--TEST-- Test array_rand() function : basic functionality - with associative array for 'input' argument --FILE-- 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3, 'FoUr' => 'four', '#5' => 5, 'SIX' => 'six', "seven" => 7, "#8" => "eight", "nine" => "NINE" ); $num_req = 6; // Calling array_rand() with optional argument echo"\n-- with all default and optional arguments --\n"; var_dump( array_rand($input,$num_req) ); // Calling array_rand() with default arguments echo"\n-- with default argument --\n"; var_dump( array_rand($input) ); echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing array_rand() : with associative array *** -- with all default and optional arguments -- array(6) { [0]=> string(%d) "%s" [1]=> string(%d) "%s" [2]=> string(%d) "%s" [3]=> string(%d) "%s" [4]=> string(%d) "%s" [5]=> string(%d) "%s" } -- with default argument -- string(%d) "%s" Done --UEXPECTF-- *** Testing array_rand() : with associative array *** -- with all default and optional arguments -- array(6) { [0]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [1]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [2]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [3]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [4]=> unicode(%d) "%s" [5]=> unicode(%d) "%s" } -- with default argument -- unicode(%d) "%s" Done