--TEST-- SPL: spl_autoload() and friends --INI-- include_path=. --FILE-- getMessage() . "\n"; } ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- ===EMPTY=== string(9) ".inc,.php" %stestclass.inc Class TestClass could not be loaded ===()=== Class TestClass could not be loaded ===(1)=== Class TestClass could not be loaded ===(.inc,,.php.inc)=== %stestclass %stestclass.php.inc Class TestClass could not be loaded ===()=== Class TestClass could not be loaded Class TestClass could not be loaded ===SPL_AUTOLOAD()=== string(4) ".inc" bool(false) ===REGISTER=== TestFunc1(TestClass) TestFunc2(TestClass) bool(false) ===LOAD=== TestFunc1(TestClass) TestFunc2(TestClass) %stestclass.class.inc bool(true) ===NOFUNCTION=== Exception: Function 'unavailable_autoload_function' not found (function 'unavailable_autoload_function' not found or invalid function name) ===DONE===