| | Preston L. Bannister | | Marcus Boerger | | Derick Rethans | | Sander Roobol | | (based on version by: Stig Bakken ) | | (based on the PHP 3 test framework by Rasmus Lerdorf) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* Require exact specification of PHP executable to test (no guessing!). Die if any internal errors encountered in test script. Regularized output for simpler post-processing of output. Optionally output error lines indicating the failing test source and log for direct jump with MSVC or Emacs. */ /* * TODO: * - do not test PEAR components if base class and/or component class cannot be instanciated */ // change into the PHP source directory. if (getenv('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR')) { @chdir(getenv('TEST_PHP_SRCDIR')); } $cwd = getcwd(); set_time_limit(0); ob_implicit_flush(); error_reporting(E_ALL); if (ini_get('safe_mode')) { echo <<< SAFE_MODE_WARNING +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | ! WARNING ! | | You are running the test-suite with "safe_mode" ENABLED ! | | | | Chances are high that no test will work at all, | | depending on how you configured "safe_mode" ! | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ SAFE_MODE_WARNING; } // Don't ever guess at the PHP executable location. // Require the explicit specification. // Otherwise we could end up testing the wrong file! if (getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE')) { $php = getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'); } else { error("environment variable TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE must be set to specify PHP executable!"); } if (getenv('TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT')) { $log_format = strtoupper(getenv('TEST_PHP_LOG_FORMAT')); } else { $log_format = 'LEOD'; } if (function_exists('is_executable') && !@is_executable($php)) { error("invalid PHP executable specified by TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE = " . $php); } // Check whether a detailed log is wanted. if (getenv('TEST_PHP_DETAILED')) { define('DETAILED', getenv('TEST_PHP_DETAILED')); } else { define('DETAILED', 0); } // Check whether user test dirs are requested. if (getenv('TEST_PHP_USER')) { $user_tests = explode (',', getenv('TEST_PHP_USER')); } else { $user_tests = array(); } // Write test context information. echo " ===================================================================== CWD : $cwd PHP : $php PHP_SAPI : " . PHP_SAPI . " PHP_VERSION : " . PHP_VERSION . " PHP_OS : " . PHP_OS . " INI actual : " . realpath(get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path')) . " More .INIs : " . str_replace("\n","", php_ini_scanned_files()) . " Extra dirs : "; foreach ($user_tests as $test_dir) { echo "{$test_dir}\n "; } echo " ===================================================================== "; // Determine the tests to be run. $test_to_run = array(); $test_files = array(); $test_results = array(); $GLOBALS['__PHP_FAILED_TESTS__'] = array(); // If parameters given assume they represent selected tests to run. if (isset($argc) && $argc > 1) { for ($i=1; $i<$argc; $i++) { $testfile = realpath($argv[$i]); $test_to_run[$testfile] = 1; } // Run selected tests. if (count($test_to_run)) { echo "Running selected tests.\n"; foreach($test_to_run AS $name=>$runnable) { if(!preg_match("/\.phpt$/", $name)) continue; if ($runnable) { $test_results[$name] = run_test($php,$name); } } if(getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') == 1 and ereg('FAILED( |$)', implode(' ', $test_results))) { exit(1); } exit(0); } } // Compile a list of all test files (*.phpt). $test_files = array(); $exts_to_test = get_loaded_extensions(); $exts_tested = count($exts_to_test); $exts_skipped = 0; $ignored_by_ext = 0; sort($exts_to_test); $test_dirs = array('tests', 'pear', 'ext'); foreach ($test_dirs as $dir) { find_files("{$cwd}/{$dir}", ($dir == 'ext')); } foreach ($user_tests as $dir) { find_files("{$dir}", ($dir == 'ext')); } function find_files($dir,$is_ext_dir=FALSE,$ignore=FALSE) { global $test_files, $exts_to_test, $ignored_by_ext, $exts_skipped, $exts_tested; $o = opendir($dir) or error("cannot open directory: $dir"); while (($name = readdir($o)) !== FALSE) { if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$name}") && !in_array($name, array('.', '..', 'CVS'))) { $skip_ext = ($is_ext_dir && !in_array($name, $exts_to_test)); if ($skip_ext) { $exts_skipped++; } find_files("{$dir}/{$name}", FALSE, $ignore || $skip_ext); } // Cleanup any left-over tmp files from last run. if (substr($name, -4) == '.tmp') { @unlink("$dir/$name"); continue; } // Otherwise we're only interested in *.phpt files. if (substr($name, -5) == '.phpt') { if ($ignore) { $ignored_by_ext++; } else { $testfile = realpath("{$dir}/{$name}"); $test_files[] = $testfile; } } } closedir($o); } sort($test_files); $start_time = time(); echo "TIME START " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start_time) . " ===================================================================== "; foreach ($test_files as $name) { $test_results[$name] = run_test($php,$name); } $end_time = time(); // Summarize results if (0 == count($test_results)) { echo "No tests were run.\n"; return; } $n_total = count($test_results); $n_total += $ignored_by_ext; $sum_results = array('PASSED'=>0, 'SKIPPED'=>0, 'FAILED'=>0); foreach ($test_results as $v) { $sum_results[$v]++; } $sum_results['SKIPPED'] += $ignored_by_ext; $percent_results = array(); while (list($v,$n) = each($sum_results)) { $percent_results[$v] = (100.0 * $n) / $n_total; } echo " ===================================================================== TIME END " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end_time) . " ===================================================================== TEST RESULT SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Exts skipped : " . sprintf("%4d",$exts_skipped) . " Exts tested : " . sprintf("%4d",$exts_tested) . " --------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of tests : " . sprintf("%4d",$n_total) . " Tests skipped : " . sprintf("%4d (%2.1f%%)",$sum_results['SKIPPED'],$percent_results['SKIPPED']) . " Tests failed : " . sprintf("%4d (%2.1f%%)",$sum_results['FAILED'],$percent_results['FAILED']) . " Tests passed : " . sprintf("%4d (%2.1f%%)",$sum_results['PASSED'],$percent_results['PASSED']) . " --------------------------------------------------------------------- Time taken : " . sprintf("%4d seconds", $end_time - $start_time) . " ===================================================================== "; $failed_test_summary = ''; if (count($GLOBALS['__PHP_FAILED_TESTS__'])) { $failed_test_summary .= " ===================================================================== FAILED TEST SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- "; foreach ($GLOBALS['__PHP_FAILED_TESTS__'] as $failed_test_data) { $failed_test_summary .= $failed_test_data['test_name'] . "\n"; } $failed_test_summary .= "===================================================================== "; } if ($failed_test_summary && !getenv('NO_PHPTEST_SUMMARY')) { echo $failed_test_summary; } define('PHP_QA_EMAIL', 'php-qa@lists.php.net'); define('QA_SUBMISSION_PAGE', 'http://qa.php.net/buildtest-process.php'); /* We got failed Tests, offer the user to send and e-mail to QA team, unless NO_INTERACTION is set */ if ($sum_results['FAILED'] && !getenv('NO_INTERACTION')) { $fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r+"); echo "Some tests have failed, would you like to send the\nreport to PHP's QA team? [Yn]: "; $user_input = fgets($fp, 10); if (strlen(trim($user_input)) == 0 || strtolower($user_input[0]) == 'y') { /* * Collect information about the host system for our report * Fetch phpinfo() output so that we can see the PHP enviroment * Make an archive of all the failed tests * Send an email */ $failed_tests_data = ''; $sep = "\n" . str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n"; $failed_tests_data .= "OS:\n". PHP_OS. "\n"; $automake = $autoconf = $libtool = $compiler = 'N/A'; if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN") { $automake = shell_exec('automake --version'); $autoconf = shell_exec('autoconf --version'); $libtool = shell_exec('libtool --version'); $compiler = shell_exec(getenv('CC').' -v 2>&1'); } $failed_tests_data .= "Automake:\n$automake\n"; $failed_tests_data .= "Autoconf:\n$autoconf\n"; $failed_tests_data .= "Libtool:\n$libtool\n"; $failed_tests_data .= "Compiler:\n$compiler\n"; $failed_tests_data .= "Bison:\n". @shell_exec('bison --version'). "\n"; $failed_tests_data .= "\n\n"; $failed_tests_data .= $failed_test_summary . "\n"; foreach ($GLOBALS['__PHP_FAILED_TESTS__'] as $test_info) { $failed_tests_data .= $sep . $test_info['name']; $failed_tests_data .= $sep . file_get_contents(realpath($test_info['output'])); $failed_tests_data .= $sep . file_get_contents(realpath($test_info['diff'])); $failed_tests_data .= $sep . "\n\n"; } $failed_tests_data .= $sep . "PHPINFO" . $sep; $failed_tests_data .= shell_exec($php.' -dhtml_errors=0 -i'); $compression = 0; if (!mail_qa_team($failed_tests_data, $compression)) { $output_file = 'php_test_results_' . date('Ymd') . ( $compression ? '.txt.gz' : '.txt' ); $fp = fopen($output_file, "w"); fwrite($fp, $failed_tests_data); fclose($fp); echo "\nThe test script was unable to automatically send the report to PHP's QA Team\nPlease send ".$output_file." to ".PHP_QA_EMAIL." manually, thank you.\n"; } else { fwrite($fp, "\nThank you for helping to make PHP better.\n"); fclose($fp); } } } if(getenv('REPORT_EXIT_STATUS') == 1 and $sum_results['FAILED']) { exit(1); } // // Send Email to QA Team // function mail_qa_team($data, $compression) { $url_bits = parse_url(QA_SUBMISSION_PAGE); if (empty($url_bits['port'])) $url_bits['port'] = 80; $data = "php_test_data=" . urlencode(base64_encode(preg_replace("/[\\x00]/", "[0x0]", $data))); $data_length = strlen($data); $fs = fsockopen($url_bits['host'], $url_bits['port'], $errno, $errstr, 10); if (!$fs) { return FALSE; } echo "Posting to {$url_bits['host']} {$url_bits['path']}\n"; fwrite($fs, "POST ".$url_bits['path']." HTTP/1.1\r\n"); fwrite($fs, "Host: ".$url_bits['host']."\r\n"); fwrite($fs, "User-Agent: QA Browser 0.1\r\n"); fwrite($fs, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); fwrite($fs, "Content-Length: ".$data_length."\r\n\r\n"); fwrite($fs, $data); fwrite($fs, "\r\n\r\n"); fclose($fs); return 1; } // // Write the given text to a temporary file, and return the filename. // function save_text($filename,$text) { $fp = @fopen($filename,'w') or error("Cannot open file '" . $filename . "' (save_text)"); fwrite($fp,$text); fclose($fp); if (1 < DETAILED) echo " FILE $filename {{{ $text }}} "; } // // Write an error in a format recognizable to Emacs or MSVC. // function error_report($testname,$logname,$tested) { $testname = realpath($testname); $logname = realpath($logname); switch (strtoupper(getenv('TEST_PHP_ERROR_STYLE'))) { case 'MSVC': echo $testname . "(1) : $tested\n"; echo $logname . "(1) : $tested\n"; break; case 'EMACS': echo $testname . ":1: $tested\n"; echo $logname . ":1: $tested\n"; break; } } // // Run an individual test case. // function run_test($php,$file) { global $log_format; if (DETAILED) echo " ================= TEST $file "; // Load the sections of the test file. $section_text = array( 'TEST' => '(unnamed test)', 'SKIPIF' => '', 'GET' => '', 'ARGS' => '', ); $fp = @fopen($file, "r") or error("Cannot open test file: $file"); $section = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp); // Match the beginning of a section. if (ereg('^--([A-Z]+)--',$line,$r)) { $section = $r[1]; $section_text[$section] = ''; continue; } // Add to the section text. $section_text[$section] .= $line; } fclose($fp); $shortname = str_replace($GLOBALS['cwd'].'/', '', $file); $tested = trim($section_text['TEST'])." [$shortname]"; $tmp = realpath(dirname($file)); $tmp_skipif = $tmp . uniqid('/phpt.'); $tmp_file = ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.php',$file); $tmp_post = $tmp . uniqid('/phpt.'); @unlink($tmp_skipif); @unlink($tmp_file); @unlink($tmp_post); // unlink old test results @unlink(ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.diff',$file)); @unlink(ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.log',$file)); @unlink(ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.exp',$file)); @unlink(ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.out',$file)); // Reset environment from any previous test. putenv("REDIRECT_STATUS="); putenv("QUERY_STRING="); putenv("PATH_TRANSLATED="); putenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME="); putenv("REQUEST_METHOD="); putenv("CONTENT_TYPE="); putenv("CONTENT_LENGTH="); // Check if test should be skipped. if (array_key_exists('SKIPIF', $section_text)) { if (trim($section_text['SKIPIF'])) { save_text($tmp_skipif, $section_text['SKIPIF']); $output = `$php $tmp_skipif`; @unlink($tmp_skipif); if (ereg("^skip", trim($output))){ echo "SKIP $tested"; $reason = (ereg("^skip[[:space:]]*(.+)\$", trim($output))) ? ereg_replace("^skip[[:space:]]*(.+)\$", "\\1", trim($output)) : FALSE; if ($reason) { echo " (reason: $reason)\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } return 'SKIPPED'; } } } // Default ini settings $settings = array ( "open_basedir=", "disable_functions=", "error_reporting=2047", "display_errors=0", "log_errors=0", "html_errors=0", "track_errors=1", "report_memleaks=1", "docref_root=/phpmanual/", "docref_ext=.html", "error_prepend_string=", "error_append_string=", "auto_append_file=", "auto_prepend_file=", ); $ini_settings = array(); foreach($settings as $setting) { if (strpos($setting, '=')!==false) { $setting = explode("=", $setting); $name = trim(strtolower($setting[0])); $value = trim($setting[1]); $ini_settings[$name] = $value; } } // Any special ini settings // these may overwrite the test defaults... if (array_key_exists('INI', $section_text)) { foreach(preg_split( "/[\n\r]+/", $section_text['INI']) as $setting) { if (strpos($setting, '=')!==false) { $setting = explode("=", $setting,2); $name = trim(strtolower($setting[0])); $value = trim($setting[1]); $ini_settings[$name] = addslashes($value); } } } if (count($ini_settings)) { $settings = ''; foreach($ini_settings as $name => $value) { $settings .= " -d \"$name=$value\""; } $ini_settings = $settings; } else { $ini_settings = ''; } // We've satisfied the preconditions - run the test! save_text($tmp_file,$section_text['FILE']); if (array_key_exists('GET', $section_text)) { $query_string = trim($section_text['GET']); } else { $query_string = ''; } putenv("REDIRECT_STATUS=1"); putenv("QUERY_STRING=$query_string"); putenv("PATH_TRANSLATED=$tmp_file"); putenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME=$tmp_file"); $args = $section_text['ARGS'] ? ' -- '.$section_text['ARGS'] : ''; if (array_key_exists('POST', $section_text) && !empty($section_text['POST'])) { $post = trim($section_text['POST']); save_text($tmp_post,$post); $content_length = strlen($post); putenv("REQUEST_METHOD=POST"); putenv("CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); putenv("CONTENT_LENGTH=$content_length"); $cmd = "$php$ini_settings -f $tmp_file 2>&1 < $tmp_post"; } else { putenv("REQUEST_METHOD=GET"); putenv("CONTENT_TYPE="); putenv("CONTENT_LENGTH="); $cmd = "$php$ini_settings -f $tmp_file$args 2>&1"; } if (DETAILED) echo " CONTENT_LENGTH = " . getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH") . " CONTENT_TYPE = " . getenv("CONTENT_TYPE") . " PATH_TRANSLATED = " . getenv("PATH_TRANSLATED") . " QUERY_STRING = " . getenv("QUERY_STRING") . " REDIRECT_STATUS = " . getenv("REDIRECT_STATUS") . " REQUEST_METHOD = " . getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") . " SCRIPT_FILENAME = " . getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME") . " COMMAND $cmd "; $out = `$cmd`; @unlink($tmp_post); // Does the output match what is expected? $output = trim($out); $output = preg_replace('/\r\n/',"\n",$output); if (isset($section_text['EXPECTF']) || isset($section_text['EXPECTREGEX'])) { if (isset($section_text['EXPECTF'])) { $wanted = trim($section_text['EXPECTF']); } else { $wanted = trim($section_text['EXPECTREGEX']); } $wanted_re = preg_replace('/\r\n/',"\n",$wanted); if (isset($section_text['EXPECTF'])) { $wanted_re = preg_quote($wanted_re, '/'); // Stick to basics $wanted_re = str_replace("%s", ".+?", $wanted_re); //not greedy $wanted_re = str_replace("%i", "[+\-]?[0-9]+", $wanted_re); $wanted_re = str_replace("%d", "[0-9]+", $wanted_re); $wanted_re = str_replace("%x", "[0-9a-fA-F]+", $wanted_re); $wanted_re = str_replace("%f", "[+\-]?\.?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*", $wanted_re); $wanted_re = str_replace("%c", ".", $wanted_re); // %f allows two points "-.0.0" but that is the best *simple* expression } /* DEBUG YOUR REGEX HERE var_dump($wanted); print(str_repeat('=', 80) . "\n"); var_dump($output); */ if (preg_match("/^$wanted_re\$/s", $output)) { @unlink($tmp_file); echo "PASS $tested\n"; return 'PASSED'; } } else { $wanted = trim($section_text['EXPECT']); $wanted = preg_replace('/\r\n/',"\n",$wanted); // compare and leave on success $ok = (0 == strcmp($output,$wanted)); if ($ok) { @unlink($tmp_file); echo "PASS $tested\n"; return 'PASSED'; } } // Test failed so we need to report details. echo "FAIL $tested\n"; $GLOBALS['__PHP_FAILED_TESTS__'][] = array( 'name' => $file, 'test_name' => $tested, 'output' => ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.log', $file), 'diff' => ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.diff', $file) ); // write .exp if (strpos($log_format,'E') !== FALSE) { $logname = ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.exp',$file); $log = fopen($logname,'w') or error("Cannot create test log - $logname"); fwrite($log,$wanted); fclose($log); } // write .out if (strpos($log_format,'O') !== FALSE) { $logname = ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.out',$file); $log = fopen($logname,'w') or error("Cannot create test log - $logname"); fwrite($log,$output); fclose($log); } // write .diff if (strpos($log_format,'D') !== FALSE) { $logname = ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.diff',$file); $log = fopen($logname,'w') or error("Cannot create test log - $logname"); fwrite($log,generate_diff($wanted,$output)); fclose($log); } // write .log if (strpos($log_format,'L') !== FALSE) { $logname = ereg_replace('\.phpt$','.log',$file); $log = fopen($logname,'w') or error("Cannot create test log - $logname"); fwrite($log," ---- EXPECTED OUTPUT $wanted ---- ACTUAL OUTPUT $output ---- FAILED "); fclose($log); error_report($file,$logname,$tested); } return 'FAILED'; } function generate_diff($wanted,$output) { $w = explode("\n", $wanted); $o = explode("\n", $output); $w1 = array_diff($w,$o); $o1 = array_diff($o,$w); $w2 = array(); $o2 = array(); foreach($w1 as $idx => $val) $w2[sprintf("%03d<",$idx)] = sprintf("%03d- ", $idx+1).$val; foreach($o1 as $idx => $val) $o2[sprintf("%03d>",$idx)] = sprintf("%03d+ ", $idx+1).$val; $diff = array_merge($w2, $o2); ksort($diff); return implode("\r\n", $diff); } function error($message) { echo "ERROR: {$message}\n"; exit(1); } /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: fdm=marker * vim: noet sw=4 ts=4 */ ?>