--TEST-- Test array_intersect() function : usage variations - assoc array with diff values for 'arr1' argument --FILE-- 0), array("1" => 1), array("one" => 1, 'two' => 2, "three" => 3, 4 => 4), // arrays with float values /*5*/ array("float" => 2.3333), array("f1" => 1.2, 'f2' => 3.33, 3 => 4.89999922839999, 'f4' => 33333333.333333), // arrays with string values /*7*/ array(111 => "\tHello", "red" => "col\tor", 2 => "\v\fworld", 3.3 => "pen\n"), array(111 => '\tHello', "red" => 'col\tor', 2 => '\v\fworld', 3.3 => 'pen\n'), array(1 => "hello", "heredoc" => $heredoc), // array with object, unset variable and resource variable /*10*/ array(11 => new classA(), "unset" => @$unset_var, "resource" => $fp), // array with mixed values /*11*/ array(1 => 'hello', 2 => new classA(), 222 => "fruit", 'resource' => $fp, "int" => 133, "float" => 444.432, "unset" => @$unset_var, "heredoc" => $heredoc) ); // array to be passsed to $arr2 argument $arr2 = array(1, 2, 1.2, 2.3333, "col\tor", '\v\fworld', $fp, "Hello world", $heredoc, new classA(), 444.432, "fruit"); // loop through each sub-array within $arrrays to check the behavior of array_intersect() $iterator = 1; foreach($arrays as $arr1) { echo "-- Iterator $iterator --\n"; // Calling array_intersect() with default arguments var_dump( array_intersect($arr1, $arr2) ); // Calling array_intersect() with more arguments. // additional argument passed is the same as $arr1 argument var_dump( array_intersect($arr1, $arr2, $arr1) ); $iterator++; } // close the file resource used fclose($fp); echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing array_intersect() : assoc array with diff values to $arr1 argument *** -- Iterator 1 -- array(0) { } array(0) { } -- Iterator 2 -- array(0) { } array(0) { } -- Iterator 3 -- array(1) { [1]=> int(1) } array(1) { [1]=> int(1) } -- Iterator 4 -- array(2) { ["one"]=> int(1) ["two"]=> int(2) } array(2) { ["one"]=> int(1) ["two"]=> int(2) } -- Iterator 5 -- array(1) { ["float"]=> float(2.3333) } array(1) { ["float"]=> float(2.3333) } -- Iterator 6 -- array(1) { ["f1"]=> float(1.2) } array(1) { ["f1"]=> float(1.2) } -- Iterator 7 -- array(1) { ["red"]=> string(6) "col or" } array(1) { ["red"]=> string(6) "col or" } -- Iterator 8 -- array(1) { [2]=> string(9) "\v\fworld" } array(1) { [2]=> string(9) "\v\fworld" } -- Iterator 9 -- array(1) { ["heredoc"]=> string(11) "Hello world" } array(1) { ["heredoc"]=> string(11) "Hello world" } -- Iterator 10 -- array(2) { [11]=> object(classA)#%d (0) { } ["resource"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } array(2) { [11]=> object(classA)#%d (0) { } ["resource"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } -- Iterator 11 -- array(5) { [2]=> object(classA)#%d (0) { } [222]=> string(5) "fruit" ["resource"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) ["float"]=> float(444.432) ["heredoc"]=> string(11) "Hello world" } array(5) { [2]=> object(classA)#%d (0) { } [222]=> string(5) "fruit" ["resource"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) ["float"]=> float(444.432) ["heredoc"]=> string(11) "Hello world" } Done --UEXPECTF-- *** Testing array_intersect() : assoc array with diff values to $arr1 argument *** -- Iterator 1 -- array(0) { } array(0) { } -- Iterator 2 -- array(0) { } array(0) { } -- Iterator 3 -- array(1) { [1]=> int(1) } array(1) { [1]=> int(1) } -- Iterator 4 -- array(2) { [u"one"]=> int(1) [u"two"]=> int(2) } array(2) { [u"one"]=> int(1) [u"two"]=> int(2) } -- Iterator 5 -- array(1) { [u"float"]=> float(2.3333) } array(1) { [u"float"]=> float(2.3333) } -- Iterator 6 -- array(1) { [u"f1"]=> float(1.2) } array(1) { [u"f1"]=> float(1.2) } -- Iterator 7 -- array(1) { [u"red"]=> unicode(6) "col or" } array(1) { [u"red"]=> unicode(6) "col or" } -- Iterator 8 -- array(1) { [2]=> unicode(9) "\v\fworld" } array(1) { [2]=> unicode(9) "\v\fworld" } -- Iterator 9 -- array(1) { [u"heredoc"]=> unicode(11) "Hello world" } array(1) { [u"heredoc"]=> unicode(11) "Hello world" } -- Iterator 10 -- array(2) { [11]=> object(classA)#%d (0) { } [u"resource"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } array(2) { [11]=> object(classA)#%d (0) { } [u"resource"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) } -- Iterator 11 -- array(5) { [2]=> object(classA)#%d (0) { } [222]=> unicode(5) "fruit" [u"resource"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) [u"float"]=> float(444.432) [u"heredoc"]=> unicode(11) "Hello world" } array(5) { [2]=> object(classA)#%d (0) { } [222]=> unicode(5) "fruit" [u"resource"]=> resource(%d) of type (stream) [u"float"]=> float(444.432) [u"heredoc"]=> unicode(11) "Hello world" } Done