#ifndef PHP_SDL_H #define PHP_SDL_H #define XSD_WHITESPACE_COLLAPSE 1 #define XSD_WHITESPACE_PRESERVE 1 #define XSD_WHITESPACE_REPLACE 1 struct _sdl { xmlDocPtr doc; HashTable *functions; //array of SoapFunctionsPtr HashTable *types; //array of sdlTypesPtr HashTable *encoders; //array of encodePtr char *location; char *target_ns; char *source; }; struct _sdlRestrictionInt { int value; char fixed; char *id; }; struct _sdlRestrictionChar { char *value; char fixed; char *id; }; struct _sdlRestrictions { HashTable *enumeration; //array of sdlRestrictionCharPtr sdlRestrictionIntPtr minExclusive; sdlRestrictionIntPtr minInclusive; sdlRestrictionIntPtr maxExclusive; sdlRestrictionIntPtr maxInclusive; sdlRestrictionIntPtr totalDigits; sdlRestrictionIntPtr fractionDigits; sdlRestrictionIntPtr length; sdlRestrictionIntPtr minLength; sdlRestrictionIntPtr maxLength; sdlRestrictionCharPtr whiteSpace; sdlRestrictionCharPtr pattern; }; struct _sdlType { char *name; char *namens; int nullable; int min_occurs; int max_occurs; HashTable *elements; //array of sdlTypePtr HashTable *attributes; //array of sdlAttributePtr sdlRestrictionsPtr restrictions; encodePtr encode; }; struct _sdlParam { int order; encodePtr encode; char *paramName; }; struct _sdlFunction { int enabled; char *functionName; char *requestName; char *responseName; HashTable *requestParameters; //array of sdlParamPtr HashTable *responseParameters; //array of sdlParamPtr (this should only be one) char *soapAction; }; struct _sdlAttribute { char *def; char *fixed; char *form; char *id; char *name; char *ref; char *type; char *use; HashTable *extraAttributes; }; sdlPtr get_sdl(char *uri); sdlPtr load_wsdl(char *struri); int load_sdl(char *struri, int force_load); int load_ms_sdl(char *struri, int force_load); encodePtr get_encoder_from_prefix(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr data, char *type); encodePtr get_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, char *ns, char *type); encodePtr get_encoder_ex(sdlPtr sdl, char *nscat); encodePtr get_create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, char *ns, char *type); encodePtr create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, char *ns, char *type); xmlNodePtr sdl_guess_convert_xml(encodeType enc, zval* data); xmlNodePtr sdl_to_xml_array(sdlTypePtr type, zval *data); xmlNodePtr sdl_to_xml_object(sdlTypePtr type, zval *data); void delete_type(void *type); void delete_attribute(void *attribute); #endif