Add fast SSE2-based implementation of mb_strlen for known-valid UTF-8 strings

One small piece of this was obtained from Stack Overflow. According to
Stack Overflow's Terms of Service, all user-contributed code on SO is
provided under a Creative Commons license. I believe this license is
compatible with the code being included in PHP.

Benchmarking results (UTF-8 only, for strings which have already been
checked using mb_check_encoding):

For very short (0-5 byte) strings, mb_strlen is 12% faster.
The speedup gets greater and greater on longer input strings; for
strings around 100KB, mb_strlen is 23 times faster.

Currently the 'fast' code is gated behind a GC flag check which ensures
it is only used on strings which have already been checked for UTF-8
validity. This is because the accelerated code will return different
results on some invalid UTF-8 strings.
This commit is contained in:
Alex Dowad 2022-12-30 11:11:26 +02:00
parent 60102c3228
commit b4cbaabd9b
2 changed files with 101 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1715,13 +1715,85 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_str_split)
#ifdef __SSE2__
/* Thanks to StackOverflow user 'Paul R' (
* From:
* Takes a 128-bit XMM register, treats each byte as an 8-bit integer, and sums up all
* 16 of them, returning the sum in an ordinary scalar register */
static inline uint32_t _mm_sum_epu8(const __m128i v)
/* We don't have any dedicated instruction to sum up 8-bit values from a 128-bit register
* _mm_sad_epu8 takes the differences between corresponding bytes of two different XMM registers,
* sums up those differences, and stores them as two 16-byte integers in the top and bottom
* halves of the destination XMM register
* By using a zeroed-out XMM register as one operand, we ensure the "differences" which are
* summed up will actually just be the 8-bit values from `v` */
__m128i vsum = _mm_sad_epu8(v, _mm_setzero_si128());
/* If _mm_sad_epu8 had stored the sum of those bytes as a single integer, we would just have
* to extract it here; but it stored the sum as two different 16-bit values
* _mm_cvtsi128_si32 extracts one of those values into a scalar register
* _mm_extract_epi16 extracts the other one into another scalar register; then we just add them */
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(vsum) + _mm_extract_epi16(vsum, 4);
/* This assumes that `string` is valid UTF-8
* In UTF-8, the only bytes which do not start a new codepoint are 0x80-0xBF (continuation bytes)
* Interpreted as signed integers, those are all byte values less than -64
* A fast way to get the length of a UTF-8 string is to start with its byte length,
* then subtract off the number of continuation bytes */
static size_t mb_fast_strlen_utf8(unsigned char *p, size_t len)
unsigned char *e = p + len;
#ifdef __SSE2__
if (len >= sizeof(__m128i)) {
const __m128i threshold = _mm_set1_epi8(-64);
const __m128i delta = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
__m128i counter = _mm_set1_epi8(0); /* Vector of 16 continuation-byte counters */
int reset_counter = 255;
do {
__m128i operand = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)p); /* Load 16 bytes */
__m128i lt = _mm_cmplt_epi8(operand, threshold); /* Find all which are continuation bytes */
counter = _mm_add_epi8(counter, _mm_and_si128(lt, delta)); /* Update the 16 counters */
/* The counters can only go up to 255, so every 255 iterations, fold them into `len`
* and reset them to zero */
if (--reset_counter == 0) {
len -= _mm_sum_epu8(counter);
counter = _mm_set1_epi8(0);
reset_counter = 255;
p += sizeof(__m128i);
} while (p + sizeof(__m128i) <= e);
len -= _mm_sum_epu8(counter); /* Fold in any remaining non-zero values in the 16 counters */
/* Check for continuation bytes in the 0-15 remaining bytes at the end of the string */
while (p < e) {
signed char c = *p++;
if (c < -64) {
return len;
static size_t mb_get_strlen(zend_string *string, const mbfl_encoding *encoding)
unsigned int char_len = encoding->flag & (MBFL_ENCTYPE_SBCS | MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS2 | MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS4);
if (char_len) {
return ZSTR_LEN(string) / char_len;
} else if (php_mb_is_no_encoding_utf8(encoding->no_encoding) && GC_FLAGS(string) & IS_STR_VALID_UTF8) {
return mb_fast_strlen_utf8((unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(string), ZSTR_LEN(string));
uint32_t wchar_buf[128];
unsigned char *in = (unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(string);
size_t in_len = ZSTR_LEN(string);
@ -1789,14 +1861,7 @@ static unsigned char* offset_to_pointer_utf8(unsigned char *str, unsigned char *
static size_t pointer_to_offset_utf8(unsigned char *start, unsigned char *pos) {
size_t result = 0;
while (pos > start) {
unsigned char c = *--pos;
if (c < 0x80 || (c & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
return result;
return mb_fast_strlen_utf8(start, pos - start);
static size_t mb_find_strpos(zend_string *haystack, zend_string *needle, const mbfl_encoding *enc, ssize_t offset, bool reverse)

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@ -62,10 +62,26 @@ mb_internal_encoding('JIS') or print("mb_internal_encoding() failed\n");
print strlen($jis) . "\n";
echo "== UTF-8 ==\n";
$utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($euc_jp, 'UTF-8','EUC-JP');
print mb_strlen($utf8,'UTF-8') . "\n";
mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8') or print("mb_internal_encoding() failed\n");
print strlen($utf8) . "\n";
$utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($euc_jp, 'UTF-8', 'EUC-JP');
print mb_strlen($utf8,'UTF-8') . " codepoints\n";
mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8') or print("mb_internal_encoding() failed\n");
print strlen($utf8) . " bytes\n";
$utf8 = "abcde あいうえお 汉字 ελληνικά";
$long_utf8 = str_repeat($utf8, 100);
print mb_strlen($utf8, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
print mb_strlen($long_utf8, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
echo "== UTF-8 with performance optimizations ==\n";
// Optimized mb_strlen can be used on UTF-8 strings after they are checked for validity
print mb_strlen($utf8, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
print mb_strlen($long_utf8, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
$str = str_repeat('Σ', 2048); // 2-byte UTF-8 character
mb_check_encoding($str, 'UTF-8');
print mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-8') . "\n";
// Wrong Parameters
echo "== WRONG PARAMETERS ==\n";
@ -110,7 +126,13 @@ try {
== UTF-8 ==
43 codepoints
101 bytes
== UTF-8 with performance optimizations ==
mb_strlen(): Argument #2 ($encoding) must be a valid encoding, "BAD_NAME" given