type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) echo " "; echo "<".$node->name; $attributes = $node->attributes(); if(is_array($attributes)) { //var_dump($attributes); foreach($attributes as $attribute) echo " ".$attribute->name."=".$node->getattr($attribute->name); } echo ">\n"; $children = $node->children(); for($i=0; $i < count($children); $i++) output_node($children[$i], $level+1); for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) echo " "; echo "name.">\n"; break; case XML_TEXT_NODE: for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) echo " "; echo $node->content; break; case XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE: echo $node->content; break; case XML_COMMENT_NODE: for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++) echo " "; echo ""; echo "\n"; break; } } function list_attr($node) { $attr = domxml_attributes($node); for(reset($attr); $key = key($attr); next($attr)) { echo $key."=".$attr[$key]."\n"; } } $xmlstr = " ]> Title &sp; a1b1c1 a2c2 a3b3c3 "; /* The following code traverses the xml tree node by node by using the methods of the xmlnode object */ echo "Test 1: accessing single nodes from php\n"; if(!$dom = xmldoc($xmlstr)) { echo "Error while parsing the document\n"; exit; } echo "XML Version: ".$dom->version."\n"; echo "Standalone: ".$dom->standalone."\n"; $dtd = $dom->dtd(); $rootnode = $dom->children(); foreach($rootnode as $root) output_node($root); $rootnode = $dom->root(); output_node($rootnode); /* This one creates a dom tree made of php objects */ echo "Test 2: creating a tree with php objects\n"; $dom = xmltree($xmlstr); $dom->root->name = "section"; echo $dom->root->name; echo "\n"; /* xmltree() creates a tree which is readonly. This means that a function like $dom->root->new_child("TEST", "ljdf"); won't work */ /* The following builds a xml document from scratch */ echo "Test 3: building a xml document from scratch\n"; $doc = new_xmldoc("1.0"); $root = $doc->add_root("HTML"); $head = $root->new_child("HEAD", ""); $head->new_child("TITLE", "Hier der Titel"); $body = $root->new_child("BODY", ""); $table = $body->new_child("TABLE", ""); $table->setattr("WIDTH", "100%"); $table->new_child("TR", " "); echo $doc->dumpmem(); /* The following does some testing of the xpath support */ echo "Test 4: See if XPath works\n"; if(!$dom = xmldoc($xmlstr)) { echo "Error while parsing the document\n"; exit; } if(false === ($xpathctx = xpath_new_context($dom))) { echo "Error in xpath_new_context()\n"; exit; } /* What you get back is an object of type XPathObject. Depending on the sub type of XPathObject, the property 'value' or 'nodeset' contains the result. The sub type is in property 'type'. See docs for libxml for valid types. 1 means XPATH_NODESET which is in PHP an array of DomNodes. */ $xpathobj = xpath_eval($xpathctx, "/child::*"); echo $xpathobj->type."\n"; var_dump($xpathobj); foreach($xpathobj->nodeset as $node) echo $node->name."\n"; ?>