Rework FreeType related tests

Firstly, there is no fundamental difference between running the tests on
freetype before and after 2.4.10, so we re-join the respective test cases.

Secondly, there are some minor differences in the results depending on
architecture, freetype versions and config options, so we cater to that
by allowing small deviations from the expectations.
This commit is contained in:
Christoph M. Becker 2016-09-22 11:52:10 +02:00
parent 49c3fa43ad
commit 726c5999eb
5 changed files with 104 additions and 155 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +1,53 @@
Bug #43073 (TrueType bounding box is wrong for angle<>0) freetype < 2.4.10
Bug #43073 (TrueType bounding box is wrong for angle<>0)
if(!extension_loaded('gd')){ die('skip gd extension not available'); }
if(!function_exists('imagettftext')) die('skip imagettftext() not available');
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
if(version_compare(get_freetype_version(), '2.4.10') >= 0) die('skip for freetype < 2.4.10');
$exp = [
[501,400, 611,400, 611,376, 501,376],
[492,361, 595,319, 586,296, 483,338],
[470,329, 549,251, 531,233, 453,312],
[439,307, 481,204, 458,195, 416,297],
[400,299, 400,189, 376,189, 376,299],
[361,307, 319,204, 296,213, 338,316],
[329,329, 251,250, 233,267, 311,346],
[307,360, 204,318, 195,341, 297,383],
[299,400, 189,400, 189,424, 299,424],
[307,438, 204,480, 213,503, 316,461],
[329,470, 250,548, 267,566, 346,488],
[360,492, 318,595, 341,604, 383,502],
[400,501, 400,611, 424,611, 424,501],
[438,492, 480,595, 503,586, 461,483],
[470,470, 548,549, 566,532, 488,453],
[492,439, 595,481, 604,458, 502,416]
$cwd = dirname(__FILE__);
$font = "$cwd/Tuffy.ttf";
$delta_t = 360.0 / 16; # Make 16 steps around
$g = imagecreate(800, 800);
$bgnd = imagecolorallocate($g, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imagecolorallocate($g, 0, 0, 0);
$red = imagecolorallocate($g, 255, 0, 0);
$x = 100;
$y = 0;
$cos_t = cos(deg2rad($delta_t));
$sin_t = sin(deg2rad($delta_t));
for ($angle = 0.0; $angle < 360.0; $angle += $delta_t) {
for ($angle = 0.0, $i = 0; $angle < 360.0; $angle += $delta_t, $i++) {
$bbox = imagettftext($g, 24, $angle, 400+$x, 400+$y, $black, $font, 'ABCDEF');
$s = vsprintf("(%d, %d), (%d, %d), (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", $bbox);
echo $s;
imagepolygon($g, $bbox, 4, $red);
printf("%2d: ", $i);
for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) {
if ($bbox[$j] >= $exp[$i][$j] - 1 && $bbox[$j] <= $exp[$i][$j] + 1) {
echo '.';
} else {
echo "(expected $exp[$i][$j], got $bbox[$j])";
echo "\n";
$temp = $cos_t * $x + $sin_t * $y;
$y = $cos_t * $y - $sin_t * $x;
$x = $temp;
@ -32,20 +56,20 @@ imagepng($g, "$cwd/bug43073.png");
<?php @unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bug43073.png'); ?>
(500, 40%d), (610, 40%d), (610, 376), (500, 376)
(492, 363), (591, 322), (580, 295), (480, 336)
(470, 331), (548, 254), (527, 233), (449, 310)
(439, 309), (483, 202), (461, 193), (416, 299)
(40%d, 300), (40%d, 183), (38%d, 183), (38%d, 300)
(362, 307), (316, 195), (291, 205), (337, 318)
(330, 329), (246, 244), (224, 265), (308, 350)
(308, 360), (202, 316), (190, 344), (296, 388)
(300, %d), (18%d, %d), (18%d, 425), (%d, 425)
(306, 437), (195, 483), (206, 510), (318, 464)
(328, 469), (240, 557), (260, 578), (349, 491)
(359, 491), (312, 607), (334, 616), (382, 501)
(%d, 500), (%d, 618), (41%d, 618), (41%d, 500)
(436, 493), (483, 607), (507, 597), (461, 482)
(468, 471), (555, 558), (577, 538), (490, 450)
(490, 440), (600, 485), (611, 457), (502, 412)
0: ........
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15: ........

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
Bug #43073 (TrueType bounding box is wrong for angle<>0) freetype >= 2.4.10
if(!extension_loaded('gd')){ die('skip gd extension not available'); }
if(!function_exists('imagettftext')) die('skip imagettftext() not available');
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
if(version_compare(get_freetype_version(), '2.4.10') == -1) die('skip for freetype >= 2.4.10');
$cwd = dirname(__FILE__);
$font = "$cwd/Tuffy.ttf";
$delta_t = 360.0 / 16; # Make 16 steps around
$g = imagecreate(800, 800);
$bgnd = imagecolorallocate($g, 255, 255, 255);
$black = imagecolorallocate($g, 0, 0, 0);
$red = imagecolorallocate($g, 255, 0, 0);
$x = 100;
$y = 0;
$cos_t = cos(deg2rad($delta_t));
$sin_t = sin(deg2rad($delta_t));
for ($angle = 0.0; $angle < 360.0; $angle += $delta_t) {
$bbox = imagettftext($g, 24, $angle, 400+$x, 400+$y, $black, $font, 'ABCDEF');
imagepolygon($g, $bbox, 4, $red);
$s = vsprintf("(%d, %d), (%d, %d), (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", $bbox);
echo $s;
$temp = $cos_t * $x + $sin_t * $y;
$y = $cos_t * $y - $sin_t * $x;
$x = $temp;
imagepng($g, "$cwd/bug43073.png");
<?php @unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bug43073.png'); ?>
(501, 400), (611, 400), (611, 376), (501, 376)
(492, 361), (595, 319), (586, 296), (483, 338)
(470, 329), (549, 251), (531, 233), (453, 312)
(439, 307), (481, 204), (458, 195), (416, 297)
(400, 299), (400, 189), (376, 189), (376, 299)
(361, 307), (319, 204), (296, 213), (338, 316)
(329, 329), (251, 250), (233, 267), (311, 346)
(307, 360), (204, 318), (195, 341), (297, 383)
(299, 400), (189, 400), (189, 424), (299, 424)
(307, 438), (204, 480), (213, 503), (316, 461)
(329, 470), (250, 548), (267, 566), (346, 488)
(360, 492), (318, 595), (341, 604), (383, 502)
(400, 501), (400, 611), (424, 611), (424, 501)
(438, 492), (480, 595), (503, 586), (461, 483)
(470, 470), (548, 549), (566, 532), (488, 453)
(492, 439), (595, 481), (604, 458), (502, 416)

View File

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
Bug #48801 (Problem with imagettfbbox) freetype < 2.4.10
Bug #48801 (Problem with imagettfbbox)
if(!extension_loaded('gd')){ die('skip gd extension not available'); }
if(!function_exists('imageftbbox')) die('skip imageftbbox() not available');
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
if(version_compare(get_freetype_version(), '2.4.10') >= 0) die('skip for freetype < 2.4.10');
@ -18,8 +15,8 @@ echo '(' . $bbox[2] . ', ' . $bbox[3] . ")\n";
echo '(' . $bbox[4] . ', ' . $bbox[5] . ")\n";
echo '(' . $bbox[6] . ', ' . $bbox[7] . ")\n";
(-1, 15)
(15%d, 15)
(15%d, -48)
(-1, -48)
\(4, 15\)
\(16[0-1], 15\)
\(16[0-1], -4[7-8]\)
\(4, -4[7-8]\)

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
Bug #48801 (Problem with imagettfbbox) freetype >= 2.4.10
if(!extension_loaded('gd')){ die('skip gd extension not available'); }
if(!function_exists('imageftbbox')) die('skip imageftbbox() not available');
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
if(version_compare(get_freetype_version(), '2.4.10') == -1) die('skip for freetype >= 2.4.10');
$cwd = dirname(__FILE__);
$font = "$cwd/Tuffy.ttf";
$bbox = imageftbbox(50, 0, $font, "image");
echo '(' . $bbox[0] . ', ' . $bbox[1] . ")\n";
echo '(' . $bbox[2] . ', ' . $bbox[3] . ")\n";
echo '(' . $bbox[4] . ', ' . $bbox[5] . ")\n";
echo '(' . $bbox[6] . ', ' . $bbox[7] . ")\n";
(4, 15)
(161, 15)
(161, -47)
(4, -47)

View File

@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ Bug #53504 imagettfbbox/imageftbbox gives incorrect values for bounding box
if(!extension_loaded('gd')){ die('skip gd extension not available'); }
if(!function_exists('imageftbbox')) die('skip imageftbbox() not available');
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
if(version_compare(get_freetype_version(), '2.4.10') == -1) die('skip for freetype < 2.4.10');
@ -21,40 +18,49 @@ $blue = imagecolorallocate($g, 0, 0, 255);
$tests = [
// Kerning examples (unfortunately not available in "Tuffy" test font):
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 20, 'y' => 70, 'text' => 'AV Teg'],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 90, 'x' => 70, 'y' => 350, 'text' => 'AV Teg'],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 40, 'x' => 130, 'y' => 280, 'text' => 'AV Teg'],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 20, 'y' => 70, 'text' => 'AV Teg', 'exp' => [2,15, 208,15, 208,-48, 2,-48]],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 90, 'x' => 70, 'y' => 350, 'text' => 'AV Teg', 'exp' => [15,-1, 15,-208, -48,-208, -48,-2]],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 40, 'x' => 130, 'y' => 280, 'text' => 'AV Teg', 'exp' => [11,11, 169,-122, 129,-171, -30,-39]],
// Shift-Test:
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 350, 'y' => 110, 'text' => 'H-Shift'],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 350, 'y' => 110, 'text' => 'H-Shift', 'exp' => [8,2, 386,2, 386,-97, 8,-97]],
// Small/single chars:
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 350, 'y' => 220, 'text' => '-'],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 430, 'y' => 220, 'text' => ','],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 510, 'y' => 220, 'text' => '.'],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 590, 'y' => 220, 'text' => '|'],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 670, 'y' => 220, 'text' => 'g'],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 350, 'y' => 220, 'text' => '-', 'exp' => [7,-37, 51,-37, 51,-46, 7,-46]],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 430, 'y' => 220, 'text' => ',', 'exp' => [7,15, 21,15, 21,-13, 7,-13]],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 510, 'y' => 220, 'text' => '.', 'exp' => [7,1, 21,1, 21,-13, 7,-13]],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 590, 'y' => 220, 'text' => '|', 'exp' => [8,0, 17,0, 17,-95, 8,-95]],
['fontSize' => 100, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 670, 'y' => 220, 'text' => 'g', 'exp' => [5,29, 60,29, 60,-72, 5,-72]],
// Multi-Line + rotation:
['fontSize' => 30, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 20, 'y' => 400, 'text' => "Multi\nLine\nTest"],
['fontSize' => 30, 'angle' => 40, 'x' => 150, 'y' => 420, 'text' => "Multi\nLine\nTest"],
['fontSize' => 30, 'angle' => 90, 'x' => 250, 'y' => 340, 'text' => "Multi\nLine\nTest"],
['fontSize' => 30, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 20, 'y' => 400, 'text' => "Multi\nLine\nTest", 'exp' => [2,107, 80,107, 80,-29, 2,-29]],
['fontSize' => 30, 'angle' => 40, 'x' => 150, 'y' => 420, 'text' => "Multi\nLine\nTest", 'exp' => [70,81, 131,31, 43,-74, -18,-24]],
['fontSize' => 30, 'angle' => 90, 'x' => 250, 'y' => 340, 'text' => "Multi\nLine\nTest", 'exp' => [107,-1, 107,-80, -29,-80, -29,-2]],
// Some edge case glyphs:
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 90, 'x' => 70, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "iiiiiiiiiiii"],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 90, 'x' => 150, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "~~~~~~~"],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 50, 'x' => 210, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "iiiiiiiiiiii"],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 50, 'x' => 300, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "~~~~~~~"],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 430, 'y' => 650, 'text' => "iiiiiiiiiiii"],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 430, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "~~~~~~~"],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 90, 'x' => 70, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "iiiiiiiiiiii", 'exp' => [0,-4, 0,-165, -47,-165, -47,-4]],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 90, 'x' => 150, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "~~~~~~~", 'exp' => [-19,-2, -18,-167, -29,-167, -29,-2]],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 50, 'x' => 210, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "iiiiiiiiiiii", 'exp' => [3,-3, 107,-127, 70,-157, -34,-33]],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 50, 'x' => 300, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "~~~~~~~", 'exp' => [-13,-13, 93,-141, 85,-147, -21,-20]],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 430, 'y' => 650, 'text' => "iiiiiiiiiiii", 'exp' => [4,0, 165,0, 165,-47, 4,-47]],
['fontSize' => 50, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 430, 'y' => 750, 'text' => "~~~~~~~", 'exp' => [2,-19, 167,-19, 167,-29, 2,-29]],
// "Big" test:
['fontSize' => 200, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 400, 'y' => 500, 'text' => "Big"],
['fontSize' => 200, 'angle' => 0, 'x' => 400, 'y' => 500, 'text' => "Big", 'exp' => [16,59, 329,59, 329,-190, 16,-190]],
foreach ($tests as $test) {
foreach ($tests as $testnum => $test) {
$bbox = imageftbbox($test['fontSize'], $test['angle'], $font, $test['text']);
vprintf("(%d, %d), (%d, %d), (%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n", $bbox);
printf('%2d: ', $testnum);
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$exp = $test['exp'][$i];
if ($bbox[$i] >= $exp - 2 && $bbox[$i] <= $exp + 2) {
echo '.';
} else {
echo "(expected $exp, got $bbox[$i])";
echo "\n";
$bboxDrawn = imagefttext($g, $test['fontSize'], $test['angle'],
$test['x'], $test['y'], $black, $font, $test['text']);
@ -79,23 +85,23 @@ imagepng($g, "$cwd/bug53504.png");
<?php @unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/bug53504.png'); ?>
(2, 15), (208, 15), (208, -48), (2, -48)
(15, -1), (15, -208), (-48, -208), (-48, -2)
(11, 11), (169, -122), (129, -171), (-30, -39)
(8, 2), (385, 2), (385, -97), (8, -97)
(7, -37), (51, -37), (51, -46), (7, -46)
(7, 15), (21, 15), (21, -13), (7, -13)
(7, 1), (21, 1), (21, -13), (7, -13)
(8, 0), (17, 0), (17, -95), (8, -95)
(5, 29), (60, 29), (60, -72), (5, -72)
(2, 107), (80, 107), (80, -29), (2, -29)
(70, 81), (131, 31), (43, -74), (-18, -24)
(107, -1), (107, -80), (-29, -80), (-29, -2)
(0, -4), (0, -165), (-47, -165), (-47, -4)
(-19, -2), (-18, -167), (-29, -167), (-29, -2)
(3, -3), (107, -127), (70, -157), (-34, -33)
(-13, -13), (93, -141), (85, -147), (-21, -20)
(4, 0), (165, 0), (165, -47), (4, -47)
(2, -19), (167, -19), (167, -29), (2, -29)
(16, 59), (330, 59), (330, -190), (16, -190)
0: ........
1: ........
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