This is an extension that aims to implement some efficient data access interfaces and classes. You'll find the classes documented using php code in the file spl.php. There are special SPL interfaces that provides the ability to hook into foreach and array reading/writng. By inheriting these interfaces, instances of the resulting classes can be iterated using the foreach construct or use array read write notation. Look into the examples subdirectory for some basic examples which will demonstracte this. Also some classes of extensions like SQLite inherit SPL interfaces so that they take advantage of the foreach or array overloading. 1) Iterators Iterator is design pattern that allows to enumerate and list all elements of a collection whatsoever using an oo protocol. The minimalistic Iterator needs a method that returns the current value, a method that moves to the next value and a method that checks whether or not the Iterator can provide more elements. In SPL this basich Iterator is defined by the interface spl_forward: interface spl_forward { function current(); function next(); function has_more(); } This basic Iterator does not allow to rewind itself nor does it in anyway support to name the values by some kind association as key/value mappings provided by the standard PHP arrays. All these additions to the basic Iterator are done in specialized interfaces as described in detail in the file spl.php. SPL allows to hook into the engine opcodes that realize the foreach construct. This construct normally works on arrays the following way. First it rewinds the current array position to the beginning. Then it loops through the whole array by first checking whether or not the end of the array is reached and if not returning the current array value and or key. After that it move the current array pointer forward and does starts the loop process again. As you can see this perfectly maps to the interface spl_forward. So the foreach hooking simply checks whether or not the variable passed to foreach is an object of a class implementing the interface spl_forward. The foreach hook can be activated by --enable-spl-foreach which is on by default. class it implements spl_forward... $obj = new it(); foreach($obj as $value) ... 2) Arrays Arrays in general, not specifically PHP arrays, provide a collection of pairs normally referred to as key and value. A PHP object consists of properties and a class type specifing the methods available for the object. SPL now allows this to be combined using the spl_array_ interfaces. The minimalistic array interface is spl_array_read which only support reading: interface spl_array_read { function exists($key); function get($key); } Any instance of a class that implements spl_array_read can be used with array read notation when the corresponding hook is activated --enable-spl-array-read. class ar implements spl_array_read... $obj = new ar(); $value = $obj[$key]; SPL also supports the write notation by the interface spl_array_access: interface spl_array_access extends spl_array_read { function set($value, $index); } When the array write hook is activated by --enable-spl-array-write the following can be done: class ar implements spl_array_access... $obj = new ar(); $value = $obj[$key]; $obj[$key] = $value; However this hook should only be activated when it is made use of, since it slows down noticeable. That is the case because first there is some not used overhead and second the overhead is in one the most often used opcodes.