--TEST-- Testing rtrim() function --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- *** Output for Error Conditions *** Warning: rtrim() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d Warning: rtrim() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d *** Output for Normal Behaviour *** string(10) "rtrim test" string(13) "rtrim test " string(18) "rtrim test " string(18) "rtrim test " string(10) "rtrim test" string(11) "rtrim test " string(10) "rtrim test" string(10) "rtrim test" string(10) "rtrim test" *** Checking with OBJECTS *** string(4) "Obje" *** String with embedded NULL *** string(22) "2340567800efgh\xijkl" *** Using heredoc string *** string(18) "us ing heredoc str" Done --UEXPECTF-- *** Output for Error Conditions *** Warning: rtrim() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d Warning: rtrim() expects at most 2 parameters, 3 given in %s on line %d *** Output for Normal Behaviour *** unicode(10) "rtrim test" unicode(13) "rtrim test " unicode(18) "rtrim test " unicode(18) "rtrim test " unicode(10) "rtrim test" unicode(11) "rtrim test " unicode(10) "rtrim test" unicode(10) "rtrim test" unicode(10) "rtrim test" *** Checking with OBJECTS *** unicode(4) "Obje" *** String with embedded NULL *** unicode(22) "2340567800efgh\xijkl" *** Using heredoc string *** unicode(18) "us ing heredoc str" Done