/* zip_dirent.c -- read directory entry (local or central), clean dirent Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Dieter Baron and Thomas Klausner This file is part of libzip, a library to manipulate ZIP archives. The authors can be contacted at Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "zipint.h" static time_t _zip_d2u_time(int, int); static char *_zip_readfpstr(FILE *, unsigned int, int, struct zip_error *); static char *_zip_readstr(unsigned char **, int, int, struct zip_error *); static void _zip_u2d_time(time_t, unsigned short *, unsigned short *); static void _zip_write2(unsigned short, FILE *); static void _zip_write4(unsigned int, FILE *); void _zip_cdir_free(struct zip_cdir *cd) { int i; if (!cd) return; for (i=0; inentry; i++) _zip_dirent_finalize(cd->entry+i); free(cd->comment); free(cd->entry); free(cd); } struct zip_cdir * _zip_cdir_new(int nentry, struct zip_error *error) { struct zip_cdir *cd; if ((cd=(struct zip_cdir *)malloc(sizeof(*cd))) == NULL) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return NULL; } if ((cd->entry=(struct zip_dirent *)malloc(sizeof(*(cd->entry))*nentry)) == NULL) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); free(cd); return NULL; } /* entries must be initialized by caller */ cd->nentry = nentry; cd->size = cd->offset = 0; cd->comment = NULL; cd->comment_len = 0; return cd; } int _zip_cdir_write(struct zip_cdir *cd, FILE *fp, struct zip_error *error) { int i; cd->offset = ftello(fp); for (i=0; inentry; i++) { if (_zip_dirent_write(cd->entry+i, fp, 0, error) != 0) return -1; } cd->size = ftello(fp) - cd->offset; /* clearerr(fp); */ fwrite(EOCD_MAGIC, 1, 4, fp); _zip_write4(0, fp); _zip_write2((unsigned short)cd->nentry, fp); _zip_write2((unsigned short)cd->nentry, fp); _zip_write4(cd->size, fp); _zip_write4(cd->offset, fp); _zip_write2(cd->comment_len, fp); fwrite(cd->comment, 1, cd->comment_len, fp); if (ferror(fp)) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_WRITE, errno); return -1; } return 0; } void _zip_dirent_finalize(struct zip_dirent *zde) { free(zde->filename); zde->filename = NULL; free(zde->extrafield); zde->extrafield = NULL; free(zde->comment); zde->comment = NULL; } void _zip_dirent_init(struct zip_dirent *de) { de->version_madeby = 0; de->version_needed = 20; /* 2.0 */ de->bitflags = 0; de->comp_method = 0; de->last_mod = 0; de->crc = 0; de->comp_size = 0; de->uncomp_size = 0; de->filename = NULL; de->filename_len = 0; de->extrafield = NULL; de->extrafield_len = 0; de->comment = NULL; de->comment_len = 0; de->disk_number = 0; de->int_attrib = 0; de->ext_attrib = 0; de->offset = 0; } /* _zip_dirent_read(zde, fp, bufp, left, localp, error): Fills the zip directory entry zde. If bufp is non-NULL, data is taken from there and bufp is advanced by the amount of data used; no more than left bytes are used. Otherwise data is read from fp as needed. If localp != 0, it reads a local header instead of a central directory entry. Returns 0 if successful. On error, error is filled in and -1 is returned. */ int _zip_dirent_read(struct zip_dirent *zde, FILE *fp, unsigned char **bufp, unsigned int left, int localp, struct zip_error *error) { unsigned char buf[CDENTRYSIZE]; unsigned char *cur; unsigned short dostime, dosdate; unsigned int size; if (localp) size = LENTRYSIZE; else size = CDENTRYSIZE; if (bufp) { /* use data from buffer */ cur = *bufp; if (left < size) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); return -1; } } else { /* read entry from disk */ if ((fread(buf, 1, size, fp)version_madeby = _zip_read2(&cur); else zde->version_madeby = 0; zde->version_needed = _zip_read2(&cur); zde->bitflags = _zip_read2(&cur); zde->comp_method = _zip_read2(&cur); /* convert to time_t */ dostime = _zip_read2(&cur); dosdate = _zip_read2(&cur); zde->last_mod = _zip_d2u_time(dostime, dosdate); zde->crc = _zip_read4(&cur); zde->comp_size = _zip_read4(&cur); zde->uncomp_size = _zip_read4(&cur); zde->filename_len = _zip_read2(&cur); zde->extrafield_len = _zip_read2(&cur); if (localp) { zde->comment_len = 0; zde->disk_number = 0; zde->int_attrib = 0; zde->ext_attrib = 0; zde->offset = 0; } else { zde->comment_len = _zip_read2(&cur); zde->disk_number = _zip_read2(&cur); zde->int_attrib = _zip_read2(&cur); zde->ext_attrib = _zip_read4(&cur); zde->offset = _zip_read4(&cur); } zde->filename = NULL; zde->extrafield = NULL; zde->comment = NULL; if (bufp) { if (left < CDENTRYSIZE + (zde->filename_len+zde->extrafield_len +zde->comment_len)) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); return -1; } if (zde->filename_len) { zde->filename = _zip_readstr(&cur, zde->filename_len, 1, error); if (!zde->filename) return -1; } if (zde->extrafield_len) { zde->extrafield = _zip_readstr(&cur, zde->extrafield_len, 0, error); if (!zde->extrafield) return -1; } if (zde->comment_len) { zde->comment = _zip_readstr(&cur, zde->comment_len, 0, error); if (!zde->comment) return -1; } } else { if (zde->filename_len) { zde->filename = _zip_readfpstr(fp, zde->filename_len, 1, error); if (!zde->filename) return -1; } if (zde->extrafield_len) { zde->extrafield = _zip_readfpstr(fp, zde->extrafield_len, 0, error); if (!zde->extrafield) return -1; } if (zde->comment_len) { zde->comment = _zip_readfpstr(fp, zde->comment_len, 0, error); if (!zde->comment) return -1; } } if (bufp) *bufp = cur; return 0; } /* _zip_dirent_torrent_normalize(de); Set values suitable for torrentzip. */ void _zip_dirent_torrent_normalize(struct zip_dirent *de) { static struct tm torrenttime; static time_t last_mod = 0; if (last_mod == 0) { #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_TM_TM_ZONE time_t now; struct tm *l; #endif torrenttime.tm_sec = 0; torrenttime.tm_min = 32; torrenttime.tm_hour = 23; torrenttime.tm_mday = 24; torrenttime.tm_mon = 11; torrenttime.tm_year = 96; torrenttime.tm_wday = 0; torrenttime.tm_yday = 0; torrenttime.tm_isdst = 0; #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_TM_TM_ZONE time(&now); l = localtime(&now); torrenttime.tm_gmtoff = l->tm_gmtoff; torrenttime.tm_zone = l->tm_zone; #endif last_mod = mktime(&torrenttime); } de->version_madeby = 0; de->version_needed = 20; /* 2.0 */ de->bitflags = 2; /* maximum compression */ de->comp_method = ZIP_CM_DEFLATE; de->last_mod = last_mod; de->disk_number = 0; de->int_attrib = 0; de->ext_attrib = 0; de->offset = 0; free(de->extrafield); de->extrafield = NULL; de->extrafield_len = 0; free(de->comment); de->comment = NULL; de->comment_len = 0; } /* _zip_dirent_write(zde, fp, localp, error): Writes zip directory entry zde to file fp. If localp != 0, it writes a local header instead of a central directory entry. Returns 0 if successful. On error, error is filled in and -1 is returned. */ int _zip_dirent_write(struct zip_dirent *zde, FILE *fp, int localp, struct zip_error *error) { unsigned short dostime, dosdate; fwrite(localp ? LOCAL_MAGIC : CENTRAL_MAGIC, 1, 4, fp); if (!localp) _zip_write2(zde->version_madeby, fp); _zip_write2(zde->version_needed, fp); _zip_write2(zde->bitflags, fp); _zip_write2(zde->comp_method, fp); _zip_u2d_time(zde->last_mod, &dostime, &dosdate); _zip_write2(dostime, fp); _zip_write2(dosdate, fp); _zip_write4(zde->crc, fp); _zip_write4(zde->comp_size, fp); _zip_write4(zde->uncomp_size, fp); _zip_write2(zde->filename_len, fp); _zip_write2(zde->extrafield_len, fp); if (!localp) { _zip_write2(zde->comment_len, fp); _zip_write2(zde->disk_number, fp); _zip_write2(zde->int_attrib, fp); _zip_write4(zde->ext_attrib, fp); _zip_write4(zde->offset, fp); } if (zde->filename_len) fwrite(zde->filename, 1, zde->filename_len, fp); if (zde->extrafield_len) fwrite(zde->extrafield, 1, zde->extrafield_len, fp); if (!localp) { if (zde->comment_len) fwrite(zde->comment, 1, zde->comment_len, fp); } if (ferror(fp)) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_WRITE, errno); return -1; } return 0; } static time_t _zip_d2u_time(int dtime, int ddate) { struct tm *tm; time_t now; now = time(NULL); tm = localtime(&now); /* let mktime decide if DST is in effect */ tm->tm_isdst = -1; tm->tm_year = ((ddate>>9)&127) + 1980 - 1900; tm->tm_mon = ((ddate>>5)&15) - 1; tm->tm_mday = ddate&31; tm->tm_hour = (dtime>>11)&31; tm->tm_min = (dtime>>5)&63; tm->tm_sec = (dtime<<1)&62; return mktime(tm); } unsigned short _zip_read2(unsigned char **a) { unsigned short ret; ret = (*a)[0]+((*a)[1]<<8); *a += 2; return ret; } unsigned int _zip_read4(unsigned char **a) { unsigned int ret; ret = ((((((*a)[3]<<8)+(*a)[2])<<8)+(*a)[1])<<8)+(*a)[0]; *a += 4; return ret; } static char * _zip_readfpstr(FILE *fp, unsigned int len, int nulp, struct zip_error *error) { char *r, *o; r = (char *)malloc(nulp ? len+1 : len); if (!r) { _zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return NULL; } if (fread(r, 1, len, fp)>8)&0xff, fp); return; } static void _zip_write4(unsigned int i, FILE *fp) { putc(i&0xff, fp); putc((i>>8)&0xff, fp); putc((i>>16)&0xff, fp); putc((i>>24)&0xff, fp); return; } static void _zip_u2d_time(time_t time, unsigned short *dtime, unsigned short *ddate) { struct tm *tm; tm = localtime(&time); *ddate = ((tm->tm_year+1900-1980)<<9) + ((tm->tm_mon+1)<<5) + tm->tm_mday; *dtime = ((tm->tm_hour)<<11) + ((tm->tm_min)<<5) + ((tm->tm_sec)>>1); return; }