Reorganized to remove duplication. Cross checked a few php.ini settings.

Area owners need to do a thorough review of this file.
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Jones 2012-03-01 20:42:12 +00:00
parent 561a0dfb27
commit 0f5c34874d

View File

@ -1,33 +1,41 @@
1. Changes made to default configuration
2. Reserved words and classes
3. Changes made to engine behaviour
4. Changes made to existing functions
5. Changes made to existing methods
6. Changes made to existing classes
7. Deprecated
8. Removed
9. Extensions:
a. with changed behaviour
b. no longer possible to disable
0. Contents
1. Changes to INI directives
2. Changes to reserved words and classes
3. Changes to engine behavior
4. Changes to existing functions
5. Changes to existing classes
6. Changes to existing methods
7. Deprecated Functionality
8. Removed Functionality
a. Removed features
b. Removed functions
c. Removed syntax
d. Removed hash algorithms
9. Extension Changes:
a. Extensions no longer maintained
b. Extensions with changed behavior
10. Changes in SAPI support
11. Changes in INI directives
12. Syntax additions
13. Windows support
14. New in PHP 5.4:
a. New functions
b. New global constants
c. New classes
d. New methods
e. New class constants
f. New hash algorithms
11. Windows support
12. New in PHP 5.4:
a. New features
b. Syntax additions
c. New functions
d. New global constants
e. New classes
f. New methods
g. New class constants
h. New hash algorithms
1. Changes made to default configuration
1. Changes to INI directives
- The php.ini default_charset directive now defaults to UTF-8. If you
were relying on the previous default of ISO-88590-1, you will need
@ -35,7 +43,7 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
default_charset = iso-8859-1
to your php.ini to preserve pre-5.4 behavior.
to your php.ini to preserve pre-PHP 5.4 behavior.
- PHP 5.4 now checks at compile time if /dev/urandom or /dev/arandom
are present. If either is available, session.entropy_file now
@ -46,7 +54,7 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
to your php.ini to preserve pre-PHP5.4 behavior.
to your php.ini to preserve pre-PHP 5.4 behavior.
- Deprecated php.ini directives will now throw an E_CORE_WARNING's
instead of the previous E_WARNING's.
@ -69,21 +77,65 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
- safe_mode_exec_dir
- safe_mode_allowed_env_vars
- safe_mode_protected_env_vars
- session.bug_compat42
- session.bug_compat_warn
- y2k_compliance
- zend.ze1_compatibility_mode
- the following new php.ini directives were added:
- max_input_vars - specifies how many GET/POST/COOKIE input
variables may be accepted. The default value is 1000.
2. Reserved words and classes
- E_ALL now includes E_STRICT.
- The recommended production value for error_reporting changed to E_ALL &
- Added new session support directives:
- Added a zend.multibyte directive as a replacement of the PHP compile time
configuration option --enable-zend-multibyte. Now the Zend Engine always
contains code for multibyte support, which can be enabled or disabled at
runtime. Note: It doesn't make a lot of sense to enable this option if
ext/mbstring is not enabled, because most functionality is implemented by
mbstrings callbacks.
- Added zend.script_encoding. This value will be used unless a
"declare(encoding=...)" directive appears at the top of the script.
- Added enable_post_data_reading, which is enabled by default. When it's
disabled, the POST data is not read (or processed); the behavior is similar
to that of other request methods with body, like PUT. This allows reading
the raw POST data in multipart requests and reading/processing the POST data
in a stream fashion (through php://input) without having it copied in memory
multiple times.
- Added windows_show_crt_warning. This directive shows the CRT warnings when
enabled. These warnings were displayed by default until now. It is disabled
by default.
- Added cli.pager to set a pager for CLI interactive shell output.
- Added cli.prompt to configure the CLI interactive shell prompt.
- Added cli_server.color to enable the CLI web server to use ANSI color coding
in terminal outout.
2. Changes to reserved words and classes
- "callable", "insteadof" and "trait" are now reserved words.
3. Changes made to engine behaviour
3. Changes to engine behavior
- The __construct arguments of an extended abstract constructor must
now match:
@ -117,11 +169,6 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
- Converting an array to a string now will cause an E_NOTICE warning.
- Chained string array offsets now work.
$a = "abc";
echo $a[0][0];
- Non-numeric string offsets, e.g. $a['foo'] where $a is a string, now
return false on isset() and true on empty(), and produce warning if
trying to use them. Offsets of types double, bool and null produce
@ -129,206 +176,230 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
Note that offsets like '12.3' and '5 and a half' are considered
non-numeric and produce warning, but are converted to 12 and 5
respectively for BC reasons.
- Changed E_ALL to include E_STRICT.
respectively for backwards compatibility reasons.
- Closures now support scopes and $this and can be rebound to
objects using Closure::bind() and Closure::bindTo().
- Added multibyte support by default. Now it can be enabled or
disabled through the zend.multibyte directive in php.ini.
- <?= is now always available regardless of the short_open_tag
- Parse error messages are changed to contain more information about
the error.
4. Changes made to existing functions
4. Changes to existing functions
- array_combine now returns array() instead of FALSE when two empty arrays are
provided as parameters.
- Added an extra parameter to dns_get_record(), which allows requesting DNS
records by numeric type and makes the result include only the raw data of
the response.
- call_user_func_array no longer allows call-time pass by reference.
- htmlentities/htmlspecialchars are stricter in the code units they accept for
the asian encodings. For Big5-HKSCS, the octets 0x80 and 0xFF are rejected.
For GB2312/EUC-CN, the octets 0x8E, 0x8F, 0xA0 and 0xFF are rejected. For
SJIS, the octets 0x80, 0xA0, 0xFD, 0xFE and 0xFF are rejected, except maybe
after a valid starting byte. For EUC-JP, the octets 0xA0 and 0xFF are
- htmlentities now emits an E_STRICT warning when used with asian characters,
- dns_get_record() has an extra parameter which allows requesting DNS records
by numeric type and makes the result include only the raw data of the
- call_user_func_array() no longer allows call-time pass by reference.
- htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() are stricter in the code units they
accept for the asian encodings. For Big5-HKSCS, the octets 0x80 and 0xFF are
rejected. For GB2312/EUC-CN, the octets 0x8E, 0x8F, 0xA0 and 0xFF are
rejected. For SJIS, the octets 0x80, 0xA0, 0xFD, 0xFE and 0xFF are rejected,
except maybe after a valid starting byte. For EUC-JP, the octets 0xA0 and
0xFF are rejected.
- htmlentities() now emits an E_STRICT warning when used with asian characters,
as in that case htmlentities has (and already had before this version) the
same functionality as htmlspecialchars.
- htmlentities no longer numerically encodes high characters for single-byte
- htmlentities() no longer numerically encodes high characters for single-byte
encodings (except when there's actually a corresponding named entity). This
behavior was not documented and was inconsistent with that for "UTF-8".
- html_entity_decode/htmlspecialchars_decode behave more consistently, now
decoding entities in malformed strings such as "&&amp;" or "&#&amp;".
- htmlentities/htmlspecialchars/html_entity_decode/htmlspecialchars_decode:
Added the flags ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML, and ENT_HTML5. The
behavior of these functions including, but not limited to, the characters
that are encoded and the entities that are decoded depend on the document
type that is specified by those flags.
- htmlentities/htmlspecialchars with !$double_encode do more strict checks on
the validity of the entities. Numerical entities are checked for a valid
range (0 to 0x10FFFF); if the flag ENT_DISALLOWED is given, the validity of
such numerical entity in the target document type is also checked. Named
entities are checked for necessary existence in the target document type
instead of only checking whether they were constituted by alphanumeric
- html_entity_decode() and htmlspecialchars_decode() behave more consistently,
now decoding entities in malformed strings such as "&&amp;" or "&#&amp;".
- htmlentities(), htmlspecialchars(), html_entity_decode(), and
htmlspecialchars_decode: Added the flags ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML,
and ENT_HTML5. The behavior of these functions including, but not limited to,
the characters that are encoded and the entities that are decoded depend on
the document type that is specified by those flags.
- htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() with !$double_encode do more strict
checks on the validity of the entities. Numerical entities are checked for a
valid range (0 to 0x10FFFF); if the flag ENT_DISALLOWED is given, the
validity of such numerical entity in the target document type is also
checked. Named entities are checked for necessary existence in the target
document type instead of only checking whether they were constituted by
alphanumeric characters.
- The flag ENT_DISALLOWED was added. In addition to the behavior described in
the item before, it also makes htmlentities/htmlspecialchars substitute
characters that appear literally in the argument string and which are not
allowed in the target document type with U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#xFFFD;.
the item before, it also makes htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars()
substitute characters that appear literally in the argument string and which
are not allowed in the target document type with U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#xFFFD;.
- The flag ENT_SUBSTITUTE was added. This flag makes invalid multibyte
sequences be replaced by U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#FFFD; by htmlspecialchars and
htmlentities. It is an alternative to the default behavior, which just
sequences be replaced by U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#FFFD; by htmlspecialchars() and
htmlentities(). It is an alternative to the default behavior, which just
returns an empty string and to ENT_IGNORE, which is a security risk. The
behavior follows the recommendations of Unicode Technical Report #36.
- htmlspecialchars_decode/html_entity_decode now decode &apos; if the document
type is ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML, or ENT_HTML5.
- htmlspecialchars_decode() and html_entity_decode() now decode &apos; if the
document type is ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML, or ENT_HTML5.
- Charset detection with $charset == '' no longer turns to mbstring's
internal encoding defined through mb_internal_encoding(). Only the encoding
defined through the php.ini setting mbstring.internal_encoding is considered.
- number_format() no longer truncates multibyte decimal points and thousand
separators to the first byte.
- The third parameter ($matches) to preg_match_all() is now optional. If
omitted, the function will simply return the number of times the pattern was
matched in the subject and will have no other side effects.
- The second argument of scandir() now accepts SCANDIR_SORT_NONE (2) as a
possible value. This value results in scandir() performing no sorting: on
local filesystems, this allows files to be returned in native filesystem
- stream_select() now preserves the keys of the passed array, be they numeric or
strings. This breaks code that iterated the resulting stream array using a
numeric index, but makes easier to identify which of the passed streams are
present in the result.
- stream_set_write_buffer() no longer disables the read buffer of a plain
stream when 0 is given as the second argument.
- stream_set_write_buffer() no longer changes the chunk size in socket streams.
- fclose() closes streams with resource refcount > 1; it doesn't merely
decrement the resource refcount.
- socket_set_options() and socket_get_options() now support multicast options.
- The raw data parameter in openssl_encrypt()/openssl_decrypt() is now an options
integer rather than a boolean. A value of true produces the same behaviour.
- The raw data parameter in openssl_encrypt() and openssl_decrypt() is now an
options integer rather than a boolean. A value of true produces the same
- Write operations within XSLT (for example with the extension sax:output) are
disabled by default. You can define what is forbidden with the method
- Added AES support to OpenSSL.
- openssl_csr_new() expects the textual data to be in UTF-8.
- Added no padding option to openssl_encrypt()/openssl_decrypt().
- Added no-padding option to openssl_encrypt() and openssl_decrypt().
- Added a "no_ticket" SSL context option to disable the SessionTicket TLS
- Added new json_encode() options: JSON_PRETTY_PRINT, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES,
- Added Tokyo Cabinet and Berkley DB 5 support to DBA extension.
to cURL.
- Added optional argument to debug_backtrace() and debug_print_backtrace()
to limit the amount of stack frames returned.
- Fixed crypt_blowfish handling of 8-bit characters. crypt() in Blowfish mode
now supports hashes marked $2a$, $2x$, $2y$ and $2z$.
- mbstring now supports following encodings: Shift_JIS/UTF-8 Emoji,
JIS X0213:2004 (Shift_JIS-2004, EUC-JP-2004, ISO-2022-JP-2004),
MacJapanese (Shift_JIS), gb18030.
- Added encode/decode in hex format to mb_[en|de]code_numericentity().
- Added support for SORT_NATURAL and SORT_FLAG_CASE in array sort functions
(sort, rsort, ksort, krsort, asort, arsort and array_multisort).
- Added encode and decode in hex format to mb_encode_numericentity() and
- Added support for SORT_NATURAL and SORT_FLAG_CASE in array sort functions:
sort(), rsort(), ksort(), krsort(), asort(), arsort() and array_multisort().
- is_a() and is_subclass_of() now have third boolean parameter, which specifies
if the first argument can be a string class name. Default if false for is_a
and true for is_subclass_of() for BC reasons.
- ob_start() will now treat a chunk size of 1 as meaning 1 byte, rather than
the previous special case behaviour of treating it as 4096 bytes.
the previous special case behavior of treating it as 4096 bytes.
- idn_to_ascii() and idn_to_utf8() now take two extra parameters, one indicating
the variant (IDNA 2003 or UTS #46) and another, passed by reference, to return
details about the operation in case UTS #46 is chosen.
- gzencode() used with FORCE_DEFLATE now generates RFC1950 compliant data.
- ob_start() refuses to start multiple output buffers at once passed as
- ob_start() no longer starts multiple output buffers when passed
array("callback1", "callback2", "callback3", ...).
5. Changes made to existing methods
- DateTime::parseFromFormat() now has + modifier to allow trailing text in
the string to parse without throwing an error.
- Added the ability to pass options to DOMDocument::loadHTML().
- FilesystemIterator, GlobIterator and (Recursive)DirectoryIterator now use
the default stream context.
6. Changes made to existing classes
5. Changes to existing classes
- Classes that implement stream wrappers can define a method called
stream_truncate that will respond to truncation, e.g. through ftruncate.
Strictly speaking, this is an addition to the user-space stream wrapper
template, not a change to an actual class.
- Classes that implement stream wrappers can define a method called stream_metadata that
will be called on touch(), chmod(), chgrp(), chown().
- Classes that implement stream wrappers can define a method called
stream_metadata that will be called on touch(), chmod(), chgrp(), chown().
- Arrays cast from SimpleXMLElement now always contain all nodes instead of
just the first matching node.
- All SimpleXMLElement children are now always printed when using var_dump(),
var_export(), and print_r().
- Added iterator support in MySQLi. mysqli_result implements Traversable.
7. Deprecated
6. Changes to existing methods
- DateTime::parseFromFormat() now has a "+" modifier to allow trailing text in
the string to parse without throwing an error.
- Added the ability to pass options to DOMDocument::loadHTML().
- FilesystemIterator, GlobIterator and (Recursive)DirectoryIterator now use
the default stream context.
7. Deprecated Functionality
- The following functions are deprecated in PHP 5.4:
- get_magic_quotes_gpc()
- get_magic_quotes_runtime()
- mcrypt_generic_end()
- get_magic_quotes_gpc(): now always returns false
- get_magic_quotes_runtime(): now always returns false
- mcrypt_generic_end(): use mcrypt_generic_deinit() instead
- mysql_list_dbs()
8. Removed
8. Removed Functionality
a. removed features
a. Removed features
- magic quotes
. remove magic_quotes_gpc, magic_quotes_runtime,
magic_quotes_sybase (calling ini_set('magic_....')
returns 0|false
. get_magic_quotes_gpc, get_magic_quotes_runtime are kept but
always return false
. set_magic_quotes_runtime raises an E_CORE_ERROR
The following features have been removed from PHP 5.4:
- register_globals
- register_long_arrays
- Magic quotes
- Register globals
- Safe mode
- Session extension bug compatibility mode
- y2k_compliance mode
- Y2K compliance mode
b. removed php.ini directives
b. Removed functions
- define_syslog_variables
- register_globals
- register_long_arrays
- safe_mode
- safe_mode_gid
- safe_mode_include_dir
- safe_mode_exec_dir
- safe_mode_allowed_env_vars
- safe_mode_protected_env_vars
- session.bug_compat42
- session.bug_compat_warn
- y2k_compliance
c. removed functions
The following functions are no longer available in PHP 5.4:
- define_syslog_variables()
- import_request_variables()
- session_is_registered()
- session_register()
- session_unregister()
- set_magic_quotes_runtime()
- mysqli_bind_param() (alias of mysqli_stmt_bind_param())
- mysqli_bind_result() (alias of mysqli_stmt_bind_result())
- mysqli_client_encoding() (alias of mysqli_character_set_name())
@ -339,42 +410,46 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
- mysqli::client_encoding() (alias of mysqli::character_set_name)
- mysqli_stmt::stmt() (never worked/always throws, undocumented)
d. removed syntax
c. Removed syntax
- break $var;
- continue $var;
e. removed hash algorithms
d. Removed hash algorithms
- Salsa10 and Salsa20, which are actually stream ciphers
9. Extensions
9. Extension Changes
a. no longer maintained
a. Extensions no longer maintained
- ext/sqlite
- ext/sqlite is no longer part of the base distribution.
Use sqlite3 or PDO_SQLITE instead.
b. with changed behaviour
b. Extensions with changed behavior
- The MySQL extensions (ext/mysql, mysqli and PDO_mysql) use mysqlnd
- The MySQL extensions (ext/mysql, mysqli and PDO_MYSQL) use mysqlnd
as the default library now. It is still possible to use libmysql by
specifying a path to the configure options.
- PDO_mysql: Support for linking with MySQL client libraries older
- PDO_MYSQL: Support for linking with MySQL client libraries older
than 4.1 is removed.
- The session extension now can hook into the file upload feature
in order to provide upload progress information through session
- SNMP extension
- Functions in SNMP extension now returns FALSE on every error
condition including SNMP-related (no such instance, end of MIB,
etc). Thus, in patricular, breaks previous behaviour of get/walk
etc). Thus, in patricular, breaks previous behavior of get/walk
functions returning an empty string on SNMP-related errors.
- Multi OID get/getnext/set queries are now supported.
- New constants added for use in snmp_set_oid_output_format()
- Function snmp_set_valueretrieval() changed it's behaviour:
- Function snmp_set_valueretrieval() changed it's behavior:
SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT can be combined with one of
@ -400,50 +475,42 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
10. Changes in SAPI support
- Added built-in CLI web server that is intended for testing purposes.
- The REQUEST_TIME value inside server now returns a floating point number
indicating the time with microsecond precision. All SAPIs providing this
value should be returning float and not time_t.
- A REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT value returns a floating point number indicating the
time with microsecond precision. All SAPIs providing this value should be
returning float and not time_t.
- apache_child_terminate(), getallheaders(), apache_request_headers()
and apache_response_headers() now supported on FastCGI.
- Added shortcut #inisetting=value to change php.ini settings at run-time.
- Changed shell not to terminate on fatal errors.
- Interactive shell works with shared readline extension.
- Added command line option --rz <name> which shows information of the
and apache_response_headers() are now supported on FastCGI.
- The interactive shell allows a shortcut #inisetting=value to change php.ini
settings at run-time.
- The interactive shell now works with the shared readline extension.
- The interactive shell no longer terminates on fatal errors.
- A new PHP CLI command line option --rz <name> shows information about the
named Zend extension.
- PHP-FPM now supports syslog value for error_log.
11. Changes in INI directives
11. Windows support
- Recommended production value for error_reporting changed to
- Added session.upload_progress.enabled, session.upload_progress.cleanup,
session.upload_progress.freq, session.upload_progress.min_freq.
- Added zend.multibyte directive as a replacement of PHP compile time
configuration option --enable-zend-multibyte. Now ZE always contains code for
multibyte support, but may enable or disable it by zend.multibyte. It doesn't
make a lot of sense to enable this option without ext/mbstring, because the
most functionality is implemented by mbstrings callbacks.
- Added enable_post_data_reading, which is enabled by default. When it's
disabled, the POST data is not read (and processed); the behavior is similar
to that of other request methods with body, like PUT. This allows reading the
raw POST data in multipart requests and read/process the POST data in a
stream fashion (through php://input), without having it copied in memory two/
three times.
- A new directive, called windows_show_crt_warning, has been introduced.
This directive shows the CRT warnings when enabled. These warnings were
displayed by default until now. It is disabled by default.
- Added cli.pager php.ini setting to set a pager for CLI output.
- Added cli.prompt php.ini setting to configure the CLI shell prompt.
- Added process.max to control the number of process FPM can fork.
- is_link now works properly for symbolic links on Windows Vista
or later. Earlier systems do not support symbolic links.
12. Syntax additions
- Traits:
12. New in PHP 5.4
a. New Features
- A built-in CLI web server for testing purposes is now available:
$ php -S
b. Syntax additions
- Traits:
trait HelloWorld {
public function sayHello() {
echo 'Hello World!';
@ -457,13 +524,11 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
$hello = new CanIGetHello();
- Function call result array access:
- Function call result array access, e.g.:
- Callable typehint, argument must be callable (i.e. pass is_callable($arg, false))
- Callable typehint indicating argument must be callable:
function foo(callable $do) {
@ -471,20 +536,22 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
$o = new ArrayObject();
foo(array($o, "count"));
- Short array syntax:
- Short array syntax:
$a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
$a = ['one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3, 'four' => 4];
$a = ['one' => 1, 2, 'three' => 3, 4];
- Binary number format:
- Binary number format:
0b00100 0b010101
- $str[1][0] where $str is a string is now a legal construct.
- Chained string array offsets now work.
$a = "abc";
echo $a[0][0];
- Anonymous functions now support using $this and class scope.
- Anonymous functions now support using $this and class scope.
Anonymous function can be declared as "static" to ignore the scope.
- Class::{expr}() syntax is now supported:
- Class::{expr}() syntax is now supported:
class A {
static function foo() {
echo "Hello world!\n";
@ -494,23 +561,13 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
$y = "o";
- Class member access on instantiation:
- Class member access on instantiation:
(new foo)->method()
(new foo)->property
(new foo)[0]
13. Windows support
- is_link now works properly for symbolic links on Windows Vista
or later. Earlier systems do not support symbolic links.
14. New in PHP 5.4:
a. New functions
c. New functions
- Core:
- get_declared_traits()
@ -549,7 +606,7 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
- class_uses()
b. New global constants
d. New global constants
@ -640,7 +697,7 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
c. New classes
e. New classes
- Reflection:
- ReflectionZendExtension
@ -662,7 +719,7 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
- CallbackFilterIterator
- RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
d. New methods
f. New methods
- Closure:
- Closure::bind()
@ -694,7 +751,7 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
- ReflectionParameter::canBePassedByValue()
- ReflectionParameter::isCallable()
- PDO_dblib:
- PDO::newRowset()
- SPL:
@ -715,7 +772,7 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
- XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs()
- XsltProcessor::getSecurityPrefs()
e. New class constants
g. New class constants
- PDO:
@ -724,7 +781,7 @@ UPGRADE NOTES - PHP 5.4
f. New Hash algorithms
h. New Hash algorithms
- fnv132
- fnv164