| // | | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php'; require_once 'PEAR/Remote.php'; class PEAR_Command_Remote extends PEAR_Command_Common { // {{{ constructor /** * PEAR_Command_Remote constructor. * * @access public */ function PEAR_Command_Remote(&$ui, &$config) { parent::PEAR_Command_Common($ui, $config); } // }}} // {{{ getCommands() /** * Return a list of all the commands defined by this class. * @return array list of commands * @access public */ function getCommands() { return array('remote-package-info', 'list-upgrades', 'list-remote-packages', 'download'); } // }}} // {{{ run() /** * Execute the command. * * @param string command name * * @param array option_name => value * * @param array list of additional parameters * * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE for unknown commands, or * a PEAR error on failure * * @access public */ function run($command, $options, $params) { $failmsg = ''; $remote = &new PEAR_Remote($this->config); switch ($command) { case 'remote-package-info': { break; } case 'list-remote-packages': { break; } case 'download': { //$params[0] -> The package to download if (count($params) != 1) { return PEAR::raiseError("download expects one argument: the package to download"); } if (!ereg('^http://', $params[0])) { $pkgfile = "http://" . $this->config->get('master_server') . "/get/" . $params[0]; } else { $pkgfile = $params[0]; } if (!extension_loaded("zlib")) { $pkgfile .= '?uncompress=yes'; } include_once 'HTTP.php'; $headers = HTTP::head($pkgfile); if (PEAR::isError($headers)|| !isset($headers['Content-disposition'])) { return $this->raiseError("Could not retrieve remote file information"); } preg_match('|filename="(.*)"$|', $headers['Content-disposition'], $matches); $fname = $matches[1]; if (!$wp = @fopen($pkgfile, 'wb')) { $failmsg = "Could not download $pkgfile"; break; } if (!$fp = @fopen($fname, 'wb')) { $failmsg = "Could not write the file here"; break; } $bytes = 0; $this->ui->displayLine("Downloading $pkgfile:"); while ($data = @fread($wp, 16384)) { $bytes += strlen($data); if (!@fwrite($fp, $data)) { return $this->raiseError("$pkgfile: write failed ($php_errormsg)"); } $this->ui->display('...'); } $this->ui->display(" done!\n"); fclose($fp); fclose($wp); $this->ui->displayLine("File $fname downloaded ($bytes bytes)"); break; } case 'list-upgrades': { include_once "PEAR/Registry.php"; if (empty($params[0])) { $state = $this->config->get('preferred_state'); } else { $state = $params[0]; } $caption = 'Available Upgrades'; if (empty($state) || $state == 'any') { $latest = $remote->call("package.listLatestReleases"); } else { $latest = $remote->call("package.listLatestReleases", $state); $caption .= ' (' . $state . ')'; } $caption .= ':'; if (PEAR::isError($latest)) { return $latest; } $reg = new PEAR_Registry($this->config->get('php_dir')); $inst = array_flip($reg->listPackages()); $this->ui->startTable(array('caption' => $caption, 'border' => 1)); $this->ui->tableRow(array('Package', 'Version', 'Size'), array('bold' => true)); foreach ($latest as $package => $info) { if (!isset($inst[$package])) { // skip packages we don't have installed continue; } extract($info); $inst_version = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version'); if (version_compare($version, $inst_version, "le")) { // installed version is up-to-date continue; } if ($filesize >= 20480) { $filesize += 1024 - ($filesize % 1024); $fs = sprintf("%dkB", $filesize / 1024); } elseif ($filesize > 0) { $filesize += 103 - ($filesize % 103); $fs = sprintf("%.1fkB", $filesize / 1024.0); } else { $fs = " -"; // XXX center instead } $this->ui->tableRow(array($package, $version, $fs)); } $this->ui->endTable(); break; } default: { return false; } } if ($failmsg) { return $this->raiseError($failmsg); } return true; } // }}} } ?>