--TEST-- normalize() --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- * * This is the title * * Calculate the number of title text nodes (1). * Add another text node to title. Calculate the number of title text nodes (2). * Normalize author. Calculate the number of title text nodes (2). * Normalize title. Calculate the number of title text nodes (1). */ $doc = new DOMDocument(); $root = $doc->createElement('book'); $doc->appendChild($root); $title = $doc->createElement('title'); $root->appendChild($title); $author = $doc->createElement('author'); $root->appendChild($author); $text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the first title'); $title->appendChild($text); echo "Number of child nodes of title = "; var_dump($title->childNodes->length); // add a second text node to title $text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the second title'); $title->appendChild($text); echo "Number of child nodes of title after adding second title = "; var_dump($title->childNodes->length); // should do nothing $author->normalize(); echo "Number of child nodes of title after normalizing author = "; var_dump($title->childNodes->length); // should concatenate first and second title text nodes $title->normalize(); echo "Number of child nodes of title after normalizing title = "; var_dump($title->childNodes->length); ?> --EXPECTF-- Number of child nodes of title = int(1) Number of child nodes of title after adding second title = int(2) Number of child nodes of title after normalizing author = int(2) Number of child nodes of title after normalizing title = int(1)