--TEST-- Test money_format() function : basic functionality using national currency symbols and de_DE locale --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- *** Testing money_format() : basic functionality using national currency symbols and de_DE locale*** Deprecated: setlocale(): deprecated in Unicode mode, please use ICU locale functions in %s on line %d Format values with 14 positions, 8 digits to left, 2 to right using national format unicode(18) " 1.234,57 EUR" unicode(18) "- 1.234,57 EUR" Format again but with ( for negative values unicode(18) " 1.234,57 EUR" unicode(19) "( 1.234,57 EUR)" Format with 0 for padding character unicode(18) " 000001.234,57 EUR" unicode(18) "-000001.234,57 EUR" Format again with * for padding character unicode(18) " *****1.234,57 EUR" unicode(18) "-*****1.234,57 EUR" Format again but disable grouping character unicode(16) " ****1234,57 EUR" unicode(16) "-****1234,57 EUR" Format again suppress currency symbol unicode(14) " *****1.234,57" unicode(14) "-*****1.234,57" Deprecated: setlocale(): deprecated in Unicode mode, please use ICU locale functions in %s on line %d ===DONE===