--TEST-- Test fgets() function : usage variations - read with/without length --FILE-- --EXPECT-- *** Testing fgets() : usage variations *** -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode w+ -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode w+b -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode w+t -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode a+ -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode a+b -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode a+t -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode x+ -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode x+b -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) string(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode x+t -- -- File content type : numeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222" int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "2222222222222222222222" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "text text text text text text text text text text " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "text text text text te" int(22) bool(false) -- File content type : text_with_new_line -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(5) "line " int(5) bool(false) -- File content type : alphanumeric -- -- fgets() with default length, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(50) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 " int(50) bool(true) -- fgets() with length = 23, Expected: 22 chars, file pointer at 0 -- int(0) unicode(22) "ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab" int(22) bool(false) Done