Technical Notes about PCRE -------------------------- Historical note 1 ----------------- Many years ago I implemented some regular expression functions to an algorithm suggested by Martin Richards. These were not Unix-like in form, and were quite restricted in what they could do by comparison with Perl. The interesting part about the algorithm was that the amount of space required to hold the compiled form of an expression was known in advance. The code to apply an expression did not operate by backtracking, as the original Henry Spencer code and current Perl code does, but instead checked all possibilities simultaneously by keeping a list of current states and checking all of them as it advanced through the subject string. In the terminology of Jeffrey Friedl's book, it was a "DFA algorithm". When the pattern was all used up, all remaining states were possible matches, and the one matching the longest subset of the subject string was chosen. This did not necessarily maximize the individual wild portions of the pattern, as is expected in Unix and Perl-style regular expressions. Historical note 2 ----------------- By contrast, the code originally written by Henry Spencer and subsequently heavily modified for Perl actually compiles the expression twice: once in a dummy mode in order to find out how much store will be needed, and then for real. The execution function operates by backtracking and maximizing (or, optionally, minimizing in Perl) the amount of the subject that matches individual wild portions of the pattern. This is an "NFA algorithm" in Friedl's terminology. OK, here's the real stuff ------------------------- For the set of functions that form the "basic" PCRE library (which are unrelated to those mentioned above), I tried at first to invent an algorithm that used an amount of store bounded by a multiple of the number of characters in the pattern, to save on compiling time. However, because of the greater complexity in Perl regular expressions, I couldn't do this. In any case, a first pass through the pattern is needed, for a number of reasons. PCRE works by running a very degenerate first pass to calculate a maximum store size, and then a second pass to do the real compile - which may use a bit less than the predicted amount of store. The idea is that this is going to turn out faster because the first pass is degenerate and the second pass can just store stuff straight into the vector, which it knows is big enough. It does make the compiling functions bigger, of course, but they have got quite big anyway to handle all the Perl stuff. Traditional matching function ----------------------------- The "traditional", and original, matching function is called pcre_exec(), and it implements an NFA algorithm, similar to the original Henry Spencer algorithm and the way that Perl works. Not surprising, since it is intended to be as compatible with Perl as possible. This is the function most users of PCRE will use most of the time. Supplementary matching function ------------------------------- From PCRE 6.0, there is also a supplementary matching function called pcre_dfa_exec(). This implements a DFA matching algorithm that searches simultaneously for all possible matches that start at one point in the subject string. (Going back to my roots: see Historical Note 1 above.) This function intreprets the same compiled pattern data as pcre_exec(); however, not all the facilities are available, and those that are don't always work in quite the same way. See the user documentation for details. Format of compiled patterns --------------------------- The compiled form of a pattern is a vector of bytes, containing items of variable length. The first byte in an item is an opcode, and the length of the item is either implicit in the opcode or contained in the data bytes that follow it. In many cases below "two-byte" data values are specified. This is in fact just a default. PCRE can be compiled to use 3-byte or 4-byte values (impairing the performance). This is necessary only when patterns whose compiled length is greater than 64K are going to be processed. In this description, we assume the "normal" compilation options. A list of all the opcodes follows: Opcodes with no following data ------------------------------ These items are all just one byte long OP_END end of pattern OP_ANY match any character OP_ANYBYTE match any single byte, even in UTF-8 mode OP_SOD match start of data: \A OP_SOM, start of match (subject + offset): \G OP_CIRC ^ (start of data, or after \n in multiline) OP_NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY \W OP_WORD_BOUNDARY \w OP_NOT_DIGIT \D OP_DIGIT \d OP_NOT_WHITESPACE \S OP_WHITESPACE \s OP_NOT_WORDCHAR \W OP_WORDCHAR \w OP_EODN match end of data or \n at end: \Z OP_EOD match end of data: \z OP_DOLL $ (end of data, or before \n in multiline) OP_EXTUNI match an extended Unicode character Repeating single characters --------------------------- The common repeats (*, +, ?) when applied to a single character use the following opcodes: OP_STAR OP_MINSTAR OP_PLUS OP_MINPLUS OP_QUERY OP_MINQUERY In ASCII mode, these are two-byte items; in UTF-8 mode, the length is variable. Those with "MIN" in their name are the minimizing versions. Each is followed by the character that is to be repeated. Other repeats make use of OP_UPTO OP_MINUPTO OP_EXACT which are followed by a two-byte count (most significant first) and the repeated character. OP_UPTO matches from 0 to the given number. A repeat with a non-zero minimum and a fixed maximum is coded as an OP_EXACT followed by an OP_UPTO (or OP_MINUPTO). Repeating character types ------------------------- Repeats of things like \d are done exactly as for single characters, except that instead of a character, the opcode for the type is stored in the data byte. The opcodes are: OP_TYPESTAR OP_TYPEMINSTAR OP_TYPEPLUS OP_TYPEMINPLUS OP_TYPEQUERY OP_TYPEMINQUERY OP_TYPEUPTO OP_TYPEMINUPTO OP_TYPEEXACT Match by Unicode property ------------------------- OP_PROP and OP_NOTPROP are used for positive and negative matches of a character by testing its Unicode property (the \p and \P escape sequences). Each is followed by a single byte that encodes the desired property value. Repeats of these items use the OP_TYPESTAR etc. set of opcodes, followed by two bytes: OP_PROP or OP_NOTPROP and then the desired property value. Matching literal characters --------------------------- The OP_CHAR opcode is followed by a single character that is to be matched casefully. For caseless matching, OP_CHARNC is used. In UTF-8 mode, the character may be more than one byte long. (Earlier versions of PCRE used multi-character strings, but this was changed to allow some new features to be added.) Character classes ----------------- If there is only one character, OP_CHAR or OP_CHARNC is used for a positive class, and OP_NOT for a negative one (that is, for something like [^a]). However, in UTF-8 mode, the use of OP_NOT applies only to characters with values < 128, because OP_NOT is confined to single bytes. Another set of repeating opcodes (OP_NOTSTAR etc.) are used for a repeated, negated, single-character class. The normal ones (OP_STAR etc.) are used for a repeated positive single-character class. When there's more than one character in a class and all the characters are less than 256, OP_CLASS is used for a positive class, and OP_NCLASS for a negative one. In either case, the opcode is followed by a 32-byte bit map containing a 1 bit for every character that is acceptable. The bits are counted from the least significant end of each byte. The reason for having both OP_CLASS and OP_NCLASS is so that, in UTF-8 mode, subject characters with values greater than 256 can be handled correctly. For OP_CLASS they don't match, whereas for OP_NCLASS they do. For classes containing characters with values > 255, OP_XCLASS is used. It optionally uses a bit map (if any characters lie within it), followed by a list of pairs and single characters. There is a flag character than indicates whether it's a positive or a negative class. Back references --------------- OP_REF is followed by two bytes containing the reference number. Repeating character classes and back references ----------------------------------------------- Single-character classes are handled specially (see above). This applies to OP_CLASS and OP_REF. In both cases, the repeat information follows the base item. The matching code looks at the following opcode to see if it is one of OP_CRSTAR OP_CRMINSTAR OP_CRPLUS OP_CRMINPLUS OP_CRQUERY OP_CRMINQUERY OP_CRRANGE OP_CRMINRANGE All but the last two are just single-byte items. The others are followed by four bytes of data, comprising the minimum and maximum repeat counts. Brackets and alternation ------------------------ A pair of non-capturing (round) brackets is wrapped round each expression at compile time, so alternation always happens in the context of brackets. Non-capturing brackets use the opcode OP_BRA, while capturing brackets use OP_BRA+1, OP_BRA+2, etc. [Note for North Americans: "bracket" to some English speakers, including myself, can be round, square, curly, or pointy. Hence this usage.] Originally PCRE was limited to 99 capturing brackets (so as not to use up all the opcodes). From release 3.5, there is no limit. What happens is that the first ones, up to EXTRACT_BASIC_MAX are handled with separate opcodes, as above. If there are more, the opcode is set to EXTRACT_BASIC_MAX+1, and the first operation in the bracket is OP_BRANUMBER, followed by a 2-byte bracket number. This opcode is ignored while matching, but is fished out when handling the bracket itself. (They could have all been done like this, but I was making minimal changes.) A bracket opcode is followed by LINK_SIZE bytes which give the offset to the next alternative OP_ALT or, if there aren't any branches, to the matching OP_KET opcode. Each OP_ALT is followed by LINK_SIZE bytes giving the offset to the next one, or to the OP_KET opcode. OP_KET is used for subpatterns that do not repeat indefinitely, while OP_KETRMIN and OP_KETRMAX are used for indefinite repetitions, minimally or maximally respectively. All three are followed by LINK_SIZE bytes giving (as a positive number) the offset back to the matching OP_BRA opcode. If a subpattern is quantified such that it is permitted to match zero times, it is preceded by one of OP_BRAZERO or OP_BRAMINZERO. These are single-byte opcodes which tell the matcher that skipping this subpattern entirely is a valid branch. A subpattern with an indefinite maximum repetition is replicated in the compiled data its minimum number of times (or once with OP_BRAZERO if the minimum is zero), with the final copy terminating with OP_KETRMIN or OP_KETRMAX as appropriate. A subpattern with a bounded maximum repetition is replicated in a nested fashion up to the maximum number of times, with OP_BRAZERO or OP_BRAMINZERO before each replication after the minimum, so that, for example, (abc){2,5} is compiled as (abc)(abc)((abc)((abc)(abc)?)?)?. Assertions ---------- Forward assertions are just like other subpatterns, but starting with one of the opcodes OP_ASSERT or OP_ASSERT_NOT. Backward assertions use the opcodes OP_ASSERTBACK and OP_ASSERTBACK_NOT, and the first opcode inside the assertion is OP_REVERSE, followed by a two byte count of the number of characters to move back the pointer in the subject string. When operating in UTF-8 mode, the count is a character count rather than a byte count. A separate count is present in each alternative of a lookbehind assertion, allowing them to have different fixed lengths. Once-only subpatterns --------------------- These are also just like other subpatterns, but they start with the opcode OP_ONCE. Conditional subpatterns ----------------------- These are like other subpatterns, but they start with the opcode OP_COND. If the condition is a back reference, this is stored at the start of the subpattern using the opcode OP_CREF followed by two bytes containing the reference number. If the condition is "in recursion" (coded as "(?(R)"), the same scheme is used, with a "reference number" of 0xffff. Otherwise, a conditional subpattern always starts with one of the assertions. Recursion --------- Recursion either matches the current regex, or some subexpression. The opcode OP_RECURSE is followed by an value which is the offset to the starting bracket from the start of the whole pattern. Callout ------- OP_CALLOUT is followed by one byte of data that holds a callout number in the range 0 to 254 for manual callouts, or 255 for an automatic callout. In both cases there follows a two-byte value giving the offset in the pattern to the start of the following item, and another two-byte item giving the length of the next item. Changing options ---------------- If any of the /i, /m, or /s options are changed within a pattern, an OP_OPT opcode is compiled, followed by one byte containing the new settings of these flags. If there are several alternatives, there is an occurrence of OP_OPT at the start of all those following the first options change, to set appropriate options for the start of the alternative. Immediately after the end of the group there is another such item to reset the flags to their previous values. A change of flag right at the very start of the pattern can be handled entirely at compile time, and so does not cause anything to be put into the compiled data. Philip Hazel March 2005