--TEST-- Test realpath() function: usage variation --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- filename = $file; } } $obj1 = new object_temp("$name_prefix/realpath_variation/../././realpath_variation/home/tests/realpath_variation.tmp"); $obj2 = new object_temp("$name_prefix/realpath_variation/home/..///realpath_variation.tmp"); var_dump( realpath($obj1->filename) ); var_dump( realpath($obj2->filename) ); echo "\n*** Testing realpath() with filename stored in an array ***\n"; $file_arr = array ( "$name_prefix////realpath_variation/home/tests/realpath_variation.tmp", "$name_prefix/./realpath_variation/home/../home//tests//..//..//..//home//realpath_variation.tmp/" ); var_dump( realpath($file_arr[0]) ); var_dump( realpath($file_arr[1]) ); echo "\n*** Testing realpath() with filename as empty string, NULL and single space ***\n"; $file_string = array ( /* filename as spaces */ " ", ' ', /* empty filename */ "", '', NULL, null ); for($loop_counter = 0; $loop_counter < count($file_string); $loop_counter++) { echo "-- Iteration"; echo $loop_counter + 1; echo " --\n"; var_dump( realpath($file_string[$loop_counter]) ); } echo "Done\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing realpath(): usage variations *** *** Testing realpath() with filename stored inside a object *** unicode(%d) "%s\realpath_variation\home\tests\realpath_variation.tmp" bool(false) *** Testing realpath() with filename stored in an array *** unicode(%d) "%s\realpath_variation\home\tests\realpath_variation.tmp" bool(false) *** Testing realpath() with filename as empty string, NULL and single space *** -- Iteration1 -- bool(false) -- Iteration2 -- bool(false) -- Iteration3 -- unicode(%d) "%s" -- Iteration4 -- unicode(%d) "%s" -- Iteration5 -- unicode(%d) "%s" -- Iteration6 -- unicode(%d) "%s" Done