/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 5 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Derick Rethans | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* $Id$ */ #include "timelib.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) # define strtoll(s, f, b) _atoi64(s) #elif !defined(HAVE_STRTOLL) # if defined(HAVE_ATOLL) # define strtoll(s, f, b) atoll(s) # else # define strtoll(s, f, b) strtol(s, f, b) # endif #endif #define TIMELIB_UNSET -99999 #define TIMELIB_SECOND 1 #define TIMELIB_MINUTE 2 #define TIMELIB_HOUR 3 #define TIMELIB_DAY 4 #define TIMELIB_MONTH 5 #define TIMELIB_YEAR 6 #define EOI 257 #define TIMELIB_PERIOD 260 #define TIMELIB_ISO_DATE 261 #define TIMELIB_ERROR 999 typedef unsigned char uchar; #define BSIZE 8192 #define YYCTYPE uchar #define YYCURSOR cursor #define YYLIMIT s->lim #define YYMARKER s->ptr #define YYFILL(n) return EOI; #define RET(i) {s->cur = cursor; return i;} #define timelib_string_free free #define TIMELIB_INIT s->cur = cursor; str = timelib_string(s); ptr = str #define TIMELIB_DEINIT timelib_string_free(str) #ifdef DEBUG_PARSER #define DEBUG_OUTPUT(s) printf("%s\n", s); #define YYDEBUG(s,c) { if (s != -1) { printf("state: %d ", s); printf("[%c]\n", c); } } #else #define DEBUG_OUTPUT(s) #define YYDEBUG(s,c) #endif #include "timelib_structs.h" typedef struct Scanner { int fd; uchar *lim, *str, *ptr, *cur, *tok, *pos; unsigned int line, len; struct timelib_error_container *errors; struct timelib_time *begin; struct timelib_time *end; struct timelib_rel_time *period; int recurrences; int have_period; int have_recurrences; int have_date; int have_begin_date; int have_end_date; } Scanner; #define HOUR(a) (int)(a * 60) static void add_warning(Scanner *s, char *error) { s->errors->warning_count++; s->errors->warning_messages = realloc(s->errors->warning_messages, s->errors->warning_count * sizeof(timelib_error_message)); s->errors->warning_messages[s->errors->warning_count - 1].position = s->tok ? s->tok - s->str : 0; s->errors->warning_messages[s->errors->warning_count - 1].character = s->tok ? *s->tok : 0; s->errors->warning_messages[s->errors->warning_count - 1].message = strdup(error); } static void add_error(Scanner *s, char *error) { s->errors->error_count++; s->errors->error_messages = realloc(s->errors->error_messages, s->errors->error_count * sizeof(timelib_error_message)); s->errors->error_messages[s->errors->error_count - 1].position = s->tok ? s->tok - s->str : 0; s->errors->error_messages[s->errors->error_count - 1].character = s->tok ? *s->tok : 0; s->errors->error_messages[s->errors->error_count - 1].message = strdup(error); } static char *timelib_string(Scanner *s) { char *tmp = calloc(1, s->cur - s->tok + 1); memcpy(tmp, s->tok, s->cur - s->tok); return tmp; } static timelib_sll timelib_get_nr(char **ptr, int max_length) { char *begin, *end, *str; timelib_sll tmp_nr = TIMELIB_UNSET; int len = 0; while ((**ptr < '0') || (**ptr > '9')) { if (**ptr == '\0') { return TIMELIB_UNSET; } ++*ptr; } begin = *ptr; while ((**ptr >= '0') && (**ptr <= '9') && len < max_length) { ++*ptr; ++len; } end = *ptr; str = calloc(1, end - begin + 1); memcpy(str, begin, end - begin); tmp_nr = strtoll(str, NULL, 10); free(str); return tmp_nr; } static timelib_ull timelib_get_unsigned_nr(char **ptr, int max_length) { timelib_ull dir = 1; while (((**ptr < '0') || (**ptr > '9')) && (**ptr != '+') && (**ptr != '-')) { if (**ptr == '\0') { return TIMELIB_UNSET; } ++*ptr; } while (**ptr == '+' || **ptr == '-') { if (**ptr == '-') { dir *= -1; } ++*ptr; } return dir * timelib_get_nr(ptr, max_length); } static long timelib_parse_tz_cor(char **ptr) { char *begin = *ptr, *end; long tmp; while (**ptr != '\0') { ++*ptr; } end = *ptr; switch (end - begin) { case 1: case 2: return HOUR(strtol(begin, NULL, 10)); break; case 3: case 4: if (begin[1] == ':') { tmp = HOUR(strtol(begin, NULL, 10)) + strtol(begin + 2, NULL, 10); return tmp; } else if (begin[2] == ':') { tmp = HOUR(strtol(begin, NULL, 10)) + strtol(begin + 3, NULL, 10); return tmp; } else { tmp = strtol(begin, NULL, 10); return HOUR(tmp / 100) + tmp % 100; } case 5: tmp = HOUR(strtol(begin, NULL, 10)) + strtol(begin + 3, NULL, 10); return tmp; } return 0; } static void timelib_eat_spaces(char **ptr) { while (**ptr == ' ' || **ptr == '\t') { ++*ptr; } } static void timelib_eat_until_separator(char **ptr) { while (strchr(" \t.,:;/-0123456789", **ptr) == NULL) { ++*ptr; } } static long timelib_get_zone(char **ptr, int *dst, timelib_time *t, int *tz_not_found, const timelib_tzdb *tzdb) { long retval = 0; *tz_not_found = 0; while (**ptr == ' ' || **ptr == '\t' || **ptr == '(') { ++*ptr; } if ((*ptr)[0] == 'G' && (*ptr)[1] == 'M' && (*ptr)[2] == 'T' && ((*ptr)[3] == '+' || (*ptr)[3] == '-')) { *ptr += 3; } if (**ptr == '+') { ++*ptr; t->is_localtime = 1; t->zone_type = TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_OFFSET; *tz_not_found = 0; t->dst = 0; retval = -1 * timelib_parse_tz_cor(ptr); } else if (**ptr == '-') { ++*ptr; t->is_localtime = 1; t->zone_type = TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_OFFSET; *tz_not_found = 0; t->dst = 0; retval = timelib_parse_tz_cor(ptr); } while (**ptr == ')') { ++*ptr; } return retval; } #define timelib_split_free(arg) { \ int i; \ for (i = 0; i < arg.c; i++) { \ free(arg.v[i]); \ } \ if (arg.v) { \ free(arg.v); \ } \ } static int scan(Scanner *s) { uchar *cursor = s->cur; char *str, *ptr = NULL; std: s->tok = cursor; s->len = 0; /*!re2c /* */ any = [\000-\377]; number = [0-9]+; hour24lz = [01][0-9] | "2"[0-4]; minutelz = [0-5][0-9]; monthlz = "0" [1-9] | "1" [0-2]; daylz = "0" [1-9] | [1-2][0-9] | "3" [01]; secondlz = minutelz; year4 = [0-9]{4}; weekofyear = "0"[1-9] | [1-4][0-9] | "5"[0-3]; space = [ \t]+; datetimebasic = year4 monthlz daylz "T" hour24lz minutelz secondlz "Z"; datetimeextended = year4 "-" monthlz "-" daylz "T" hour24lz ':' minutelz ':' secondlz "Z"; period = "P" (number "Y")? (number "M")? (number "W")? (number "D")? ("T" (number "H")? (number "M")? (number "S")?)?; recurrences = "R" number; isoweekday = year4 "-"? "W" weekofyear "-"? [0-7]; isoweek = year4 "-"? "W" weekofyear; */ /*!re2c /* so that vim highlights correctly */ recurrences { DEBUG_OUTPUT("recurrences"); TIMELIB_INIT; ptr++; s->recurrences = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 9); TIMELIB_DEINIT; s->have_recurrences = 1; return TIMELIB_PERIOD; } datetimebasic| datetimeextended { timelib_time *current; if (s->have_date || s->have_period) { current = s->end; s->have_end_date = 1; } else { current = s->begin; s->have_begin_date = 1; } DEBUG_OUTPUT("datetimebasic | datetimeextended"); TIMELIB_INIT; current->y = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 4); current->m = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); current->d = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); current->h = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); current->i = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); current->s = timelib_get_nr((char **) &ptr, 2); s->have_date = 1; TIMELIB_DEINIT; return TIMELIB_ISO_DATE; } period { timelib_sll nr; int in_time = 0; DEBUG_OUTPUT("period"); TIMELIB_INIT; ptr++; do { if ( *ptr == 'T' ) { in_time = 1; ptr++; } if ( *ptr == '\0' ) { add_error(s, "Missing expected time part"); break; } nr = timelib_get_unsigned_nr((char **) &ptr, 4); switch (*ptr) { case 'Y': s->period->y = nr; break; case 'W': s->period->d = nr * 7; break; case 'D': s->period->d = nr; break; case 'H': s->period->h = nr; break; case 'S': s->period->s = nr; break; case 'M': if (in_time) { s->period->i = nr; } else { s->period->m = nr; } break; default: add_error(s, "Undefined period specifier"); break; } ptr++; } while (*ptr); s->have_period = 1; TIMELIB_DEINIT; return TIMELIB_PERIOD; } [ .,\t/] { goto std; } "\000"|"\n" { s->pos = cursor; s->line++; goto std; } any { add_error(s, "Unexpected character"); goto std; } */ } /*!max:re2c */ void timelib_strtointerval(char *s, int len, timelib_time **begin, timelib_time **end, timelib_rel_time **period, int *recurrences, struct timelib_error_container **errors) { Scanner in; int t; char *e = s + len - 1; memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in)); in.errors = malloc(sizeof(struct timelib_error_container)); in.errors->warning_count = 0; in.errors->warning_messages = NULL; in.errors->error_count = 0; in.errors->error_messages = NULL; if (len > 0) { while (isspace(*s) && s < e) { s++; } while (isspace(*e) && e > s) { e--; } } if (e - s < 0) { add_error(&in, "Empty string"); if (errors) { *errors = in.errors; } else { timelib_error_container_dtor(in.errors); } return; } e++; /* init cursor */ in.str = malloc((e - s) + YYMAXFILL); memset(in.str, 0, (e - s) + YYMAXFILL); memcpy(in.str, s, (e - s)); in.lim = in.str + (e - s) + YYMAXFILL; in.cur = in.str; /* init value containers */ in.begin = timelib_time_ctor(); in.begin->y = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.begin->d = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.begin->m = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.begin->h = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.begin->i = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.begin->s = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.begin->f = 0; in.begin->z = 0; in.begin->dst = 0; in.begin->is_localtime = 0; in.begin->zone_type = TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_OFFSET; in.end = timelib_time_ctor(); in.end->y = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.end->d = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.end->m = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.end->h = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.end->i = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.end->s = TIMELIB_UNSET; in.end->f = 0; in.end->z = 0; in.end->dst = 0; in.end->is_localtime = 0; in.end->zone_type = TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_OFFSET; in.period = timelib_rel_time_ctor(); in.period->y = 0; in.period->d = 0; in.period->m = 0; in.period->h = 0; in.period->i = 0; in.period->s = 0; in.period->weekday = 0; in.period->weekday_behavior = 0; in.period->first_last_day_of = 0; in.recurrences = 1; do { t = scan(&in); #ifdef DEBUG_PARSER printf("%d\n", t); #endif } while(t != EOI); free(in.str); if (errors) { *errors = in.errors; } else { timelib_error_container_dtor(in.errors); } if (in.have_begin_date) { *begin = in.begin; } else { timelib_time_dtor(in.begin); } if (in.have_end_date) { *end = in.end; } else { timelib_time_dtor(in.end); } if (in.have_period) { *period = in.period; } else { timelib_rel_time_dtor(in.period); } if (in.have_recurrences) { *recurrences = in.recurrences; } } /* * vim: syntax=c */