--TEST-- Bug #33999 (object remains object when cast to int) --INI-- error_reporting=4095 --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- object(Foo)#1 (1) { ["bar"]=> string(3) "bat" } Notice: Object of class Foo could not be converted to int in %sbug33999.php on line 9 int(1) Notice: Object of class Foo could not be converted to double in %sbug33999.php on line 12 float(1) --UEXPECTF-- object(Foo)#1 (1) { [u"bar"]=> unicode(3) "bat" } Notice: Object of class Foo could not be converted to int in %sbug33999.php on line 9 int(1) Notice: Object of class Foo could not be converted to double in %sbug33999.php on line 12 float(1)