* @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_get_connection_stats */ public function get_connection_stats(): array {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_get_server_info */ public function get_server_info(): string {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_get_warnings */ public function get_warnings(): mysqli_warning|false {} /** * @return bool|null * */ #[\Deprecated(since: '8.1', message: 'replace calls to parent::init() with parent::__construct()')] public function init() {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_kill */ #[\Deprecated(since: '8.4', message: 'use KILL CONNECTION/QUERY SQL statement instead')] public function kill(int $process_id): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_multi_query */ public function multi_query(string $query): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_more_results */ public function more_results(): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_next_result */ public function next_result(): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_ping */ #[\Deprecated(since: '8.4', message: 'because the reconnect feature has been removed in PHP 8.2 and this method is now redundant')] public function ping(): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_poll */ public static function poll(?array &$read, ?array &$error, array &$reject, int $seconds, int $microseconds = 0): int|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_prepare */ public function prepare(string $query): mysqli_stmt|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_query */ public function query(string $query, int $result_mode = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT): mysqli_result|bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_real_connect */ public function real_connect( ?string $hostname = null, ?string $username = null, #[\SensitiveParameter] ?string $password = null, ?string $database = null, ?int $port = null, ?string $socket = null, int $flags = 0 ): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_real_escape_string */ public function real_escape_string(string $string): string {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_reap_async_query */ public function reap_async_query(): mysqli_result|bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_real_escape_string */ public function escape_string(string $string): string {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_real_query */ public function real_query(string $query): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_release_savepoint */ public function release_savepoint(string $name): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_rollback */ public function rollback(int $flags = 0, ?string $name = null): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_savepoint */ public function savepoint(string $name): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_select_db */ public function select_db(string $database): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_set_charset */ public function set_charset(string $charset): bool {} /** * @param string|int $value * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_options */ public function options(int $option, $value): bool {} /** * @param string|int $value * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_options */ public function set_opt(int $option, $value): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_ssl_set */ public function ssl_set( ?string $key, ?string $certificate, ?string $ca_certificate, ?string $ca_path, ?string $cipher_algos ): true {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stat */ public function stat(): string|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_init */ public function stmt_init(): mysqli_stmt|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_store_result */ public function store_result(int $mode = 0): mysqli_result|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_thread_safe */ public function thread_safe(): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_use_result */ public function use_result(): mysqli_result|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_refresh */ #[\Deprecated(since: '8.4', message: 'use FLUSH SQL statement instead')] public function refresh(int $flags): bool {} } class mysqli_result implements IteratorAggregate { /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-result.current-field */ public int $current_field; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-result.field-count */ public int $field_count; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-result.lengths */ public ?array $lengths; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-result.num-rows */ public int|string $num_rows; public int $type; public function __construct(mysqli $mysql, int $result_mode = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT) {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_free_result */ public function close(): void {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_free_result */ public function free(): void {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_data_seek */ public function data_seek(int $offset): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_fetch_field */ public function fetch_field(): object|false {} /** * @return array * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_fetch_fields */ public function fetch_fields(): array {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_fetch_field_direct */ public function fetch_field_direct(int $index): object|false {} /** * @return array * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_fetch_all */ public function fetch_all(int $mode = MYSQLI_NUM): array {} /** * @return array|null|false * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_fetch_array */ public function fetch_array(int $mode = MYSQLI_BOTH): array|null|false {} /** * @return array|null|false * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_fetch_assoc */ public function fetch_assoc(): array|null|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_fetch_object */ public function fetch_object(string $class = "stdClass", array $constructor_args = []): object|null|false {} /** * @return array|null|false * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_fetch_row */ public function fetch_row(): array|null|false {} /** @alias mysqli_fetch_column */ public function fetch_column(int $column = 0): null|int|float|string|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_field_seek */ public function field_seek(int $index): true {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_free_result */ public function free_result(): void {} public function getIterator(): Iterator {} } class mysqli_stmt { /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.affected-rows */ public int|string $affected_rows; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.insert-id */ public int|string $insert_id; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.num-rows */ public int|string $num_rows; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.param-count */ public int $param_count; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.field-count */ public int $field_count; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.errno */ public int $errno; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.error */ public string $error; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.error-list */ public array $error_list; /** * @readonly * @link mysqli-stmt.sqlstate */ public string $sqlstate; public int $id; public function __construct(mysqli $mysql, ?string $query = null) {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_attr_get */ public function attr_get(int $attribute): int {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_attr_set */ public function attr_set(int $attribute, int $value): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_bind_param */ public function bind_param(string $types, mixed &...$vars): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_bind_result */ public function bind_result(mixed &...$vars): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_close */ public function close(): true {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_data_seek */ public function data_seek(int $offset): void {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_execute */ public function execute(?array $params = null): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_fetch */ public function fetch(): ?bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_get_warnings */ public function get_warnings(): mysqli_warning|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_result_metadata */ public function result_metadata(): mysqli_result|false {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_more_results */ public function more_results(): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_next_result */ public function next_result(): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_num_rows */ public function num_rows(): int|string {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_send_long_data */ public function send_long_data(int $param_num, string $data): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_free_result */ public function free_result(): void {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_reset */ public function reset(): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_prepare */ public function prepare(string $query): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_store_result */ public function store_result(): bool {} /** * @tentative-return-type * @alias mysqli_stmt_get_result */ public function get_result(): mysqli_result|false {} } final class mysqli_warning { public string $message; public string $sqlstate; public int $errno; private function __construct() {} public function next(): bool {} } final class mysqli_sql_exception extends RuntimeException { protected string $sqlstate = "00000"; public function getSqlState(): string {} } /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_affected_rows(mysqli $mysql): int|string {} function mysqli_autocommit(mysqli $mysql, bool $enable): bool {} function mysqli_begin_transaction(mysqli $mysql, int $flags = 0, ?string $name = null): bool {} function mysqli_change_user(mysqli $mysql, string $username, #[\SensitiveParameter] string $password, ?string $database): bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_character_set_name(mysqli $mysql): string {} function mysqli_close(mysqli $mysql): true {} function mysqli_commit(mysqli $mysql, int $flags = 0, ?string $name = null): bool {} /** * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_connect( ?string $hostname = null, ?string $username = null, #[\SensitiveParameter] ?string $password = null, ?string $database = null, ?int $port = null, ?string $socket = null ): mysqli|false {} function mysqli_connect_errno(): int {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_connect_error(): ?string {} function mysqli_data_seek(mysqli_result $result, int $offset): bool {} function mysqli_dump_debug_info(mysqli $mysql): bool {} function mysqli_debug(string $options): true {} function mysqli_errno(mysqli $mysql): int {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_error(mysqli $mysql): string {} /** * @return array * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_error_list(mysqli $mysql): array {} function mysqli_stmt_execute(mysqli_stmt $statement, ?array $params = null): bool {} /** @alias mysqli_stmt_execute */ function mysqli_execute(mysqli_stmt $statement, ?array $params = null): bool {} function mysqli_execute_query(mysqli $mysql, string $query, ?array $params = null): mysqli_result|bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_field(mysqli_result $result): object|false {} /** * @return array * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_fields(mysqli_result $result): array {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_field_direct(mysqli_result $result, int $index): object|false {} /** * @return array|false * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_lengths(mysqli_result $result): array|false {} /** * @return array * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_all(mysqli_result $result, int $mode = MYSQLI_NUM): array {} /** * @return array|null|false * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_result $result, int $mode = MYSQLI_BOTH): array|null|false {} /** * @return array|null|false * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_result $result): array|null|false {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_object(mysqli_result $result, string $class = "stdClass", array $constructor_args = []): object|null|false {} /** * @return array|null|false * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_fetch_row(mysqli_result $result): array|null|false {} function mysqli_fetch_column(mysqli_result $result, int $column = 0): null|int|float|string|false {} function mysqli_field_count(mysqli $mysql): int {} function mysqli_field_seek(mysqli_result $result, int $index): true {} function mysqli_field_tell(mysqli_result $result): int {} function mysqli_free_result(mysqli_result $result): void {} /** * @return array * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_get_connection_stats(mysqli $mysql): array {} /** * @return array * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_get_client_stats(): array {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_get_charset(mysqli $mysql): ?object {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_get_client_info(?mysqli $mysql = null): string {} function mysqli_get_client_version(): int {} /** * @return array * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_get_links_stats(): array {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_get_host_info(mysqli $mysql): string {} function mysqli_get_proto_info(mysqli $mysql): int {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_get_server_info(mysqli $mysql): string {} function mysqli_get_server_version(mysqli $mysql): int {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_get_warnings(mysqli $mysql): mysqli_warning|false {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_init(): mysqli|false {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_info(mysqli $mysql): ?string {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_insert_id(mysqli $mysql): int|string {} #[\Deprecated(since: '8.4', message: 'use KILL CONNECTION/QUERY SQL statement instead')] function mysqli_kill(mysqli $mysql, int $process_id): bool {} function mysqli_more_results(mysqli $mysql): bool {} function mysqli_multi_query(mysqli $mysql, string $query): bool {} function mysqli_next_result(mysqli $mysql): bool {} function mysqli_num_fields(mysqli_result $result): int {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_result $result): int|string {} /** @param string|int $value */ function mysqli_options(mysqli $mysql, int $option, $value): bool {} /** * @param string|int $value * @alias mysqli_options */ function mysqli_set_opt(mysqli $mysql, int $option, $value): bool {} #[\Deprecated(since: '8.4', message: 'because the reconnect feature has been removed in PHP 8.2 and this function is now redundant')] function mysqli_ping(mysqli $mysql): bool {} function mysqli_poll(?array &$read, ?array &$error, array &$reject, int $seconds, int $microseconds = 0): int|false {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_prepare(mysqli $mysql, string $query): mysqli_stmt|false {} function mysqli_report(int $flags): true {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_query(mysqli $mysql, string $query, int $result_mode = MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT): mysqli_result|bool {} function mysqli_real_connect( mysqli $mysql, ?string $hostname = null, ?string $username = null, #[\SensitiveParameter] ?string $password = null, ?string $database = null, ?int $port = null, ?string $socket = null, int $flags = 0 ): bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_real_escape_string(mysqli $mysql, string $string): string {} /** @alias mysqli_real_escape_string */ function mysqli_escape_string(mysqli $mysql, string $string): string {} function mysqli_real_query(mysqli $mysql, string $query): bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_reap_async_query(mysqli $mysql): mysqli_result|bool {} function mysqli_release_savepoint(mysqli $mysql, string $name): bool {} function mysqli_rollback(mysqli $mysql, int $flags = 0, ?string $name = null): bool {} function mysqli_savepoint(mysqli $mysql, string $name): bool {} function mysqli_select_db(mysqli $mysql, string $database): bool {} function mysqli_set_charset(mysqli $mysql, string $charset): bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_affected_rows(mysqli_stmt $statement): int|string {} function mysqli_stmt_attr_get(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $attribute): int {} function mysqli_stmt_attr_set(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $attribute, int $value): bool {} function mysqli_stmt_bind_param(mysqli_stmt $statement, string $types, mixed &...$vars): bool {} function mysqli_stmt_bind_result(mysqli_stmt $statement, mixed &...$vars): bool {} function mysqli_stmt_close(mysqli_stmt $statement): true {} function mysqli_stmt_data_seek(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $offset): void {} function mysqli_stmt_errno(mysqli_stmt $statement): int {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_error(mysqli_stmt $statement): string {} /** * @return array * @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_error_list(mysqli_stmt $statement): array {} function mysqli_stmt_fetch(mysqli_stmt $statement): ?bool {} function mysqli_stmt_field_count(mysqli_stmt $statement): int {} function mysqli_stmt_free_result(mysqli_stmt $statement): void {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_get_result(mysqli_stmt $statement): mysqli_result|false {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_get_warnings(mysqli_stmt $statement): mysqli_warning|false {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_init(mysqli $mysql): mysqli_stmt|false {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_insert_id(mysqli_stmt $statement): int|string {} function mysqli_stmt_more_results(mysqli_stmt $statement): bool {} function mysqli_stmt_next_result(mysqli_stmt $statement): bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_num_rows(mysqli_stmt $statement): int|string {} function mysqli_stmt_param_count(mysqli_stmt $statement): int {} function mysqli_stmt_prepare(mysqli_stmt $statement, string $query): bool {} function mysqli_stmt_reset(mysqli_stmt $statement): bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_result_metadata(mysqli_stmt $statement): mysqli_result|false {} function mysqli_stmt_send_long_data(mysqli_stmt $statement, int $param_num, string $data): bool {} function mysqli_stmt_store_result(mysqli_stmt $statement): bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stmt_sqlstate(mysqli_stmt $statement): string {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_sqlstate(mysqli $mysql): string {} function mysqli_ssl_set( mysqli $mysql, ?string $key, ?string $certificate, ?string $ca_certificate, ?string $ca_path, ?string $cipher_algos ): true {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_stat(mysqli $mysql): string|false {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_store_result(mysqli $mysql, int $mode = 0): mysqli_result|false {} function mysqli_thread_id(mysqli $mysql): int {} function mysqli_thread_safe(): bool {} /** @refcount 1 */ function mysqli_use_result(mysqli $mysql): mysqli_result|false {} function mysqli_warning_count(mysqli $mysql): int {} #[\Deprecated(since: '8.4', message: 'use FLUSH SQL statement instead')] function mysqli_refresh(mysqli $mysql, int $flags): bool {}