--TEST-- Test end() function --SKIPIF-- --INI-- precision=14 --FILE-- "A", 2 => "B", "C" => 3, 4 => 4, "one" => 1, "" => NULL ), array(1, array(1, 2 => 3 ), "one" => 1, "5" => 5 ), array(-1, -2, -3, -4, "-0.005" => "neg0.005", 2.0 => "float2", "neg.9" => -.9 ), array(1.0005, 2.000000, -3.000000, -4.9999999 ), array(true, false), array("PHP", "Web2.0", "SOA"), array(1, array() ), array(1, 2, "" ), array(" "), array(2147483647, 2147483648, -2147483647, -2147483648 ), array(0x7FFFFFFF, -0x80000000, 017777777777, -020000000000 ), array(-.6700000E+3, -4.10003E+3, 1e-5, -1E+5, 000002.00 ) ); /* loop through $arrays to print the last element of each sub-array */ echo "*** Testing end() on different arrays ***\n"; $counter = 1; foreach ($arrays as $sub_array){ echo "-- Iteration $counter --\n"; var_dump( end($sub_array) ); /* ensure that internal pointer is moved to last element */ var_dump( current($sub_array) ); $counter++; } /* checking for end() on sub-arrays */ echo "\n*** Testing end() with sub-arrays ***\n"; $test_array = array(1, array(1 => "one", "two" => 2, "" => "f") ); var_dump( end($test_array) ); var_dump( end($test_array[1]) ); /* checking working of end() when array elements are deleted */ echo "\n*** Testing end() when array elements are deleted ***\n"; $array_test = array("a", "b", "d", 7, "u" => "U", -4, "-.008" => "neg.008"); // remove first element from array echo "\n-- Remove first element from array --\n"; unset($array_test[0]); var_dump( end($array_test) ); // remove last element from array, rewind and check end() echo "\n-- Remove last element from array --\n"; unset($array_test['-.008']); var_dump( end($array_test) ); reset( $array_test ); var_dump( end($array_test) ); // remove any element !first, !last, rewind and check end() echo "\n-- Remove any element from array apart from first and last element --\n"; unset($array_test[7]); var_dump( end($array_test) ); var_dump( reset($array_test) ); var_dump( end($array_test) ); /* Checking on OBJECTS type */ echo "\n*** Testing end() on objects ***\n"; class foo { function __toString() { return "Object"; } } class foo1 { function __toString() { return "Object1"; } } $object1 = new foo(); //new object created $object2 = new foo1(); $array_object = array(); $array_object[0] = &$object1; $array_object[1] = &$object2; var_dump( end($array_object) ); var_dump($array_object); /* Checking on RESOURCE type */ echo "\n*** Testing end() on resource type ***\n"; //file type resource $file_handle = fopen(__FILE__, "r"); //directory type resource $dir_handle = opendir( dirname(__FILE__) ); //store resources in array $resources = array($file_handle, $dir_handle); var_dump( end($resources) ); var_dump( current($resources) ); echo "\n*** Testing error conditions ***\n"; /* checking for unexpected number of arguments */ var_dump( end() ); var_dump( end($array[0], $array[0]) ); /* checking for unexpected type of arguments */ $var=1; $var1="string"; var_dump( end($var) ); var_dump( end($var1) ); /* checking null array */ $null_array = array(); var_dump( end($null_array) ); echo "Done\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- /* cleaning resource handles */ fclose( $file_handle ); //file resource handle deleted closedir( $dir_handle ); //dir resource handle deleted --EXPECTF-- *** Testing end() on different arrays *** -- Iteration 1 -- int(0) int(0) -- Iteration 2 -- int(100) int(100) -- Iteration 3 -- string(1) "y" string(1) "y" -- Iteration 4 -- NULL NULL -- Iteration 5 -- int(5) int(5) -- Iteration 6 -- float(-0.9) float(-0.9) -- Iteration 7 -- float(-4.9999999) float(-4.9999999) -- Iteration 8 -- bool(false) bool(false) -- Iteration 9 -- string(3) "SOA" string(3) "SOA" -- Iteration 10 -- array(0) { } array(0) { } -- Iteration 11 -- string(0) "" string(0) "" -- Iteration 12 -- string(1) " " string(1) " " -- Iteration 13 -- int(-2147483648) int(-2147483648) -- Iteration 14 -- int(-2147483648) int(-2147483648) -- Iteration 15 -- float(2) float(2) *** Testing end() with sub-arrays *** array(3) { [1]=> string(3) "one" ["two"]=> int(2) [""]=> string(1) "f" } string(1) "f" *** Testing end() when array elements are deleted *** -- Remove first element from array -- string(7) "neg.008" -- Remove last element from array -- int(-4) int(-4) -- Remove any element from array apart from first and last element -- int(-4) string(1) "b" int(-4) *** Testing end() on objects *** object(foo1)#%d (0) { } array(2) { [0]=> &object(foo)#%d (0) { } [1]=> &object(foo1)#%d (0) { } } *** Testing end() on resource type *** resource(%d) of type (stream) resource(%d) of type (stream) *** Testing error conditions *** Warning: end() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: end() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: end() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: end() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in %s on line %d NULL bool(false) Done --UEXPECTF-- *** Testing end() on different arrays *** -- Iteration 1 -- int(0) int(0) -- Iteration 2 -- int(100) int(100) -- Iteration 3 -- unicode(1) "y" unicode(1) "y" -- Iteration 4 -- NULL NULL -- Iteration 5 -- int(5) int(5) -- Iteration 6 -- float(-0.9) float(-0.9) -- Iteration 7 -- float(-4.9999999) float(-4.9999999) -- Iteration 8 -- bool(false) bool(false) -- Iteration 9 -- unicode(3) "SOA" unicode(3) "SOA" -- Iteration 10 -- array(0) { } array(0) { } -- Iteration 11 -- unicode(0) "" unicode(0) "" -- Iteration 12 -- unicode(1) " " unicode(1) " " -- Iteration 13 -- int(-2147483648) int(-2147483648) -- Iteration 14 -- int(-2147483648) int(-2147483648) -- Iteration 15 -- float(2) float(2) *** Testing end() with sub-arrays *** array(3) { [1]=> unicode(3) "one" [u"two"]=> int(2) [u""]=> unicode(1) "f" } unicode(1) "f" *** Testing end() when array elements are deleted *** -- Remove first element from array -- unicode(7) "neg.008" -- Remove last element from array -- int(-4) int(-4) -- Remove any element from array apart from first and last element -- int(-4) unicode(1) "b" int(-4) *** Testing end() on objects *** object(foo1)#%d (0) { } array(2) { [0]=> &object(foo)#%d (0) { } [1]=> &object(foo1)#%d (0) { } } *** Testing end() on resource type *** resource(%d) of type (stream) resource(%d) of type (stream) *** Testing error conditions *** Warning: end() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: end() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: end() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: end() expects parameter 1 to be array, Unicode string given in %s on line %d NULL bool(false) Done