- Fixed incorrect code generated when all parameters are optional.

- Fixed handling of grouped optional parameters.
- Added an option to generate xml documentation.
- Added an option not to be nice and helpful and create all kinds
  of comments and testing functions.
- Added on option to create function stubs only.
- Added options --assing-params and --string-lens that change
  the generated code.
- Updated documentation.
This commit is contained in:
Jouni Ahto 2000-06-15 01:57:23 +00:00
parent 9ded807a20
commit 495a957c99
5 changed files with 401 additions and 152 deletions

View File

@ -9,19 +9,26 @@ HOW TO USE IT
Very simple. First, cd do directory ext/ in PHP 4 sources. If you just need
the basic framework and will be writing all the code in your functions
yourself, you can now do './ext_skel your_module_name' and everything you
need is placed in directory your_module_name. In fact, if you don't need to
test the existence of any external header files, libraries or functions in
them, the module is already almost ready to be compiled in PHP. Just remove
3 comments in your_module_name/config.m4, cd back up to PHP sources top
directory, and do './buildconf; ./configure --enable-your_module_name; make'.
yourself, you can now do
./ext_skel --extname=module_name
and everything you need is placed in directory module_name. In fact, if you
don't need to test the existence of any external header files, libraries or
functions in them, the module is already almost ready to be compiled in PHP.
Just remove 3 comments in your_module_name/config.m4, cd back up to PHP
sources top directory, and do
./buildconf; ./configure --enable-module_name; make
But if you already have planned the overall scheme of your module, what
functions it will contain, their return types and the arguments they take
(a very good idea) and don't want to bother yourself with creating function
definitions and handling arguments passed yourself, it's time to create a
function definitions file, which you will give as the second argument to
function definitions file, which you will give as an argument to ext_skel
with option
Arguments are given in parenthesis after the function name, and are of
the form 'argument_type argument_name'. Arguments are separated from each
other with a comma and optional space. Argument_type can be one of int,
double, string, array, object or mixed.
bool, double, float, string, array, object or mixed.
An optional argument is separated from the previous by an optional space,
then '[' and of course comma and optional space, like all the other
The file must contain nothing else but function definitions, no comments or
empty lines.
Only arguments of types int, float, string and array are handled. For other
types you must write the code yourself. And for type mixed, it wouldn't even
be possible to write anything, because only you know what to expect.
By default, ext_skel creates both comments in the source code and a test
function to help first time module writers to get started and testing
configuring and compiling their module. This option turns off all such things
which may just annoy experienced PHP module coders. Especially useful with
which will leave out also all module specific stuff and write just function
stubs with function value declarations and passed argument handling, and
function entries and definitions at the end of the file, for copying and
pasting into an already existing module.
By default, function proto 'void foo(string bar)' creates the following:
zval **bar;
... (zend_get_parameters_ex() called in the middle...)
Specifying both of these options changes the generated code to:
zval **bar_arg;
int bar_len;
char *bar = NULL;
... (zend_get_parameters_ex() called in the middle...)
bar = Z_STRVAL_PP(bar_arg);
bar_len = Z_STRLEN_PP(bar_arg);
You shouldn't have to ask what happens if you leave --string-lens out. If you
have to, it's questionable whether you should be reading this document.
Creates the basics for phpdoc .xml file.
Not implemented yet. When or if there will ever be created a framework for
self-contained extensions to use phpdoc system for their documentation, this
option enables it on the created xml file.
Only arguments of types int, bool, double, float, string and array are
handled. For other types you must write the code yourself. And for type
mixed, it wouldn't even be possible to write anything, because only you
know what to expect.
It doesn't yet handle correctly grouped optional arguments, ie. it thinks
'type function(type arg1 [, type arg2, type arg3]' to actually be
'type function(type arg1 [, type arg2 [, type arg3]]', so you have to
manually correct the switch construct created. But it's nothing more than
deleting a few 'case ?:' lines and fixing PHP in-source documentation proto.
It can't handle correctly, and probably never will, variable list of
of arguments. (void foo(int bar [, ...])
Don't trust too much the generated code. It tries to be useful in most of
the situations you might encounter, but automatic code generating will never
beat a programmer who knows the real situation at hand. axt_skel is generally
best suited for quickly generating a wrapper for c-library functions you
might want to have available in PHP too.
This program doesn't have a --help option. It has --no-help instead.

View File

@ -1,19 +1,76 @@
EXTNAME=`echo $1|tr a-z A-Z`
if [ ! -z $2 -a -r $2 ]; then
givup() {
echo $*
exit 1
if test "$extname" = ""; then
givup "usage: $0 extension-name [function-list]"
usage() {
echo "$0 --extname=module [--proto=file] [--stubs=file] [--xml[=file]]"
echo " [--full-xml] [--no-help] [--assign-params [--string-lens]]"
echo ""
echo " --extname=module module is the name of your extension"
echo " --proto=file file contains prototypes of functions to create"
echo " --stubs=file generate only function stubs in file"
echo " --xml generate xml documentation to be added to phpdoc-cvs"
echo " --full-xml generate xml documentation for a self-contained extension"
echo " (not yet implemented)"
echo " --no-help don't try to be nice and create comments in the code"
echo " and helper functions to test if the module compiled"
echo " --assign-params"
echo " --string-lens"
exit 1
if test $# -eq 0; then
while test $# -gt 0; do
case "$1" in
-*=*) optarg=`echo "$1" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
*) optarg= ;;
case $1 in
EXTNAME=`echo $extname | tr a-z A-Z`
if [ -z "$assign_params" -a ! -z "$string_lens" ]; then
if test -d "$extname" ; then
@ -32,15 +89,18 @@ else
echo "Creating directory"
if [ -z $stubs ]; then
echo "Creating directory $extname"
mkdir $extname || givup "Cannot create directory $extname"
if [ ! -z $functions ]; then
echo $functions
cat $functions | awk -v extname=$extname -f ./skeleton/create_stubs
if [ ! -z $proto ]; then
cat $proto | awk -v extname=$extname -v stubs=$stubs -v stubfile=$stubfile -v xml=$xml -v full_xml=$full_xml -v i_know_what_to_do_shut_up_i_dont_need_your_help_mode=$no_help -v assign_params=$assign_params -v string_lens=$string_lens -f ./skeleton/create_stubs
if [ -z $stubs ]; then
cd $extname
chmod 755 .
@ -102,32 +162,59 @@ libs.mk
$ECHO_N " $extname.c$ECHO_C"
cat ../skeleton/skeleton.c | sed \
-e "s/extname/$extname/g" \
-e '/__function_entries_here__/r function_entries' \
-e '/__function_stubs_here__/r function_stubs' \
-e '/__function_entries_here__/D' \
-e '/__function_stubs_here__/D' \
> $extname.c
echo "s/extname/$extname/g" > sedscript
echo "s/EXTNAME/$EXTNAME/g" >> sedscript
echo '/__function_entries_here__/r function_entries' >> sedscript
echo '/__function_stubs_here__/r function_stubs' >> sedscript
echo '/__header_here__/r ../../header' >> sedscript
echo '/__footer_here__/r ../../footer' >> sedscript
echo '/__function_entries_here__/D' >> sedscript
echo '/__function_stubs_here__/D' >> sedscript
echo '/__header_here__/D' >> sedscript
echo '/__footer_here__/D' >> sedscript
if [ ! -z $no_help ]; then
echo "/confirm_$extname_compiled/D" >> sedscript
echo '/Remove the following/,/^\*\//D' >> sedscript
echo 's/[[:space:]]\/\*.\+\*\///' >> sedscript
echo 's/^\/\*.*\*\/$//' >> sedscript
echo '/^[[:space:]]*\/\*/,/^[[:space:]]*\*\//D' >> sedscript
cat ../skeleton/skeleton.c | sed -f sedscript > $extname.c
$ECHO_N " php_$extname.h$ECHO_C"
cat ../skeleton/php_skeleton.h | sed \
-e "s/extname/$extname/g" \
-e '/__function_declarations_here__/r function_declarations' \
-e '/__function_declarations_here__/D' \
> php_$extname.h
echo "s/extname/$extname/g" > sedscript
echo "s/EXTNAME/$EXTNAME/g" >> sedscript
echo '/__function_declarations_here__/r function_declarations' >> sedscript
echo '/__header_here__/r ../../header' >> sedscript
echo '/__footer_here__/r ../../footer' >> sedscript
echo '/__function_declarations_here__/D' >> sedscript
echo '/__header_here__/D' >> sedscript
echo '/__footer_here__/D' >> sedscript
if [ ! -z $no_help ]; then
echo "/confirm_$extname_compiled/D" >> sedscript
echo 's/[[:space:]]\/\*.\+\*\///' >> sedscript
echo 's/^\/\*.*\*\/$//' >> sedscript
echo '/^[[:space:]]*\/\*/,/^[[:space:]]*\*\//D' >> sedscript
cat ../skeleton/php_skeleton.h | sed -f sedscript > php_$extname.h
rm sedscript
if [ -z "$stubs" -a -z "$no_help" ]; then
$ECHO_N " $extname.php$ECHO_C"
cat ../skeleton/skeleton.php | sed \
-e "s/extname/$extname/g" \
> $extname.php
if [ ! -z $functions ]; then
rm function_entries
rm function_declarations
rm function_stubs
if [ ! -z $proto ]; then
if [ -z $stubs ]; then
rm function_entries
rm function_declarations
rm function_stubs
if [ -f function_warning ]; then
rm function_warning
@ -139,9 +226,11 @@ in the instructions above.
chmod 644 *
echo " [done]."
if [ -z "$no_help" -a -z "$stubs" ]; then
cat <<eof
To use your new extension, you will have to execute the following steps:
@ -160,3 +249,4 @@ step 6 confirms that your module is compiled in PHP. Then, start writing
code and repeat the last two steps as often as necessary.

View File

@ -9,39 +9,101 @@ function gobble(s, x)
return x
function convert(i, j)
function convert(i, j, t)
type = argtypes[i,j]
name = argnames[i,j]
opt = optionals[i,j]
x = ""
tabs = x = ""
for (i = 0; i < t; i++) { tabs = tabs "\t" }
if (type == "int") {
x = "convert_to_long_ex(" name ");\n"
x = tabs "convert_to_long_ex(" name ext ");\n" \
(ext? tabs name " = Z_LVAL_PP(" name ext ");\n": "")
ints = ints "\tint " name ";\n"
} else if (type == "bool") {
x = tabs "convert_to_long_ex(" name ext ");\n" \
(ext? tabs name " = Z_LVAL_PP(" name ext ");\n": "")
ints = ints "\tint " name ";\n"
} else if (type == "double") {
x = "convert_to_double_ex(" name ");\n"
x = tabs "convert_to_double_ex(" name ext ");\n" \
(ext? tabs name " = Z_DVAL_PP(" name ext ");\n": "")
doubles = doubles "\tdouble " name ";\n"
} else if (type == "float") {
x = tabs "convert_to_double_ex(" name ext ");\n" \
(ext? tabs name " = (float) Z_DVAL_PP(" name ext ");\n": "")
floats = floats "\tfloat " name ";\n"
} else if (type == "string") {
x = "convert_to_string_ex(" name ");\n"
x = tabs "convert_to_string_ex(" name ext ");\n" \
(ext? tabs name " = Z_STRVAL_PP(" name ext ");\n": "")
(ext ? strings = strings "\tchar *" name " = NULL;\n" : 0)
if (string_lens) {
x = x tabs name "_len = Z_STRLEN_PP(" name ext ");\n"
ints = ints "\tint " name "_len;\n"
} else if (type == "array") {
x = "convert_to_array_ex(" name ");\n"
x = "convert_to_array_ex(" name ext ");\n"
} else if (type == "resource") {
if (opt && i) {
resources = resources "\tif (argc < " j+1 ") {\n\t\t/* Argument not given, do something before\n\t\t trying to fetch resource " name ". */\n\t}\n\tZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(???, ???, " name ", " name "_id, \"???\", ???G());\n"
if (opt && i > -1) {
resources = resources "\tif (argc < " j+1 ") {\n" \
comment("\t\t/* Argument not given, do something before\n\t\t trying to fetch resource " name ". */\n") \
"\t}\n\tZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(???, ???, " name ext ", " name "_id, \"???\", ???G());\n"
} else {
resources = resources "\tZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(???, ???, " name ", " name "_id, \"???\", ???G());\n"
resources = resources "\tZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(???, ???, " name ext ", " name "_id, \"???\", ???G());\n"
funcvals = funcvals "\tint " name "_id = -1;\n"
} else {
x = "/* Write your own code here to handle argument " name ". */\n"
x = comment("/* Write your own code here to handle argument " name ". */\n")
if (x) return x
function comment(s)
if (i_know_what_to_do_shut_up_i_dont_need_your_help_mode) {
} else {
return s
name = "[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*"
type = "int|double|string|bool|array|object|resource|mixed|void"
type = "int|double|float|string|bool|array|object|resource|mixed|void"
num_funcs = 0
if (assign_params) ext = "_arg"
if (xml && xml != "yes") {
xmldoc = xml
} else {
xmldoc = extname "/" extname ".xml"
xmlhead = " <reference id=\"ref." extname "\">\n" \
" <title> functions</title>\n" \
" <titleabbrev></titleabbrev>\n\n"
xmlfoot = " </reference>\n\n" \
"<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file\n" \
"Local variables:\n" \
"mode: sgml\n" \
"sgml-omittag:t\n" \
"sgml-shorttag:t\n" \
"sgml-minimize-attributes:nil\n" \
"sgml-always-quote-attributes:t\n" \
"sgml-indent-step:1\n" \
"sgml-indent-data:t\n" \
"sgml-parent-document:nil\n" \
"sgml-default-dtd-file:\"../../manual.ced\"\n" \
"sgml-exposed-tags:nil\n" \
"sgml-local-catalogs:nil\n" \
"sgml-local-ecat-files:nil\n" \
"End:\n" \
@ -72,7 +134,11 @@ BEGIN {
y = gobble(",")
if (!x && y && optional) {
check_argc_in_switch[num_funcs] = 1
grouped_optional_param[num_funcs,i] = 1
@ -86,24 +152,44 @@ BEGIN {
if (xml) print xmlhead > xmldoc
for (i = 0; i < num_funcs; i++) {
compareargc = maxargs[i] - minargs[i]
funcvals = resources = handleargs = closeopts = ""
closefetch = xmlparams = funcvals = resources = handleargs = closeopts = ""
ints = doubles = floats = strings = arrays = ""
proto = "/* {{{ proto " types[i] " " funcs[i] "("
refid = funcs[i]
gsub(/_/, "-", refid)
xmlstr = " <refentry id=\"function." refid "\">\n" \
" <refnamediv>\n" \
" <refname>" funcs[i] "</refname>\n" \
" <refpurpose></refpurpose>\n" \
" </refnamediv>\n" \
" <refsect1>\n" \
" <title>Description</title>\n" \
" <funcsynopsis>\n" \
" <funcdef>" types[i] " <function>" funcs[i] "</function></funcdef>\n"
if (maxargs[i]) {
zvals = "\tzval "
if (compareargc) {
funcvals = "\tint argc;\n"
if (minargs[i]) {
fetchargs = "\targc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();\n\tif (argc < " minargs[i] " || argc > " maxargs[i] " || zend_get_parameters_ex(argc, "
fetchargs = "\targc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();\n\tif (argc < " \
minargs[i] " || argc > " maxargs[i] \
" || zend_get_parameters_ex(argc, "
} else {
fetchargs = "\targc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();\n\tif ((argc && argc < " maxargs[i]+1 " || zend_get_parameters_ex(argc, "
fetchargs = "\targc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();\n\tif (argc > " \
maxargs[i] " || (argc && zend_get_parameters_ex(argc, "
closefetch = ")"
} else {
fetchargs = "\tif (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != " maxargs[i] " || zend_get_parameters_ex(" maxargs[i] ", "
fetchargs = "\tif (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != " maxargs[i] \
" || zend_get_parameters_ex(" maxargs[i] ", "
@ -114,63 +200,122 @@ END {
fetchargs = fetchargs ", "
zvals = zvals "**" argnames[i,j]
fetchargs = fetchargs "&" argnames[i,j]
zvals = zvals "**" argnames[i,j] ext
fetchargs = fetchargs "&" argnames[i,j] ext
xmlparams = xmlparams " <paramdef>" argtypes[i,j]
if (j > minargs[i]-1) {
if (j) proto = proto " "
proto = proto "["
closeopts = closeopts "]"
if (!grouped_optional_param[i,j-1]) {
if (j > 0) proto = proto " "
proto = proto "["
closeopts = closeopts "]"
xmlparams = xmlparams "\n <parameter><optional>" \
argnames[i,j] \
"</optional></parameter>\n </paramdef>\n"
} else {
xmlparams = xmlparams \
" <parameter>" \
argnames[i,j] \
if (j > 0) proto = proto ", "
proto = proto argtypes[i,j] " " argnames[i,j]
code = convert(i, j)
# code = convert(i, j)
# Clean up this mess...
if (useswitch[i]) {
if (j > minargs[i]-1) {
if (code) {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ":\n\t\t\t" code "\t\t\t/* Fall-through. */\n" handleargs
} else {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ":\t/* Fall-through. */\n" handleargs
} else if (j >= minargs[i]-1) {
if (code) {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ":\n\t\t\t" code handleargs
} else {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ":\n" handleargs
if (grouped_optional_param[i,j] && code) {
handleargs = convert(i, j, 3) \
((grouped_optional_param[i,j-1]) ? "" : comment("\t\t\t/* Fall-through. */\n")) \
} else {
handleargs = "\t\t\t" code handleargs
if (j > minargs[i]-1) {
if (code = convert(i, j, 3)) {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ":\n" code \
((grouped_optional_param[i,j-1]) ? "" : comment("\t\t\t/* Fall-through. */\n")) \
} else {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ":" \
comment("\t/* Fall-through. */") \
"\n" handleargs
} else if (j >= minargs[i]-1) {
if (code = convert(i, j, 3)) {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ":\n" code handleargs
} else {
handleargs = "\t\tcase " j+1 ":\n" handleargs
} else {
if (code = convert(i, j, 3)) handleargs = code handleargs
} else {
if (code) handleargs = handleargs "\t" code
if (code = convert(i, j, 1)) handleargs = handleargs code
proto = proto closeopts ")\n */\nPHP_FUNCTION(" funcs[i] ")\n{"
if (maxargs[i]) {
zvals = zvals ";"
fetchargs = fetchargs ") == FAILURE) {\n\t\tWRONG_PARAM_COUNT;\n\t}\n"
fetchargs = fetchargs ") == FAILURE)" closefetch "{\n\t\tWRONG_PARAM_COUNT;\n\t}\n"
if (resources ) funcvals = funcvals "\t???LS_FETCH();\n"
if (useswitch[i]) handleargs = "\tswitch (argc) {\n" handleargs "\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tWRONG_PARAM_COUNT;\n\t}"
funcvals = ints doubles floats strings funcvals
if (resources) funcvals = funcvals "\t???LS_FETCH();\n"
if (useswitch[i]) {
if (check_argc_in_switch[i]) {
check_argc = "\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tWRONG_PARAM_COUNT;\n"
} else {
check_argc = ""
handleargs = "\tswitch (argc) {\n" \
handleargs \
(minargs[i] ? "" : "\t\tcase 0:\n") \
"\t\t\tbreak;\n" check_argc "\t}"
xmlstr = xmlstr xmlparams \
" </funcsynopsis>\n" \
" <para>\n" \
" </para>\n" \
" </refsect1>\n" \
" </refentry>\n"
print proto > extname "/function_stubs"
if (zvals) print zvals > extname "/function_stubs"
if (funcvals) print funcvals > extname "/function_stubs"
if (fetchargs) print fetchargs > extname "/function_stubs"
print proto > stubfile
if (zvals) print zvals > stubfile
if (funcvals) print funcvals > stubfile
if (fetchargs) print fetchargs > stubfile
if (resources) {
print resources > extname "/function_stubs"
print "" > extname "/function_warning"
print resources > stubfile
if (!stubs) print "" > extname "/function_warning"
if (handleargs) print handleargs > extname "/function_stubs"
print "\n\tphp_error(E_WARNING, \"" funcs[i] ": not yet implemented\");" > extname "/function_stubs"
print "}\n/* }}} */\n" > extname "/function_stubs"
print "PHP_FUNCTION(" funcs[i] ");" > extname "/function_declarations"
print "\tPHP_FE(" funcs[i] ",\tNULL)" > extname "/function_entries"
if (handleargs) print handleargs > stubfile
if (!i_know_what_to_do_shut_up_i_dont_need_your_help_mode) {
print "\n\tphp_error(E_WARNING, \"" funcs[i] ": not yet implemented\");" > stubfile
print "}\n/* }}} */\n" > stubfile
if (stubs) {
h_stubs = h_stubs "PHP_FUNCTION(" funcs[i] ");\n"
c_stubs = c_stubs "\tPHP_FE(" funcs[i] ",\tNULL)\n"
} else {
print "PHP_FUNCTION(" funcs[i] ");" > extname "/function_declarations"
print "\tPHP_FE(" funcs[i] ",\tNULL)" > extname "/function_entries"
if (xml) print xmlstr > xmldoc
if (stubs) {
print "\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */\n" > stubfile
print c_stubs > stubfile
print "\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------- */\n" > stubfile
print h_stubs > stubfile
if (xml) print xmlfoot > xmldoc

View File

@ -1,22 +1,4 @@
| PHP version 4.0 |
| Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The PHP Group |
| This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
| that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
| available at through the world-wide-web at |
| http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
| If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
| obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
| license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
| Authors: |
/* $Id: */
/* __header_here__ */
#ifndef _PHP_EXTNAME_H
#define _PHP_EXTNAME_H
@ -79,9 +61,4 @@ typedef struct {
#endif /* _PHP_EXTNAME_H */
* Local variables:
* tab-width: 4
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End:
/* __footer_here__ */

View File

@ -1,22 +1,4 @@
| PHP version 4.0 |
| Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The PHP Group |
| This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
| that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
| available at through the world-wide-web at |
| http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
| If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
| obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
| license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
| Authors: |
/* $Id: */
/* __header_here__ */
#include "php.h"
#include "php_ini.h"
@ -102,8 +84,7 @@ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(extname)
/* Remove the following function when you have succesfully modified config.m4
so that your module can be compiled into PHP, it exists only for testing
purposes. */
/* Every user-visible function in PHP should document itself in the source */
/* {{{ proto string confirm_extname_compiled(string arg)
@ -134,9 +115,4 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(confirm_extname_compiled)
#endif /* HAVE_EXTNAME */
* Local variables:
* tab-width: 4
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End:
/* __footer_here__ */