| // | | // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id$ // // Database independent query interface. // require_once "PEAR.php"; /* * The method mapErrorCode in each DB_dbtype implementation maps * native error codes to one of these. * * If you add an error code here, make sure you also add a textual * version of it in DB::errorMessage(). */ define("DB_OK", 0); define("DB_ERROR", -1); define("DB_ERROR_SYNTAX", -2); define("DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT", -3); define("DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND", -4); define("DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS", -5); define("DB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED", -6); define("DB_ERROR_MISMATCH", -7); define("DB_ERROR_INVALID", -8); define("DB_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE", -9); define("DB_ERROR_TRUNCATED", -10); define("DB_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER", -11); define("DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE", -12); define("DB_ERROR_DIVZERO", -13); define("DB_ERROR_NODBSELECTED", -14); define("DB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE", -15); define("DB_ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE", -16); define("DB_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP", -17); define("DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE", -18); define("DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD", -19); define("DB_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA", -20); define("DB_ERROR_NOT_LOCKED", -21); define("DB_ERROR_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW", -22); /* * Warnings are not detected as errors by DB::isError(), and are not * fatal. You can detect whether an error is in fact a warning with * DB::isWarning(). */ define("DB_WARNING", -1000); define("DB_WARNING_READ_ONLY", -1001); /* * These constants are used when storing information about prepared * statements (using the "prepare" method in DB_dbtype). * * The prepare/execute model in DB is mostly borrowed from the ODBC * extension, in a query the "?" character means a scalar parameter. * There is one extension though, a "*" character means an opaque * parameter. An opaque parameter is simply a file name, the real * data are in that file (useful for stuff like putting uploaded files * into your database). */ define("DB_PARAM_SCALAR", 1); define("DB_PARAM_OPAQUE", 2); /* * These constants define different ways of returning binary data * from queries. Again, this model has been borrowed from the ODBC * extension. * * DB_BINMODE_PASSTHRU sends the data directly through to the browser * when data is fetched from the database. * DB_BINMODE_RETURN lets you return data as usual. * DB_BINMODE_CONVERT returns data as well, only it is converted to * hex format, for example the string "123" would become "313233". */ define("DB_BINMODE_PASSTHRU", 1); define("DB_BINMODE_RETURN", 2); define("DB_BINMODE_CONVERT", 3); /** * This is a special constant that tells DB the user hasn't specified * any particular get mode, so the default should be used. */ define("DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT", 0); /** * Column data indexed by numbers, ordered from 0 and up */ define("DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED", 1); /** * Column data indexed by column names */ define("DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC", 2); /** * For multi-dimensional results: normally the first level of arrays * is the row number, and the second level indexed by column number or name. * DB_FETCHMODE_FLIPPED switches this order, so the first level of arrays * is the column name, and the second level the row number. */ define("DB_FETCHMODE_FLIPPED", 4); /* for compatibility */ define("DB_GETMODE_ORDERED", DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED); define("DB_GETMODE_ASSOC", DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); define("DB_GETMODE_FLIPPED", DB_FETCHMODE_FLIPPED); /** * The main "DB" class is simply a container class with some static * methods for creating DB objects as well as some utility functions * common to all parts of DB. * * The object model of DB is as follows (indentation means inheritance): * * DB The main DB class. This is simply a utility class * with some "static" methods for creating DB objects as * well as common utility functions for other DB classes. * * DB_common The base for each DB implementation. Provides default * | implementations (in OO lingo virtual methods) for * | the actual DB implementations as well as a bunch of * | query utility functions. * | * +-DB_mysql The DB implementation for MySQL. Inherits DB_common. * When calling DB::factory or DB::connect for MySQL * connections, the object returned is an instance of this * class. * * @version 2 * @author Stig Bakken * @since PHP 4.0 */ class DB { /** * Create a new DB object for the specified database type * * @param $type string database type, for example "mysql" * * @return object a newly created DB object, or a DB error code on * error */ function &factory($type) { @include_once("DB/${type}.php"); $classname = "DB_" . $type; $obj = @new $classname; if (!$obj) { return new DB_Error(DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } return $obj; } /** * Create a new DB object and connect to the specified database * * @param $dsn mixed "data source name", see the DB::parseDSN * method for a description of the dsn format. Can also be * specified as an array of the format returned by DB::parseDSN. * * @param $persistent bool whether this connection should be * persistent. Ignored if the backend extension does not support * persistent connections. * * @return object a newly created DB object, or a DB error code on * error * * @see DB::parseDSN */ function &connect($dsn, $persistent = false) { if (is_array($dsn)) { $dsninfo = $dsn; } else { $dsninfo = DB::parseDSN($dsn); } $type = $dsninfo["phptype"]; $classname = "DB_" . $type; @include_once("DB/${type}.php"); $obj = @new $classname; if (!$obj) { return new DB_Error(DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } $err = $obj->connect($dsninfo, $persistent); if (DB::isError($err)) { return $err; } return $obj; } /** * Return the DB API version * * @return int the DB API version number */ function apiVersion() { return 2; } /** * Tell whether a result code from a DB method is an error * * @param $value int result code * * @return bool whether $value is an error */ function isError($value) { return is_object($value) && (get_class($value) == "db_error" || is_subclass_of($value, "db_error")); } /** * Tell whether a result code from a DB method is a warning. * Warnings differ from errors in that they are generated by DB, * and are not fatal. * * @param $value mixed result value * * @return bool whether $value is a warning */ function isWarning($value) { return is_object($value) && (get_class( $value ) == "db_warning" || is_subclass_of($value, "db_warning")); } /** * Return a textual error message for a DB error code * * @param $value int error code * * @return string error message, or false if the error code was * not recognized */ function errorMessage($value) { if (!isset($errorMessages)) { $errorMessages = array( DB_ERROR => "unknown error", DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS => "already exists", DB_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE => "can not create", DB_ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE => "can not delete", DB_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP => "can not drop", DB_ERROR_CONSTRAINT => "constraint violation", DB_ERROR_DIVZERO => "division by zero", DB_ERROR_INVALID => "invalid", DB_ERROR_INVALID_DATE => "invalid date or time", DB_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER => "invalid number", DB_ERROR_MISMATCH => "mismatch", DB_ERROR_NODBSELECTED => "no database selected", DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD => "no such field", DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE => "no such table", DB_ERROR_NOT_CAPABLE => "DB backend not capable", DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND => "not found", DB_ERROR_NOT_LOCKED => "not locked", DB_ERROR_SYNTAX => "syntax error", DB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED => "not supported", DB_ERROR_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW => "value count on row", DB_OK => "no error", DB_WARNING => "unknown warning", DB_WARNING_READ_ONLY => "read only" ); } if (DB::isError($value)) { $value = $value->code; } return $errorMessages[$value]; } /** * Parse a data source name * * @param $dsn string Data Source Name to be parsed * * @return array an associative array with the following keys: * * phptype: Database backend used in PHP (mysql, odbc etc.) * dbsyntax: Database used with regards to SQL syntax etc. * protocol: Communication protocol to use (tcp, unix etc.) * hostspec: Host specification (hostname[:port]) * database: Database to use on the DBMS server * username: User name for login * password: Password for login * * The format of the supplied DSN is in its fullest form: * * phptype(dbsyntax)://username:password@protocol+hostspec/database * * Most variations are allowed: * phptype://username:password@protocol+hostspec/database * phptype://username:password@hostspec/database * phptype://username:password@hostspec * phptype://hostspec/database * phptype://hostspec * phptype(dbsyntax) * phptype * * @return bool FALSE is returned on error */ function parseDSN($dsn) { if (is_array($dsn)) { return $dsn; } $parsed = array( "phptype" => false, "dbsyntax" => false, "protocol" => false, "hostspec" => false, "database" => false, "username" => false, "password" => false ); if (preg_match("|^([^:]+)://|", $dsn, $arr)) { $dbtype = $arr[ 1 ]; $dsn = preg_replace( "|^[^:]+://|", '', $dsn); // match "phptype(dbsyntax)" if (preg_match("|^([^\(]+)\((.+)\)$|", $dbtype, $arr)) { $parsed["phptype"] = $arr[1]; $parsed["dbsyntax"] = $arr[2]; } else { $parsed["phptype"] = $dbtype; } } else { // match "phptype(dbsyntax)" if (preg_match("|^([^\(]+)\((.+)\)$|", $dsn, $arr)) { $parsed["phptype"] = $arr[1]; $parsed["dbsyntax"] = $arr[2]; } else { $parsed["phptype"] = $dsn; } return $parsed; } if (preg_match("|^(.*)/([^/]+)/?$|", $dsn, $arr)) { $parsed["database"] = $arr[2]; $dsn = $arr[1]; } if (preg_match("|^([^:]+):([^@]+)@?(.*)$|", $dsn, $arr)) { $parsed["username"] = $arr[1]; $parsed["password"] = $arr[2]; $dsn = $arr[3]; } elseif (preg_match("|^([^:]+)@(.*)$|", $dsn, $arr)) { $parsed["username"] = $arr[1]; $dsn = $arr[2]; } if (preg_match("|^([^\+]+)\+(.*)$|", $dsn, $arr)) { $parsed["protocol"] = $arr[1]; $dsn = $arr[2]; } if (!$parsed["database"]) { $dsn = preg_replace("|/+$|", "", $dsn); } $parsed["hostspec"] = urldecode($dsn); if(!$parsed["dbsyntax"]) { $parsed["dbsyntax"] = $parsed["phptype"]; } return $parsed; } } /** * DB_Error implements a class for reporting portable database error * messages. * * @author Stig Bakken */ class DB_Error extends PEAR_Error { /** * DB_Error constructor. * * @param $code mixed DB error code, or string with error message. * @param $mode int what "error mode" to operate in * @param $level what error level to use for $mode & PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER * @param $debuginfo additional debug info, such as the last query * * @access public * * @see PEAR_Error */ function DB_Error($code = DB_ERROR, $mode = PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, $level = E_USER_NOTICE, $debuginfo = null) { if (is_int($code)) { $this->PEAR_Error("DB Error: " . DB::errorMessage( $code ), $code, $mode, $level, $debuginfo); } else { $this->PEAR_Error("DB Error: $code", 0, $mode, $level, $debuginfo); } } } /** * DB_Warning implements a class for reporting portable database * warning messages. * * @author Stig Bakken */ class DB_Warning extends PEAR_Error { /** * DB_Warning constructor. * * @param $code mixed DB error code, or string with error message. * @param $mode int what "error mode" to operate in * @param $level what error level to use for $mode == PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER * @param $debuginfo additional debug info, such as the last query * * @access public * * @see PEAR_Error */ function DB_Warning($code = DB_WARNING, $mode = PEAR_ERROR_RETURN, $level = E_USER_NOTICE, $debuginfo = null) { if (is_int($code)) { $this->PEAR_Error("DB Warning: " . DB::errorMessage( $code ), $code, $mode, $level, $debuginfo); } else { $this->PEAR_Error("DB Warning: $code", 0, $mode, $level, $debuginfo); } } } /** * This class implements a wrapper for a DB result set. * A new instance of this class will be returned by the DB implementation * after processing a query that returns data. * * @author Stig Bakken */ class DB_result { var $dbh; var $result; /** * DB_result constructor. * @param $dbh DB object reference * @param $result result resource id */ function DB_result(&$dbh, $result) { $this->dbh = &$dbh; $this->result = $result; } /** * Fetch and return a row of data. * @return array a row of data, or false on error */ function fetchRow($fetchmode = DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT) { if ($fetchmode == DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT) { $fetchmode = $this->dbh->fetchmode; } return $this->dbh->fetchRow($this->result, $fetchmode); } /** * Fetch a row of data into an existing array. * * @param $arr reference to data array * @return int error code */ function fetchInto(&$arr, $fetchmode = DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT) { if ($fetchmode == DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT) { $fetchmode = $this->dbh->fetchmode; } return $this->dbh->fetchInto($this->result, $arr, $fetchmode); } /** * Get the the number of columns in a result set. * * @return int the number of columns, or a DB error code */ function numCols() { return $this->dbh->numCols($this->result); } /** * Frees the resources allocated for this result set. * @return int error code */ function free() { $err = $this->dbh->freeResult($this->result); if( DB::isError($err)) { return $err; } $this->result = false; return true; } } ?>