--TEST-- Basic test for setting Oracle 11gR2 "edition" attribute --SKIPIF-- (11\.2|12)/', $phpinfo); if ($iv != 1) { die ("skip tests a feature that works only with Oracle 11gR2 or greater version of client"); } } else { die ("skip tests a feature that works only with Oracle 11gR2 or greater version of server"); } ?> --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- The value of edition has been successfully set The value of current EDITION is MYEDITION array(3) { [0]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "mike" [1]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "30" [2]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "Senior engineer" } array(3) { [0]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "juan" [1]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "25" [2]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "engineer" } The value of edition has been successfully set The value of current EDITION is MYEDITION1 array(4) { [0]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "mike" [1]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "30" [2]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "Senior engineer" [3]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "200" } array(4) { [0]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "juan" [1]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "25" [2]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "engineer" [3]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "100" } version of view_ed in MYEDITION The value of current EDITION is MYEDITION array(3) { [0]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "mike" [1]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "30" [2]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "Senior engineer" } array(3) { [0]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "juan" [1]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "25" [2]=> %unicode|string%(%d) "engineer" } Done