--TEST-- Test addslashes() function : usage variations - strings with characters to be backslashed --INI-- --FILE-- ', "hello\x00world", // heredoc strings $heredoc_string, $heredoc_null_string ); $count = 1; // looping to test for all strings in $str_array foreach( $str_array as $str ) { echo "\n-- Iteration $count --\n"; var_dump( addslashes($str) ); $count ++; } echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- *** Testing addslashes() : with various strings containing characters to be backslashed *** -- Iteration 1 -- unicode(11) "Hello world" -- Iteration 2 -- unicode(18) "how\'re you doing?" -- Iteration 3 -- unicode(30) "don\'t disturb u\'r neighbours" -- Iteration 4 -- unicode(34) "don\'t disturb u\'r neighbours\'\'" -- Iteration 5 -- unicode(0) "" -- Iteration 6 -- unicode(2) "\'" -- Iteration 7 -- unicode(2) "\'" -- Iteration 8 -- unicode(32) "he said, \"he will be on leave\"" -- Iteration 9 -- unicode(34) "he said, \"\"he will be on leave\"" -- Iteration 10 -- unicode(15) "\"\"\"PHP\"\"\"" -- Iteration 11 -- unicode(0) "" -- Iteration 12 -- unicode(2) "\"" -- Iteration 13 -- unicode(2) "\"" -- Iteration 14 -- unicode(7) "hello\"" -- Iteration 15 -- unicode(26) "Is your name Ram\\Krishna?" -- Iteration 16 -- unicode(9) "\\" -- Iteration 17 -- unicode(29) "c:\\php\\testcase\\addslashes" -- Iteration 18 -- unicode(2) "\\" -- Iteration 19 -- unicode(12) "hello\0world" -- Iteration 20 -- unicode(9) "\0hello\0" -- Iteration 21 -- unicode(9) "\0\0hello" -- Iteration 22 -- unicode(2) "\0" -- Iteration 23 -- unicode(13) "\'\\\'" -- Iteration 24 -- unicode(15) "\'\\\'\0" -- Iteration 25 -- unicode(15) "\0\'c:\\php\\\'" -- Iteration 26 -- unicode(13) "\"\\\"" -- Iteration 27 -- unicode(17) "\"c:\\php\\\"\0\'" -- Iteration 28 -- unicode(22) "\"hello\"\'world\'\0//" -- Iteration 29 -- unicode(18) "0xABCDEF0123456789" -- Iteration 30 -- unicode(2) "\0" -- Iteration 31 -- unicode(18) "!@#$%&*@$%#&/;:,<>" -- Iteration 32 -- unicode(12) "hello\0world" -- Iteration 33 -- unicode(73) "This is line 1 of \'heredoc\' string This is line 2 of \"heredoc\" string" -- Iteration 34 -- unicode(0) "" Done