--TEST-- Test is_array() function --FILE-- 'One'), array("test" => "is_array"), array(0), array(-1), array(10.5, 5.6), array("string", "test"), array('string', 'test') ); /* loop to check that is_array() recognizes different type of arrays, expected output bool(true) */ $loop_counter = 1; foreach ($arrays as $var_array ) { echo "-- Iteration $loop_counter --\n"; $loop_counter++; var_dump( is_array ($var_array) ); } echo "\n*** Testing is_array() on non array types ***\n"; // get a resource type variable $fp = fopen (__FILE__, "r"); $dfp = opendir ( dirname(__FILE__) ); // unset variables $unset_array = array(10); unset($unset_array); // other types in a array $varient_arrays = array ( /* integers */ 543915, -5322, 0x55F, -0xCCF, 123, -0654, /* strings */ "", '', "0", '0', 'string', "string", /* floats */ 10.0000000000000000005, .5e6, -.5E7, .5E+8, -.5e+90, 1e5, /* objects */ new stdclass, /* resources */ $fp, $dfp, /* nulls */ null, NULL, /* boolean */ true, TRUE, FALSE, false, /* unset/undefined arrays */ @$unset_array, @$undefined_array ); /* loop through the $varient_array to see working of is_array() on non array types, expected output bool(false) */ $loop_counter = 1; foreach ($varient_arrays as $type ) { echo "-- Iteration $loop_counter --\n"; $loop_counter++; var_dump( is_array ($type) ); } echo "\n*** Testing error conditions ***\n"; //Zero argument var_dump( is_array() ); //arguments more than expected var_dump( is_array ($fp, $fp) ); echo "Done\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- /* close resources */ fclose($fp); closedir($dfp); --EXPECTF-- *** Testing is_array() on different type of arrays *** -- Iteration 1 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 2 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 3 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 4 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 5 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 6 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 7 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 8 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 9 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 10 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 11 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 12 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 13 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 14 -- bool(true) -- Iteration 15 -- bool(true) *** Testing is_array() on non array types *** -- Iteration 1 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 2 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 3 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 4 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 5 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 6 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 7 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 8 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 9 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 10 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 11 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 12 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 13 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 14 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 15 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 16 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 17 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 18 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 19 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 20 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 21 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 22 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 23 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 24 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 25 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 26 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 27 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 28 -- bool(false) -- Iteration 29 -- bool(false) *** Testing error conditions *** Warning: is_array(): Only one argument expected in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: is_array(): Only one argument expected in %s on line %d bool(false) Done