#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Maybe I should have used PHP instead? ;) use strict; $| = 1; -f "libmysql.c" or die "$0 must be run from the libmysql directory\n"; my $command = shift || usage(); $command =~ /^--(?:update|huh|restore)$/ or usage(); my $from = shift || '/users/tim/my/work'; my @source_dirs = qw/dbug strings mysys libmysql include/; my $source_re = qr/\.(?:cc?|h)$/; my %skip = ( 'ctype_autoconf.c' => 1, 'ctype_extra_sources.c' => 1, 'my_config.h' => 1, ); opendir D, "." or die "can't opendir .: $!\n"; my @files = grep { /$source_re/ and !$skip{$_} } readdir D; closedir D; if ($command eq '--restore') { foreach (@files) { -f "$_.orig" and system("mv -f $_.orig $_") and die "can't restore $_: $!\n"; } exit 0; } if ($command eq '--huh') { diff_files(); exit 0; } my %sources; foreach my $d (@source_dirs) { opendir D, "$from/$d" or die "opendir $from/$d: $!\n"; foreach (grep { /$source_re/ } readdir D) { $sources{$_} ||= "$d/$_"; } closedir D; } foreach my $f (@files) { my $s = $sources{$f} or die "can't find source file for $f\n"; unlink "$f.orig"; system("mv $f $f.orig") and die "can't move $f: $!\n"; #print ">> ", scalar(`ls -l $from/$s`), "\n"; print ">> $s\n"; system("cp $from/$s $f") and die "can't copy $from/$s: $!\n"; #print "]] ", scalar(`ls -l $f`), "\n"; } system("chmod u+w @files") and die "can't set perms on files: $!\n"; system("./fix_copyright @files") and die "can't fix copyright: $!\n"; diff_files(); exit 0; sub usage { die <<"EOF"; usage: $0 --update [mysql-source-dir] $0 --huh $0 --restore EOF } sub diff_files { foreach my $f (@files) { if (!-f "$f.orig" or !system("diff -u $f.orig $f")) { print STDERR "SAME: $f\n"; unlink "$f.orig"; } else { print STDERR "DIFF: $f\n"; $f eq 'config-win.h' and print STDERR "/n/nDon't forget to undefine HAVE_COMPRESS in $f/n/n/n"; } } }