--TEST-- PDO Common: PDOStatement::execute with parameters --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- exec('CREATE TABLE test(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, val VARCHAR(10), val2 VARCHAR(16))'); $select = $db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM test'); $data = array( array('10', 'Abc', 'zxy'), array('20', 'Def', 'wvu'), array('30', 'Ghi', 'tsr'), array('40', 'Jkl', 'qpo'), array('50', 'Mno', 'nml'), array('60', 'Pqr', 'kji'), ); // Insert using question mark placeholders $stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?, ?)"); foreach ($data as $row) { $stmt->execute($row); } $select->execute(); $num = $select->fetchColumn(); echo 'There are ' . $num . " rows in the table.\n"; unset($stmt); // Insert using named parameters $stmt2 = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO test VALUES(:first, :second, :third)"); foreach ($data as $row) { $stmt2->execute(array(':first'=>($row[0] + 5), ':second'=>$row[1], ':third'=>$row[2])); } $select->execute(); $num = $select->fetchColumn(); echo 'There are ' . $num . " rows in the table.\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- There are 6 rows in the table. There are 12 rows in the table.