--TEST-- Test shuffle() function : basic functionality - array with default keys --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing shuffle() : with arrays having default keys *** -- input array of integers before shuffle() function is applied -- array(9) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(10) [2]=> int(20) [3]=> int(30) [4]=> int(40) [5]=> int(50) [6]=> int(60) [7]=> int(70) [8]=> int(80) } -- return value from shuffle() function -- bool(true) -- resultant array after shuffle() function is applied -- array(9) { [0]=> int(%d) [1]=> int(%d) [2]=> int(%d) [3]=> int(%d) [4]=> int(%d) [5]=> int(%d) [6]=> int(%d) [7]=> int(%d) [8]=> int(%d) } -- input array of strings before shuffle() function is applied -- array(9) { [0]=> unicode(3) "one" [1]=> unicode(3) "two" [2]=> unicode(5) "three" [3]=> unicode(4) "four" [4]=> unicode(4) "five" [5]=> unicode(1) " " [6]=> unicode(3) "six" [7]=> unicode(1) " " [8]=> unicode(5) "seven" } -- return value from shuffle() function -- bool(true) -- resultant array after shuffle() function is applied -- array(9) { [0]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [1]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [2]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [3]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [4]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [5]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [6]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [7]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [8]=> unicode(%d) "%s" } Done