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This commit is contained in:
Marcus Boerger 2004-07-15 19:09:37 +00:00
parent f20849d12e
commit f2377c4d1f
2 changed files with 89 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
; About this file ;
; About php.ini ;
; This file controls many aspects of PHP's behavior. In order for PHP to
; read it, it must be named 'php.ini'. PHP looks for it in the current
@ -55,6 +55,10 @@
; dynamically loaded extension (either a PHP extension or a Zend extension),
; you may only use these constants *after* the line that loads the extension.
; About this file ;
; All the values in the php.ini-dist file correspond to the builtin
; defaults (that is, if no php.ini is used, or if you delete these lines,
; the builtin defaults will be identical).
@ -106,6 +110,8 @@ output_buffering = Off
; is doing.
; Note: You cannot use both "mb_output_handler" with "ob_iconv_handler"
; and you cannot use both "ob_gzhandler" and "zlib.output_compression".
; Note: output_handler must be empty if this is set 'On' !!!!
; Instead you must use zlib.output_handler.
;output_handler =
; Transparent output compression using the zlib library
@ -156,6 +162,7 @@ serialize_precision = 100
; reference).
allow_call_time_pass_reference = On
; Safe Mode
safe_mode = Off
@ -234,6 +241,7 @@ max_execution_time = 30 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
; Error handling and logging ;
@ -263,6 +271,10 @@ memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
; Examples:
; - Show all errors, except for notices and coding standards warnings
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT
; - Show all errors, except for notices
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
@ -554,6 +566,7 @@ default_socket_timeout = 60
@ -720,7 +733,8 @@ msql.max_links = -1
; Allow or prevent persistent links.
pgsql.allow_persistent = On
; Detect broken persistent links always with pg_pconnect(). Need a little overhead.
; Detect broken persistent links always with pg_pconnect().
; Auto reset feature requires a little overheads.
pgsql.auto_reset_persistent = Off
; Maximum number of persistent links. -1 means no limit.
@ -730,6 +744,7 @@ pgsql.max_persistent = -1
pgsql.max_links = -1
; Ignore PostgreSQL backends Notice message or not.
; Notice message logging require a little overheads.
pgsql.ignore_notice = 0
; Log PostgreSQL backends Noitce message or not.

View File

@ -1,12 +1,57 @@
; About php.ini ;
; This file controls many aspects of PHP's behavior. In order for PHP to
; read it, it must be named 'php.ini'. PHP looks for it in the current
; working directory, in the path designated by the environment variable
; PHPRC, and in the path that was defined in compile time (in that order).
; Under Windows, the compile-time path is the Windows directory. The
; path in which the php.ini file is looked for can be overridden using
; the -c argument in command line mode.
; The syntax of the file is extremely simple. Whitespace and Lines
; beginning with a semicolon are silently ignored (as you probably guessed).
; Section headers (e.g. [Foo]) are also silently ignored, even though
; they might mean something in the future.
; Directives are specified using the following syntax:
; directive = value
; Directive names are *case sensitive* - foo=bar is different from FOO=bar.
; The value can be a string, a number, a PHP constant (e.g. E_ALL or M_PI), one
; of the INI constants (On, Off, True, False, Yes, No and None) or an expression
; (e.g. E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE), or a quoted string ("foo").
; Expressions in the INI file are limited to bitwise operators and parentheses:
; | bitwise OR
; & bitwise AND
; ~ bitwise NOT
; ! boolean NOT
; Boolean flags can be turned on using the values 1, On, True or Yes.
; They can be turned off using the values 0, Off, False or No.
; An empty string can be denoted by simply not writing anything after the equal
; sign, or by using the None keyword:
; foo = ; sets foo to an empty string
; foo = none ; sets foo to an empty string
; foo = "none" ; sets foo to the string 'none'
; If you use constants in your value, and these constants belong to a
; dynamically loaded extension (either a PHP extension or a Zend extension),
; you may only use these constants *after* the line that loads the extension.
; About this file ;
; This is the recommended, PHP 4-style version of the php.ini-dist file. It
; This is the recommended, PHP 5-style version of the php.ini-dist file. It
; sets some non standard settings, that make PHP more efficient, more secure,
; and encourage cleaner coding.
; The price is that with these settings, PHP may be incompatible with some
; applications, and sometimes, more difficult to develop with. Using this
; file is warmly recommended for production sites. As all of the changes from
@ -19,7 +64,7 @@
; This file is different from the php.ini-dist file in the fact that it features
; different values for several directives, in order to improve performance, while
; possibly breaking compatibility with the standard out-of-the-box behavior of
; PHP 3. Please make sure you read what's different, and modify your scripts
; PHP. Please make sure you read what's different, and modify your scripts
; accordingly, if you decide to use this file instead.
; - register_globals = Off [Security, Performance]
@ -34,6 +79,10 @@
; default) in the next version of PHP, because it often leads to security bugs.
; Read for further
; information.
; - register_long_arrays = Off [Performance]
; Disables registration of the older (and deprecated) long predefined array
; variables ($HTTP_*_VARS). Instead, use the superglobals that were
; introduced in PHP 4.1.0
; - display_errors = Off [Security]
; With this directive set to off, errors that occur during the execution of
; scripts will no longer be displayed as a part of the script output, and thus,
@ -60,7 +109,7 @@
; SQL databases without further manipulation. Instead, you should use the
; function addslashes() on each input element you wish to send to a database.
; - variables_order = "GPCS" [Performance]
; The environment variables are not hashed into the $HTTP_ENV_VARS[]. To access
; The environment variables are not hashed into the $_ENV. To access
; environment variables, you can use getenv() instead.
; - error_reporting = E_ALL [Code Cleanliness, Security(?)]
; By default, PHP surpresses errors of type E_NOTICE. These error messages
@ -119,17 +168,19 @@ output_buffering = 4096
; is doing.
; Note: You cannot use both "mb_output_handler" with "ob_iconv_handler"
; and you cannot use both "ob_gzhandler" and "zlib.output_compression".
; Note: output_handler must be empty if this is set 'On' !!!!
; Instead you must use zlib.output_handler.
;output_handler =
; Transparent output compression using the zlib library
; Valid values for this option are 'off', 'on', or a specific buffer size
; to be used for compression (default is 4KB)
; Note: Resulting chunk size may vary due to nature of compression. PHP
; outputs chunks that are few handreds bytes each as a result of compression.
; If you want larger chunk size for better performence, enable output_buffering
; also.
; Note: output_handler must be empty if this is set 'On' !!!!
; Instead you must use zlib.output_handler.
; outputs chunks that are few hundreds bytes each as a result of
; compression. If you prefer a larger chunk size for better
; performance, enable output_buffering in addition.
; Note: You need to use zlib.output_handler instead of the standard
; output_handler, or otherwise the output will be corrupted.
zlib.output_compression = Off
; You cannot specify additional output handlers if zlib.output_compression
@ -449,7 +500,7 @@ default_mimetype = "text/html"
; cgi.force_redirect configuration below
doc_root =
; The directory under which PHP opens the script using /~usernamem used only
; The directory under which PHP opens the script using /~username used only
; if nonempty.
user_dir =
@ -517,8 +568,8 @@ allow_url_fopen = On
; Define the anonymous ftp password (your email address)
; Define the user agent for php to send
; Define the User-Agent string
; user_agent="PHP"
; Default timeout for socket based streams (seconds)
default_socket_timeout = 60
@ -923,6 +974,14 @@ session.gc_divisor = 1000
; cleaned up by the garbage collection process.
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
; NOTE: If you are using the subdirectory option for storing session files
; (see session.save_path above), then garbage collection does *not*
; happen automatically. You will need to do your own garbage
; collection through a shell script, cron entry, or some other method.
; For example, the following script would is the equivalent of
; setting session.gc_maxlifetime to 1440 (1440 seconds = 24 minutes):
; cd /path/to/sessions; find -cmin +24 | xargs rm
; PHP 4.2 and less have an undocumented feature/bug that allows you to
; to initialize a session variable in the global scope, albeit register_globals
; is disabled. PHP 4.3 and later will warn you, if this feature is used.
@ -947,7 +1006,7 @@ session.entropy_file =
;session.entropy_file = /dev/urandom
; Set to {nocache,private,public,} to determine HTTP caching aspects.
; Set to {nocache,private,public,} to determine HTTP caching aspects
; or leave this empty to avoid sending anti-caching headers.
session.cache_limiter = nocache