/* Copyright Abandoned 1996 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind */ #include "mysys_priv.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_REALPATH #include #include #endif /* format a filename with replace of library and extension */ /* params to and name may be identicall */ /* function doesn't change name if name != to */ /* Flag may be: 1 replace filenames library with 'dsk' */ /* 2 replace extension with 'form' */ /* 4 Unpack filename (replace ~ with home) */ /* 8 Pack filename as short as possibly */ /* 16 Resolve symbolic links for filename */ /* 32 Resolve filename to full path */ #ifdef MAXPATHLEN #define BUFF_LEN MAXPATHLEN #else #define BUFF_LEN FN_LEN #endif my_string fn_format(my_string to, const char *name, const char *dsk, const char *form, int flag) { reg1 uint length; char dev[FN_REFLEN], buff[BUFF_LEN], *pos, *startpos; const char *ext; DBUG_ENTER("fn_format"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("name: %s dsk: %s form: %s flag: %d", name,dsk,form,flag)); /* Kopiera & skippa enheten */ name+=(length=dirname_part(dev,(startpos=(my_string) name))); if (length == 0 || flag & 1) { (void) strmov(dev,dsk); /* Use given directory */ convert_dirname(dev); /* Fix to this OS */ } if (flag & 8) pack_dirname(dev,dev); /* Put in ./.. and ~/.. */ if (flag & 4) (void) unpack_dirname(dev,dev); /* Replace ~/.. with dir */ if ((pos=strchr(name,FN_EXTCHAR)) != NullS) { if ((flag & 2) == 0) /* Skall vi byta extension ? */ { length=strlength(name); /* Old extension */ ext = ""; } else { length=(uint) (pos-(char*) name); /* Change extension */ ext= form; } } else { length=strlength(name); /* Har ingen ext- tag nya */ ext=form; } if (strlen(dev)+length+strlen(ext) >= FN_REFLEN || length >= FN_LEN ) { /* To long path, return original */ uint tmp_length=strlength(startpos); DBUG_PRINT("error",("dev: '%s' ext: '%s' length: %d",dev,ext,length)); (void) strmake(to,startpos,min(tmp_length,FN_REFLEN-1)); } else { if (to == startpos) { bmove(buff,(char*) name,length); /* Save name for last copy */ name=buff; } (void) strmov(strnmov(strmov(to,dev),name,length),ext); #ifdef FN_UPPER_CASE caseup_str(to); #endif #ifdef FN_LOWER_CASE casedn_str(to); #endif } /* Purify gives a lot of UMR errors when using realpath */ #if defined(HAVE_REALPATH) && !defined(HAVE_purify) if (flag & 16) { struct stat stat_buff; if (flag & 32 || (!lstat(to,&stat_buff) && S_ISLNK(stat_buff.st_mode))) { if (realpath(to,buff)) strmov(to,buff); } } #endif DBUG_RETURN (to); } /* fn_format */ /* strlength(const string str) Return length of string with end-space:s not counted. */ size_s strlength(const char *str) { reg1 my_string pos; reg2 my_string found; DBUG_ENTER("strlength"); pos=found=(char*) str; while (*pos) { if (*pos != ' ') { while (*++pos && *pos != ' ') {}; if (!*pos) { found=pos; /* String ends here */ break; } } found=pos; while (*++pos == ' ') {}; } DBUG_RETURN((size_s) (found-(char*) str)); } /* strlength */