--TEST-- Test array_change_key_case() function : usage variations - position of internal pointer --FILE-- 'un', 'two' => 'deux', 'three' => 'trois'); echo "\n-- Call array_change_key_case() --\n"; var_dump($result = array_change_key_case($input, CASE_UPPER)); echo "-- Position of Internal Pointer in Result: --\n"; echo key($result) . " => " . current($result) . "\n"; echo "\n-- Position of Internal Pointer in Original Array: --\n"; echo key($input) . " => " . current ($input) . "\n"; echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing array_change_key_case() : usage variations *** -- Call array_change_key_case() -- array(3) { [u"ONE"]=> unicode(2) "un" [u"TWO"]=> unicode(4) "deux" [u"THREE"]=> unicode(5) "trois" } -- Position of Internal Pointer in Result: -- ONE => un -- Position of Internal Pointer in Original Array: -- one => un Done