--TEST-- Bug #29674 (inherited method doesn't have access to private variables of the derived class) --FILE-- private_base); var_dump($this->private_child); } } class ChildClass extends BaseClass { private $private_child = "Child"; } echo "===BASE===\n"; $obj = new BaseClass; $obj->printVars(); echo "===CHILD===\n"; $obj = new ChildClass; $obj->printVars(); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- ===BASE=== string(4) "Base" Notice: Undefined property: BaseClass::$private_child in %sbug29674.php on line %d NULL ===CHILD=== string(4) "Base" Fatal error: Cannot access private property ChildClass::$private_child in %sbug29674.php on line %d --UEXPECTF-- ===BASE=== unicode(4) "Base" Notice: Undefined property: BaseClass::$private_child in %sbug29674.php on line %d NULL ===CHILD=== unicode(4) "Base" Fatal error: Cannot access private property ChildClass::$private_child in %sbug29674.php on line %d