribs['baseinstalldir'])) { $this->dir_install = $attribs['baseinstalldir']; } if (isset($attribs['role'])) { $this->dir_role = $attribs['role']; } break; case 'libfile': $this->lib_atts = $attribs; $this->lib_atts['role'] = 'extension'; break; case 'maintainers': $this->pkginfo['maintainers'] = array(); $this->m_i = 0; // maintainers array index break; case 'maintainer': // compatibility check if (!isset($this->pkginfo['maintainers'])) { $this->pkginfo['maintainers'] = array(); $this->m_i = 0; } $this->pkginfo['maintainers'][$this->m_i] = array(); $this->current_maintainer =& $this->pkginfo['maintainers'][$this->m_i]; break; case 'changelog': $this->pkginfo['changelog'] = array(); $this->c_i = 0; // changelog array index $this->in_changelog = true; break; case 'release': if ($this->in_changelog) { $this->pkginfo['changelog'][$this->c_i] = array(); $this->current_release =& $this->pkginfo['changelog'][$this->c_i]; } break; case 'deps': $this->pkginfo['release_deps'] = array(); break; case 'dep': // dependencies array index $this->d_i = (isset($this->d_i)) ? $this->d_i + 1 : 0; $this->pkginfo['release_deps'][$this->d_i] = $attribs; break; } } // }}} // {{{ _element_end() function _element_end($xp, $name) { $data = trim($this->cdata); switch ($name) { case 'name': switch ($this->prev_element) { case 'package': $this->pkginfo['package'] = ereg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9._]', '_', $data); break; case 'maintainer': $this->current_maintainer['name'] = $data; break; } break; case 'summary': $this->pkginfo['summary'] = $data; break; case 'description': $this->pkginfo['description'] = $data; break; case 'user': $this->current_maintainer['handle'] = $data; break; case 'email': $this->current_maintainer['email'] = $data; break; case 'role': if (!in_array($data, $this->maintainer_roles)) { trigger_error("The maintainer role: '$data' is not valid", E_USER_WARNING); } else { $this->current_maintainer['role'] = $data; } break; case 'version': $data = ereg_replace ('[^a-zA-Z0-9._\-]', '_', $data); if ($this->in_changelog) { $this->current_release['version'] = $data; } else { $this->pkginfo['version'] = $data; } break; case 'date': if ($this->in_changelog) { $this->current_release['release_date'] = $data; } else { $this->pkginfo['release_date'] = $data; } break; case 'notes': if ($this->in_changelog) { $this->current_release['release_notes'] = $data; } else { $this->pkginfo['release_notes'] = $data; } break; case 'state': if (!in_array($data, $this->releases_states)) { trigger_error("The release state: '$data' is not valid", E_USER_WARNING); } elseif ($this->in_changelog) { $this->current_release['release_state'] = $data; } else { $this->pkginfo['release_state'] = $data; } break; case 'license': $this->pkginfo['release_license'] = $data; break; case 'sources': $this->lib_sources[] = $data; break; case 'dep': if ($data = trim($data)) { $this->pkginfo['release_deps'][$this->d_i]['name'] = $data; } break; case 'dir': array_pop($this->dir_names); break; case 'file': $this->current_file = $data; $path = ''; if (!empty($this->dir_names)) { foreach ($this->dir_names as $dir) { $path .= $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } $path .= $this->current_file; $this->filelist[$path] = $this->current_attributes; // Set the baseinstalldir only if the file don't have this attrib if (!isset($this->filelist[$path]['baseinstalldir']) && isset($this->dir_install)) { $this->filelist[$path]['baseinstalldir'] = $this->dir_install; } // Set the Role if (!isset($this->filelist[$path]['role']) && isset($this->dir_role)) { $this->filelist[$path]['role'] = $this->dir_role; } break; case 'libfile': $this->lib_name = $data; $path = ''; if (!empty($this->dir_names)) { foreach ($this->dir_names as $dir) { $path .= $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } } $path .= $this->lib_name; $this->filelist[$path] = $this->lib_atts; // Set the baseinstalldir only if the file don't have this attrib if (!isset($this->filelist[$path]['baseinstalldir']) && isset($this->dir_install)) { $this->filelist[$path]['baseinstalldir'] = $this->dir_install; } if (isset($this->lib_sources)) { $this->filelist[$path]['sources'] = $this->lib_sources; } unset($this->lib_atts); unset($this->lib_sources); break; case 'maintainer': $this->m_i++; break; case 'release': if ($this->in_changelog) { $this->c_i++; } break; case 'changelog': $this->in_changelog = false; break; case 'summary': $this->pkginfo['summary'] = $data; break; } array_pop($this->element_stack); $spos = sizeof($this->element_stack) - 1; $this->current_element = ($spos > 0) ? $this->element_stack[$spos] : ''; } // }}} // {{{ _pkginfo_cdata() function _pkginfo_cdata($xp, $data) { $this->cdata .= $data; } // }}} // {{{ infoFromDescriptionFile() function infoFromDescriptionFile($descfile) { if (!@is_file($descfile) || !is_readable($descfile) || (!$fp = @fopen($descfile, 'r'))) { return $this->raiseError("Unable to open $descfile"); } $xp = @xml_parser_create(); if (!$xp) { return $this->raiseError('Unable to create XML parser'); } xml_set_object($xp, $this); xml_set_element_handler($xp, '_element_start', '_element_end'); xml_set_character_data_handler($xp, '_pkginfo_cdata'); xml_parser_set_option($xp, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); $this->element_stack = array(); $this->pkginfo = array(); $this->current_element = false; $this->destdir = ''; $this->pkginfo['filelist'] = array(); $this->filelist =& $this->pkginfo['filelist']; $this->in_changelog = false; // read the whole thing so we only get one cdata callback // for each block of cdata $data = fread($fp, filesize($descfile)); if (!xml_parse($xp, $data, 1)) { $msg = sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xp)), xml_get_current_line_number($xp)); xml_parser_free($xp); return $this->raiseError($msg); } xml_parser_free($xp); foreach ($this->pkginfo as $k => $v) { if (!is_array($v)) { $this->pkginfo[$k] = trim($v); } } return $this->pkginfo; } // }}} // {{{ infoFromTgzFile() /** * Returns info from a tgz pear package */ function infoFromTgzFile($file) { if (!@is_file($file)) { return $this->raiseError('tgz :: could not open file'); } $tar = new Archive_Tar($file, true); $content = $tar->listContent(); if (!is_array($content)) { return $this->raiseError('tgz :: could not get contents of package'); } $xml = null; foreach ($content as $file) { $name = $file['filename']; if (ereg('^.*/package.xml$', $name, $match)) { $xml = $match[0]; } } $tmpdir = System::mkTemp('-d pear'); $this->addTempFile($tmpdir); if (!$xml || !$tar->extractList($xml, $tmpdir)) { return $this->raiseError('tgz :: could not extract the package.xml file'); } return $this->infoFromDescriptionFile("$tmpdir/$xml"); // }}} } } ?>