--TEST-- SPL: spl_autoload() with exceptions --INI-- include_path=. --FILE-- $func) { echo "====$idx====\n"; try { var_dump($func); spl_autoload_register($func); if (count(spl_autoload_functions())) { echo "registered\n"; var_dump(class_exists("NoExistingTestClass", true)); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo get_class($e) . ": " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } spl_autoload_unregister($func); var_dump(count(spl_autoload_functions())); } ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- ====0==== unicode(10) "MyAutoLoad" registered MyAutoLoad(NoExistingTestClass) Exception: Bla int(0) ====1==== unicode(22) "MyAutoLoader::autoLoad" registered MyAutoLoader::autoLoad(NoExistingTestClass) Exception: Bla int(0) ====2==== unicode(22) "MyAutoLoader::dynaLoad" LogicException: Function 'MyAutoLoader::dynaLoad' not callable (non-static method MyAutoLoader::dynaLoad() should not be called statically) int(0) ====3==== array(2) { [0]=> unicode(12) "MyAutoLoader" [1]=> unicode(8) "autoLoad" } registered MyAutoLoader::autoLoad(NoExistingTestClass) Exception: Bla int(0) ====4==== array(2) { [0]=> unicode(12) "MyAutoLoader" [1]=> unicode(8) "dynaLoad" } LogicException: Passed array specifies a non static method but no object (non-static method MyAutoLoader::dynaLoad() should not be called statically) int(0) ====5==== array(2) { [0]=> object(MyAutoLoader)#%d (0) { } [1]=> unicode(8) "autoLoad" } registered MyAutoLoader::autoLoad(NoExistingTestClass) Exception: Bla int(0) ====6==== array(2) { [0]=> object(MyAutoLoader)#%d (0) { } [1]=> unicode(8) "dynaLoad" } registered MyAutoLoader::dynaLoad(NoExistingTestClass) Exception: Bla int(0) ===DONE===