dnl dnl $Id$ dnl RESULT=no AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Caudium support) AC_ARG_WITH(caudium, [ --with-caudium[=DIR] Build PHP as a Pike module for use with Caudium. DIR is the Caudium server dir [/usr/local/caudium/server]], [ if test "$prefix" = "NONE"; then CPREF=/usr/local/; fi if test ! -d $withval ; then if test "$prefix" = "NONE"; then withval=/usr/local/caudium/server/ else withval=$prefix/caudium/server/ fi fi if test -f $withval/bin/caudium; then PIKE=$withval/bin/caudium elif test -f $withval/bin/pike; then PIKE=$withval/bin/pike else AC_MSG_ERROR(Couldn't find a pike in $withval/bin/) fi if $PIKE -e 'float v; int rel;sscanf(version(), "Pike v%f release %d", v, rel);v += rel/10000.0; if(v < 7.0268) exit(1); exit(0);'; then PIKE_MODULE_DIR=`$PIKE --show-paths 2>&1| grep '^Module' | sed -e 's/.*: //'` PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR=`echo $PIKE_MODULE_DIR | sed -e 's,lib/pike/modules,include/pike,' -e 's,lib/modules,include/pike,' ` if test -z "$PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR" || test -z "$PIKE_MODULE_DIR"; then AC_MSG_ERROR(Failed to figure out Pike module and include directories) fi AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) PIKE=`echo $PIKE | pike -e 'int tries=100; string orig,pike=Stdio.File("stdin")->read()-"\n"; orig=pike; if(search(orig, "/")) orig = combine_path(getcwd(), orig); while(!catch(pike=readlink(pike)) && tries--) ; write(combine_path(dirname(orig), pike)); '` PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR) if test "$prefix" != "NONE"; then PIKE_C_INCLUDE=$prefix/include/`basename $PIKE` else PIKE_C_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/`basename $PIKE` fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(for C includes in $PIKE_C_INCLUDE) if test -f $PIKE_C_INCLUDE/version.h; then PIKE_TEST_VER=`$PIKE -e 'string v; int rel;sscanf(version(), "Pike v%s release %d", v, rel); write(v+"."+rel);'` ###### VERSION MATCH CHECK ####### PMAJOR="^#define PIKE_MAJOR_VERSION" PMINOR="^#define PIKE_MINOR_VERSION" PBUILD="^#define PIKE_BUILD_VERSION" PIKE_CMAJOR_VERSION=0 PIKE_CMINOR_VERSION=0 PIKE_CBUILD_VERSION=0 PIKE_CMAJOR_VERSION=`grep "$PMAJOR" $PIKE_C_INCLUDE/version.h | sed -e 's/\(#define.*N \)\(.*\)/\2/'` if test -z "$PIKE_CMAJOR_VERSION"; then if test -n "`grep f_version $PIKE_C_INCLUDE/version.h`"; then PIKE_CMAJOR_VERSION=6 fi else PIKE_CMINOR_VERSION=`grep "$PMINOR" $PIKE_C_INCLUDE/version.h | sed -e 's/\(#define.*N \)\(.*\)/\2/'` PIKE_CBUILD_VERSION=`grep "$PBUILD" $PIKE_C_INCLUDE/version.h | sed -e 's/\(#define.*N \)\(.*\)/\2/'` fi if test "$PIKE_TEST_VER" = "${PIKE_CMAJOR_VERSION}.${PIKE_CMINOR_VERSION}.${PIKE_CBUILD_VERSION}"; then PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($PIKE_C_INCLUDE) PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR="$PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR, $PIKE_C_INCLUDE" AC_MSG_RESULT(found) else AC_MSG_RESULT(version mismatch) fi else AC_MSG_RESULT(not found) fi else AC_MSG_ERROR(Caudium PHP5 requires Pike 7.0 or newer) fi PIKE_VERSION=`$PIKE -e 'string v; int rel;sscanf(version(), "Pike v%s release %d", v, rel); write(v+"."+rel);'` AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CAUDIUM,1,[Whether to compile with Caudium support]) PHP_SELECT_SAPI(caudium, shared, caudium.c) INSTALL_IT="\$(INSTALL) -m 0755 $SAPI_SHARED $withval/lib/$PIKE_VERSION/PHP5.so" RESULT=" *** Pike binary used: $PIKE *** Pike include dir(s) used: $PIKE_INCLUDE_DIR *** Pike version: $PIKE_VERSION" dnl Always use threads since thread-free support really blows. PHP_BUILD_THREAD_SAFE ]) AC_MSG_RESULT($RESULT) dnl ## Local Variables: dnl ## tab-width: 4 dnl ## End: