--TEST-- Test usort() function : object functionality - different number of properties --FILE-- $value2) { return 1; } else return -1; } // comparison function for SimpleClass2 objects which has more than one member function multiple_cmp($value1, $value2) { if($value1->getValue() == $value2->getValue()) return 0; else if($value1->getValue() > $value2->getValue()) return 1; else return -1; } // Simple class with single property class SimpleClass1 { private $int_value; public function __construct($value) { $this->int_value = $value; } } // Simple class with more than one property class SimpleClass2 { private $int_value; protected $float_value; public $string_value; public function __construct($int, $float, $str) { $this->int_value = $int; $this->float_value = $float; $this->string_value = $str; } public function getValue() { return $this->int_value; } } // array of SimpleClass objects with only one property $array_arg = array( 0 => new SimpleClass1(10), 1 => new SimpleClass1(1), 2 => new SimpleClass1(100), 3 => new SimpleClass1(50) ); var_dump( usort($array_arg, 'simple_cmp') ); var_dump($array_arg); // array of SimpleClass objects having more than one properties $array_arg = array( 0 => new SimpleClass2(2, 3.4, "mango"), 1 => new SimpleClass2(10, 1.2, "apple"), 2 => new SimpleClass2(5, 2.5, "orange"), ); var_dump( usort($array_arg, 'multiple_cmp') ); var_dump($array_arg); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- *** Testing usort() : object functionality *** bool(true) array(4) { [0]=> object(SimpleClass1)#%d (1) { [u"int_value":u"SimpleClass1":private]=> int(1) } [1]=> object(SimpleClass1)#%d (1) { [u"int_value":u"SimpleClass1":private]=> int(10) } [2]=> object(SimpleClass1)#%d (1) { [u"int_value":u"SimpleClass1":private]=> int(50) } [3]=> object(SimpleClass1)#%d (1) { [u"int_value":u"SimpleClass1":private]=> int(100) } } bool(true) array(3) { [0]=> object(SimpleClass2)#%d (3) { [u"int_value":u"SimpleClass2":private]=> int(2) [u"float_value":protected]=> float(3.4) [u"string_value"]=> unicode(5) "mango" } [1]=> object(SimpleClass2)#%d (3) { [u"int_value":u"SimpleClass2":private]=> int(5) [u"float_value":protected]=> float(2.5) [u"string_value"]=> unicode(6) "orange" } [2]=> object(SimpleClass2)#%d (3) { [u"int_value":u"SimpleClass2":private]=> int(10) [u"float_value":protected]=> float(1.2) [u"string_value"]=> unicode(5) "apple" } } ===DONE===