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- Completed rewrite of html.c. Except for determine_charset, almost nothing remains. - Fixed bug on determine_charset that was preventing correct detection in combination with internal mbstring encoding "none", "pass" or "auto". - Added profiles for entity encode/decode for HTMl 4.01, XHTML 1.0, XML 1.0 and HTML 5. Added the constants ENT_HTML401, ENT_XML1, ENT_XHTML and ENT_HTML5. - htmlentities()/htmlspecialchars(), when told not to double encode, verify the correctness of the existenting entities more thoroughly. It is checked whether the numerical entity represents a valid unicode code point (number is between 0 and 0x10FFFF). If using the flag ENT_DISALLOWED, it is also checked whether that numerical entity is valid in selected document. In HTML 4.01, all the numerical entities that represent a Unicode code point (< U+10FFFFFF) are valid, but that's not the case with other document types. If the entity is not valid, & is encoded to &amp;. For named entities, the check is also more thorough. While before the only check would be to determine if the entity was constituted by alphanumeric characters, now it is checked whether that entity is necessarily defined for the target document type. Otherwise, & is encoded to &amp;. - For html_entity_decode(), only valid numerical and named entities (as defined above for htmlentities()/htmlspecialchars() + !double_encode) are decoded. But there is in this case one additional check. Entities that represent non-SGML or otherwise invalid characters are not decoded. Note that, in HTML5, U+000D is a valid literal character, but the entity &#x0D is not valid and is therefore not decoded. - The hash tables lazily created for decoding in html_entity_decode() that were added recently were substituted by static hash tables. Instead of 1 hash table per encoding, there's only one hash table per document type defined in terms of unicode code points. This means that for charsets other than UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1, a conversion to unicode code points is necessary before decoding. - On the encoding side, the ad hoc ranges of entities of the translation tables, which mapped (in general) non-unicode code points to HTML entities were replaced by three-stage tables for HTML 4 and HTML 5. This mapping tables are defined only in terms of unicode code points, so a conversion is necessary for charsets other than UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1. Even so, the multi-stage table is much faster than the previous method, by a factor of 5; the conversion to unicode is a small penalty because it's just a simple table lookup. XML 1.0/htmlspecialchars() uses a simple table instead of a three-stage table. - Added the flag ENT_SUBSTITUTE, which makes htmlentities()/htmlspecialchars() replace the invalid multibyte sequences with U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#FFFD; (other encodings). - Added the flag ENT_DISALLOWED. Implements FR #52860. Characters that cannot appear literally are replaced by U+FFFD (UTF-8) or &#FFFD; (otherwise). An alternative implementation would be to encode those characters into numerical entities, but that would only work in HTML 4.01 due to limitations on the values of numerical entities in other document types. See also the effects on htmlentities()/htmlspecialchars() with !double_encode above.
2010-10-24 15:01:02 +00:00
html_entity_decode() conformance check (HTML 5)
$map = array(
foreach ($map as $str) {
$de = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, "UTF-8");
echo "$str => $de ", bin2hex($de), "\n";
&AElig; => Æ c386
&AMP; => & 26
&Aacute; => Á c381
&Abreve; => Ă c482
&Acirc; => Â c382
&Acy; => А d090
&Afr; => 𝔄 f09d9484
&Agrave; => À c380
&Alpha; => Α ce91
&Amacr; => Ā c480
&And; => ⩓ e2a993
&Aogon; => Ą c484
&Aopf; => 𝔸 f09d94b8
&ApplyFunction; => e281a1
&Aring; => Å c385
&Ascr; => 𝒜 f09d929c
&Assign; => ≔ e28994
&Atilde; => Ã c383
&Auml; => Ä c384
&Backslash; => e28896
&Barv; => ⫧ e2aba7
&Barwed; => ⌆ e28c86
&Bcy; => Б d091
&Because; => ∵ e288b5
&Bernoullis; => e284ac
&Beta; => Β ce92
&Bfr; => 𝔅 f09d9485
&Bopf; => 𝔹 f09d94b9
&Breve; => ˘ cb98
&Bscr; => e284ac
&Bumpeq; => ≎ e2898e
&CHcy; => Ч d0a7
&COPY; => © c2a9
&Cacute; => Ć c486
&Cap; => ⋒ e28b92
&CapitalDifferentialD; => e28585
&Cayleys; => e284ad
&Ccaron; => Č c48c
&Ccedil; => Ç c387
&Ccirc; => Ĉ c488
&Cconint; => ∰ e288b0
&Cdot; => Ċ c48a
&Cedilla; => ¸ c2b8
&CenterDot; => · c2b7
&Cfr; => e284ad
&Chi; => Χ cea7
&CircleDot; => ⊙ e28a99
&CircleMinus; => ⊖ e28a96
&CirclePlus; => ⊕ e28a95
&CircleTimes; => ⊗ e28a97
&ClockwiseContourIntegral; => ∲ e288b2
&CloseCurlyDoubleQuote; => ” e2809d
&CloseCurlyQuote; => e28099
&Colon; => ∷ e288b7
&Colone; => ⩴ e2a9b4
&Congruent; => ≡ e289a1
&Conint; => ∯ e288af
&ContourIntegral; => ∮ e288ae
&Copf; => e28482
&Coproduct; => ∐ e28890
&CounterClockwiseContourIntegral; => ∳ e288b3
&Cross; => e2a8af
&Cscr; => 𝒞 f09d929e
&Cup; => ⋓ e28b93
&CupCap; => ≍ e2898d
&DD; => e28585
&DDotrahd; => ⤑ e2a491
&DJcy; => Ђ d082
&DScy; => Ѕ d085
&DZcy; => Џ d08f
&Dagger; => ‡ e280a1
&Darr; => ↡ e286a1
&Dashv; => ⫤ e2aba4
&Dcaron; => Ď c48e
&Dcy; => Д d094
&Del; => ∇ e28887
&Delta; => Δ ce94
&Dfr; => 𝔇 f09d9487
&DiacriticalAcute; => ´ c2b4
&DiacriticalDot; => ˙ cb99
&DiacriticalDoubleAcute; => ˝ cb9d
&DiacriticalGrave; => ` 60
&DiacriticalTilde; => ˜ cb9c
&Diamond; => ⋄ e28b84
&DifferentialD; => e28586
&Dopf; => 𝔻 f09d94bb
&Dot; => ¨ c2a8
&DotDot; => ⃜ e2839c
&DotEqual; => ≐ e28990
&DoubleContourIntegral; => ∯ e288af
&DoubleDot; => ¨ c2a8
&DoubleDownArrow; => ⇓ e28793
&DoubleLeftArrow; => ⇐ e28790
&DoubleLeftRightArrow; => ⇔ e28794
&DoubleLeftTee; => ⫤ e2aba4
&DoubleLongLeftArrow; => ⟸ e29fb8
&DoubleLongLeftRightArrow; => ⟺ e29fba
&DoubleLongRightArrow; => ⟹ e29fb9
&DoubleRightArrow; => ⇒ e28792
&DoubleRightTee; => ⊨ e28aa8
&DoubleUpArrow; => ⇑ e28791
&DoubleUpDownArrow; => ⇕ e28795
&DoubleVerticalBar; => ∥ e288a5
&DownArrow; => ↓ e28693
&DownArrowBar; => ⤓ e2a493
&DownArrowUpArrow; => ⇵ e287b5
&DownBreve; => ̑ cc91
&DownLeftRightVector; => ⥐ e2a590
&DownLeftTeeVector; => ⥞ e2a59e
&DownLeftVector; => ↽ e286bd
&DownLeftVectorBar; => ⥖ e2a596
&DownRightTeeVector; => ⥟ e2a59f
&DownRightVector; => ⇁ e28781
&DownRightVectorBar; => ⥗ e2a597
&DownTee; => e28aa4
&DownTeeArrow; => ↧ e286a7
&Downarrow; => ⇓ e28793
&Dscr; => 𝒟 f09d929f
&Dstrok; => Đ c490
&ENG; => Ŋ c58a
&ETH; => Ð c390
&Eacute; => É c389
&Ecaron; => Ě c49a
&Ecirc; => Ê c38a
&Ecy; => Э d0ad
&Edot; => Ė c496
&Efr; => 𝔈 f09d9488
&Egrave; => È c388
&Element; => ∈ e28888
&Emacr; => Ē c492
&EmptySmallSquare; => ◻ e297bb
&EmptyVerySmallSquare; => ▫ e296ab
&Eogon; => Ę c498
&Eopf; => 𝔼 f09d94bc
&Epsilon; => Ε ce95
&Equal; => ⩵ e2a9b5
&EqualTilde; => ≂ e28982
&Equilibrium; => ⇌ e2878c
&Escr; => e284b0
&Esim; => ⩳ e2a9b3
&Eta; => Η ce97
&Euml; => Ë c38b
&Exists; => ∃ e28883
&ExponentialE; => e28587
&Fcy; => Ф d0a4
&Ffr; => 𝔉 f09d9489
&FilledSmallSquare; => ◼ e297bc
&FilledVerySmallSquare; => ▪ e296aa
&Fopf; => 𝔽 f09d94bd
&ForAll; => ∀ e28880
&Fouriertrf; => e284b1
&Fscr; => e284b1
&GJcy; => Ѓ d083
&GT; => > 3e
&Gamma; => Γ ce93
&Gammad; => Ϝ cf9c
&Gbreve; => Ğ c49e
&Gcedil; => Ģ c4a2
&Gcirc; => Ĝ c49c
&Gcy; => Г d093
&Gdot; => Ġ c4a0
&Gfr; => 𝔊 f09d948a
&Gg; => ⋙ e28b99
&Gopf; => 𝔾 f09d94be
&GreaterEqual; => ≥ e289a5
&GreaterEqualLess; => ⋛ e28b9b
&GreaterFullEqual; => ≧ e289a7
&GreaterGreater; => ⪢ e2aaa2
&GreaterLess; => ≷ e289b7
&GreaterSlantEqual; => ⩾ e2a9be
&GreaterTilde; => ≳ e289b3
&Gscr; => 𝒢 f09d92a2
&Gt; => ≫ e289ab
&HARDcy; => Ъ d0aa
&Hacek; => ˇ cb87
&Hat; => ^ 5e
&Hcirc; => Ĥ c4a4
&Hfr; => e2848c
&HilbertSpace; => e2848b
&Hopf; => e2848d
&HorizontalLine; => ─ e29480
&Hscr; => e2848b
&Hstrok; => Ħ c4a6
&HumpDownHump; => ≎ e2898e
&HumpEqual; => ≏ e2898f
&IEcy; => Е d095
&IJlig; => IJ c4b2
&IOcy; => Ё d081
&Iacute; => Í c38d
&Icirc; => Î c38e
&Icy; => И d098
&Idot; => İ c4b0
&Ifr; => e28491
&Igrave; => Ì c38c
&Im; => e28491
&Imacr; => Ī c4aa
&ImaginaryI; => e28588
&Implies; => ⇒ e28792
&Int; => ∬ e288ac
&Integral; => ∫ e288ab
&Intersection; => ⋂ e28b82
&InvisibleComma; => e281a3
&InvisibleTimes; => e281a2
&Iogon; => Į c4ae
&Iopf; => 𝕀 f09d9580
&Iota; => Ι ce99
&Iscr; => e28490
&Itilde; => Ĩ c4a8
&Iukcy; => І d086
&Iuml; => Ï c38f
&Jcirc; => Ĵ c4b4
&Jcy; => Й d099
&Jfr; => 𝔍 f09d948d
&Jopf; => 𝕁 f09d9581
&Jscr; => 𝒥 f09d92a5
&Jsercy; => Ј d088
&Jukcy; => Є d084
&KHcy; => Х d0a5
&KJcy; => Ќ d08c
&Kappa; => Κ ce9a
&Kcedil; => Ķ c4b6
&Kcy; => К d09a
&Kfr; => 𝔎 f09d948e
&Kopf; => 𝕂 f09d9582
&Kscr; => 𝒦 f09d92a6
&LJcy; => Љ d089
&LT; => < 3c
&Lacute; => Ĺ c4b9
&Lambda; => Λ ce9b
&Lang; => ⟪ e29faa
&Laplacetrf; => e28492
&Larr; => ↞ e2869e
&Lcaron; => Ľ c4bd
&Lcedil; => Ļ c4bb
&Lcy; => Л d09b
&LeftAngleBracket; => ⟨ e29fa8
&LeftArrow; => ← e28690
&LeftArrowBar; => ⇤ e287a4
&LeftArrowRightArrow; => ⇆ e28786
&LeftCeiling; => ⌈ e28c88
&LeftDoubleBracket; => ⟦ e29fa6
&LeftDownTeeVector; => ⥡ e2a5a1
&LeftDownVector; => ⇃ e28783
&LeftDownVectorBar; => ⥙ e2a599
&LeftFloor; => ⌊ e28c8a
&LeftRightArrow; => ↔ e28694
&LeftRightVector; => ⥎ e2a58e
&LeftTee; => ⊣ e28aa3
&LeftTeeArrow; => ↤ e286a4
&LeftTeeVector; => ⥚ e2a59a
&LeftTriangle; => ⊲ e28ab2
&LeftTriangleBar; => ⧏ e2a78f
&LeftTriangleEqual; => ⊴ e28ab4
&LeftUpDownVector; => ⥑ e2a591
&LeftUpTeeVector; => ⥠ e2a5a0
&LeftUpVector; => ↿ e286bf
&LeftUpVectorBar; => ⥘ e2a598
&LeftVector; => ↼ e286bc
&LeftVectorBar; => ⥒ e2a592
&Leftarrow; => ⇐ e28790
&Leftrightarrow; => ⇔ e28794
&LessEqualGreater; => ⋚ e28b9a
&LessFullEqual; => ≦ e289a6
&LessGreater; => ≶ e289b6
&LessLess; => ⪡ e2aaa1
&LessSlantEqual; => ⩽ e2a9bd
&LessTilde; => ≲ e289b2
&Lfr; => 𝔏 f09d948f
&Ll; => ⋘ e28b98
&Lleftarrow; => ⇚ e2879a
&Lmidot; => Ŀ c4bf
&LongLeftArrow; => ⟵ e29fb5
&LongLeftRightArrow; => ⟷ e29fb7
&LongRightArrow; => ⟶ e29fb6
&Longleftarrow; => ⟸ e29fb8
&Longleftrightarrow; => ⟺ e29fba
&Longrightarrow; => ⟹ e29fb9
&Lopf; => 𝕃 f09d9583
&LowerLeftArrow; => ↙ e28699
&LowerRightArrow; => ↘ e28698
&Lscr; => e28492
&Lsh; => ↰ e286b0
&Lstrok; => Ł c581
&Lt; => ≪ e289aa
&Map; => ⤅ e2a485
&Mcy; => М d09c
&MediumSpace; => e2819f
&Mellintrf; => e284b3
&Mfr; => 𝔐 f09d9490
&MinusPlus; => ∓ e28893
&Mopf; => 𝕄 f09d9584
&Mscr; => e284b3
&Mu; => Μ ce9c
&NJcy; => Њ d08a
&Nacute; => Ń c583
&Ncaron; => Ň c587
&Ncedil; => Ņ c585
&Ncy; => Н d09d
&NegativeMediumSpace; => e2808b
&NegativeThickSpace; => e2808b
&NegativeThinSpace; => e2808b
&NegativeVeryThinSpace; => e2808b
&NestedGreaterGreater; => ≫ e289ab
&NestedLessLess; => ≪ e289aa
&NewLine; =>
&Nfr; => 𝔑 f09d9491
&NoBreak; => e281a0
&NonBreakingSpace; =>   c2a0
&Nopf; => e28495
&Not; => ⫬ e2abac
&NotCongruent; => ≢ e289a2
&NotCupCap; => ≭ e289ad
&NotDoubleVerticalBar; => ∦ e288a6
&NotElement; => ∉ e28889
&NotEqual; => ≠ e289a0
&NotEqualTilde; => ≂̸ e28982ccb8
&NotExists; => ∄ e28884
&NotGreater; => ≯ e289af
&NotGreaterEqual; => ≱ e289b1
&NotGreaterFullEqual; => ≧̸ e289a7ccb8
&NotGreaterGreater; => ≫̸ e289abccb8
&NotGreaterLess; => ≹ e289b9
&NotGreaterSlantEqual; => ⩾̸ e2a9beccb8
&NotGreaterTilde; => ≵ e289b5
&NotHumpDownHump; => ≎̸ e2898eccb8
&NotHumpEqual; => ≏̸ e2898fccb8
&NotLeftTriangle; => ⋪ e28baa
&NotLeftTriangleBar; => ⧏̸ e2a78fccb8
&NotLeftTriangleEqual; => ⋬ e28bac
&NotLess; => ≮ e289ae
&NotLessEqual; => ≰ e289b0
&NotLessGreater; => ≸ e289b8
&NotLessLess; => ≪̸ e289aaccb8
&NotLessSlantEqual; => ⩽̸ e2a9bdccb8
&NotLessTilde; => ≴ e289b4
&NotNestedGreaterGreater; => ⪢̸ e2aaa2ccb8
&NotNestedLessLess; => ⪡̸ e2aaa1ccb8
&NotPrecedes; => ⊀ e28a80
&NotPrecedesEqual; => ⪯̸ e2aaafccb8
&NotPrecedesSlantEqual; => ⋠ e28ba0
&NotReverseElement; => ∌ e2888c
&NotRightTriangle; => ⋫ e28bab
&NotRightTriangleBar; => ⧐̸ e2a790ccb8
&NotRightTriangleEqual; => ⋭ e28bad
&NotSquareSubset; => ⊏̸ e28a8fccb8
&NotSquareSubsetEqual; => ⋢ e28ba2
&NotSquareSuperset; => ⊐̸ e28a90ccb8
&NotSquareSupersetEqual; => ⋣ e28ba3
&NotSubset; => ⊂⃒ e28a82e28392
&NotSubsetEqual; => ⊈ e28a88
&NotSucceeds; => ⊁ e28a81
&NotSucceedsEqual; => ⪰̸ e2aab0ccb8
&NotSucceedsSlantEqual; => ⋡ e28ba1
&NotSucceedsTilde; => ≿̸ e289bfccb8
&NotSuperset; => ⊃⃒ e28a83e28392
&NotSupersetEqual; => ⊉ e28a89
&NotTilde; => ≁ e28981
&NotTildeEqual; => ≄ e28984
&NotTildeFullEqual; => ≇ e28987
&NotTildeTilde; => ≉ e28989
&NotVerticalBar; => ∤ e288a4
&Nscr; => 𝒩 f09d92a9
&Ntilde; => Ñ c391
&Nu; => Ν ce9d
&OElig; => Πc592
&Oacute; => Ó c393
&Ocirc; => Ô c394
&Ocy; => О d09e
&Odblac; => Ő c590
&Ofr; => 𝔒 f09d9492
&Ograve; => Ò c392
&Omacr; => Ō c58c
&Omega; => Ω cea9
&Omicron; => Ο ce9f
&Oopf; => 𝕆 f09d9586
&OpenCurlyDoubleQuote; => “ e2809c
&OpenCurlyQuote; => e28098
&Or; => ⩔ e2a994
&Oscr; => 𝒪 f09d92aa
&Oslash; => Ø c398
&Otilde; => Õ c395
&Otimes; => ⨷ e2a8b7
&Ouml; => Ö c396
&OverBar; => ‾ e280be
&OverBrace; => ⏞ e28f9e
&OverBracket; => ⎴ e28eb4
&OverParenthesis; => ⏜ e28f9c
&PartialD; => ∂ e28882
&Pcy; => П d09f
&Pfr; => 𝔓 f09d9493
&Phi; => Φ cea6
&Pi; => Π cea0
&PlusMinus; => ± c2b1
&Poincareplane; => e2848c
&Popf; => e28499
&Pr; => ⪻ e2aabb
&Precedes; => ≺ e289ba
&PrecedesEqual; => ⪯ e2aaaf
&PrecedesSlantEqual; => ≼ e289bc
&PrecedesTilde; => ≾ e289be
&Prime; => ″ e280b3
&Product; => ∏ e2888f
&Proportion; => ∷ e288b7
&Proportional; => ∝ e2889d
&Pscr; => 𝒫 f09d92ab
&Psi; => Ψ cea8
&QUOT; => " 22
&Qfr; => 𝔔 f09d9494
&Qopf; => e2849a
&Qscr; => 𝒬 f09d92ac
&RBarr; => ⤐ e2a490
&REG; => ® c2ae
&Racute; => Ŕ c594
&Rang; => ⟫ e29fab
&Rarr; => ↠ e286a0
&Rarrtl; => ⤖ e2a496
&Rcaron; => Ř c598
&Rcedil; => Ŗ c596
&Rcy; => Р d0a0
&Re; => e2849c
&ReverseElement; => ∋ e2888b
&ReverseEquilibrium; => ⇋ e2878b
&ReverseUpEquilibrium; => ⥯ e2a5af
&Rfr; => e2849c
&Rho; => Ρ cea1
&RightAngleBracket; => ⟩ e29fa9
&RightArrow; => → e28692
&RightArrowBar; => ⇥ e287a5
&RightArrowLeftArrow; => ⇄ e28784
&RightCeiling; => ⌉ e28c89
&RightDoubleBracket; => ⟧ e29fa7
&RightDownTeeVector; => ⥝ e2a59d
&RightDownVector; => ⇂ e28782
&RightDownVectorBar; => ⥕ e2a595
&RightFloor; => ⌋ e28c8b
&RightTee; => ⊢ e28aa2
&RightTeeArrow; => ↦ e286a6
&RightTeeVector; => ⥛ e2a59b
&RightTriangle; => ⊳ e28ab3
&RightTriangleBar; => ⧐ e2a790
&RightTriangleEqual; => ⊵ e28ab5
&RightUpDownVector; => ⥏ e2a58f
&RightUpTeeVector; => ⥜ e2a59c
&RightUpVector; => ↾ e286be
&RightUpVectorBar; => ⥔ e2a594
&RightVector; => ⇀ e28780
&RightVectorBar; => ⥓ e2a593
&Rightarrow; => ⇒ e28792
&Ropf; => e2849d
&RoundImplies; => ⥰ e2a5b0
&Rrightarrow; => ⇛ e2879b
&Rscr; => e2849b
&Rsh; => ↱ e286b1
&RuleDelayed; => ⧴ e2a7b4
&SHCHcy; => Щ d0a9
&SHcy; => Ш d0a8
&SOFTcy; => Ь d0ac
&Sacute; => Ś c59a
&Sc; => ⪼ e2aabc
&Scaron; => Š c5a0
&Scedil; => Ş c59e
&Scirc; => Ŝ c59c
&Scy; => С d0a1
&Sfr; => 𝔖 f09d9496
&ShortDownArrow; => ↓ e28693
&ShortLeftArrow; => ← e28690
&ShortRightArrow; => → e28692
&ShortUpArrow; => ↑ e28691
&Sigma; => Σ cea3
&SmallCircle; => ∘ e28898
&Sopf; => 𝕊 f09d958a
&Sqrt; => √ e2889a
&Square; => □ e296a1
&SquareIntersection; => ⊓ e28a93
&SquareSubset; => ⊏ e28a8f
&SquareSubsetEqual; => ⊑ e28a91
&SquareSuperset; => ⊐ e28a90
&SquareSupersetEqual; => ⊒ e28a92
&SquareUnion; => ⊔ e28a94
&Sscr; => 𝒮 f09d92ae
&Star; => ⋆ e28b86
&Sub; => ⋐ e28b90
&Subset; => ⋐ e28b90
&SubsetEqual; => ⊆ e28a86
&Succeeds; => ≻ e289bb
&SucceedsEqual; => ⪰ e2aab0
&SucceedsSlantEqual; => ≽ e289bd
&SucceedsTilde; => ≿ e289bf
&SuchThat; => ∋ e2888b
&Sum; => ∑ e28891
&Sup; => ⋑ e28b91
&Superset; => ⊃ e28a83
&SupersetEqual; => ⊇ e28a87
&Supset; => ⋑ e28b91
&THORN; => Þ c39e
&TRADE; => ™ e284a2
&TSHcy; => Ћ d08b
&TScy; => Ц d0a6
&Tab; => 09
&Tau; => Τ cea4
&Tcaron; => Ť c5a4
&Tcedil; => Ţ c5a2
&Tcy; => Т d0a2
&Tfr; => 𝔗 f09d9497
&Therefore; => ∴ e288b4
&Theta; => Θ ce98
&ThickSpace; => e2819fe2808a
&ThinSpace; => e28089
&Tilde; => e288bc
&TildeEqual; => ≃ e28983
&TildeFullEqual; => ≅ e28985
&TildeTilde; => ≈ e28988
&Topf; => 𝕋 f09d958b
&TripleDot; => ⃛ e2839b
&Tscr; => 𝒯 f09d92af
&Tstrok; => Ŧ c5a6
&Uacute; => Ú c39a
&Uarr; => ↟ e2869f
&Uarrocir; => ⥉ e2a589
&Ubrcy; => Ў d08e
&Ubreve; => Ŭ c5ac
&Ucirc; => Û c39b
&Ucy; => У d0a3
&Udblac; => Ű c5b0
&Ufr; => 𝔘 f09d9498
&Ugrave; => Ù c399
&Umacr; => Ū c5aa
&UnderBar; => _ 5f
&UnderBrace; => ⏟ e28f9f
&UnderBracket; => ⎵ e28eb5
&UnderParenthesis; => ⏝ e28f9d
&Union; => e28b83
&UnionPlus; => ⊎ e28a8e
&Uogon; => Ų c5b2
&Uopf; => 𝕌 f09d958c
&UpArrow; => ↑ e28691
&UpArrowBar; => ⤒ e2a492
&UpArrowDownArrow; => ⇅ e28785
&UpDownArrow; => ↕ e28695
&UpEquilibrium; => ⥮ e2a5ae
&UpTee; => ⊥ e28aa5
&UpTeeArrow; => ↥ e286a5
&Uparrow; => ⇑ e28791
&Updownarrow; => ⇕ e28795
&UpperLeftArrow; => ↖ e28696
&UpperRightArrow; => ↗ e28697
&Upsi; => ϒ cf92
&Upsilon; => Υ cea5
&Uring; => Ů c5ae
&Uscr; => 𝒰 f09d92b0
&Utilde; => Ũ c5a8
&Uuml; => Ü c39c
&VDash; => ⊫ e28aab
&Vbar; => ⫫ e2abab
&Vcy; => В d092
&Vdash; => ⊩ e28aa9
&Vdashl; => ⫦ e2aba6
&Vee; => e28b81
&Verbar; => ‖ e28096
&Vert; => ‖ e28096
&VerticalBar; => e288a3
&VerticalLine; => | 7c
&VerticalSeparator; => ❘ e29d98
&VerticalTilde; => ≀ e28980
&VeryThinSpace; => e2808a
&Vfr; => 𝔙 f09d9499
&Vopf; => 𝕍 f09d958d
&Vscr; => 𝒱 f09d92b1
&Vvdash; => ⊪ e28aaa
&Wcirc; => Ŵ c5b4
&Wedge; => ⋀ e28b80
&Wfr; => 𝔚 f09d949a
&Wopf; => 𝕎 f09d958e
&Wscr; => 𝒲 f09d92b2
&Xfr; => 𝔛 f09d949b
&Xi; => Ξ ce9e
&Xopf; => 𝕏 f09d958f
&Xscr; => 𝒳 f09d92b3
&YAcy; => Я d0af
&YIcy; => Ї d087
&YUcy; => Ю d0ae
&Yacute; => Ý c39d
&Ycirc; => Ŷ c5b6
&Ycy; => Ы d0ab
&Yfr; => 𝔜 f09d949c
&Yopf; => 𝕐 f09d9590
&Yscr; => 𝒴 f09d92b4
&Yuml; => Ÿ c5b8
&ZHcy; => Ж d096
&Zacute; => Ź c5b9
&Zcaron; => Ž c5bd
&Zcy; => З d097
&Zdot; => Ż c5bb
&ZeroWidthSpace; => e2808b
&Zeta; => Ζ ce96
&Zfr; => e284a8
&Zopf; => e284a4
&Zscr; => 𝒵 f09d92b5
&aacute; => á c3a1
&abreve; => ă c483
&ac; => ∾ e288be
&acE; => ∾̳ e288beccb3
&acd; => ∿ e288bf
&acirc; => â c3a2
&acute; => ´ c2b4
&acy; => а d0b0
&aelig; => æ c3a6
&af; => e281a1
&afr; => 𝔞 f09d949e
&agrave; => à c3a0
&alefsym; => ℵ e284b5
&aleph; => ℵ e284b5
&alpha; => α ceb1
&amacr; => ā c481
&amalg; => ⨿ e2a8bf
&amp; => & 26
&and; => ∧ e288a7
&andand; => ⩕ e2a995
&andd; => ⩜ e2a99c
&andslope; => ⩘ e2a998
&andv; => ⩚ e2a99a
&ang; => ∠ e288a0
&ange; => ⦤ e2a6a4
&angle; => ∠ e288a0
&angmsd; => ∡ e288a1
&angmsdaa; => ⦨ e2a6a8
&angmsdab; => ⦩ e2a6a9
&angmsdac; => ⦪ e2a6aa
&angmsdad; => ⦫ e2a6ab
&angmsdae; => ⦬ e2a6ac
&angmsdaf; => ⦭ e2a6ad
&angmsdag; => ⦮ e2a6ae
&angmsdah; => ⦯ e2a6af
&angrt; => ∟ e2889f
&angrtvb; => ⊾ e28abe
&angrtvbd; => ⦝ e2a69d
&angsph; => ∢ e288a2
&angst; => Å c385
&angzarr; => ⍼ e28dbc
&aogon; => ą c485
&aopf; => 𝕒 f09d9592
&ap; => ≈ e28988
&apE; => ⩰ e2a9b0
&apacir; => ⩯ e2a9af
&ape; => ≊ e2898a
&apid; => ≋ e2898b
&apos; => ' 27
&approx; => ≈ e28988
&approxeq; => ≊ e2898a
&aring; => å c3a5
&ascr; => 𝒶 f09d92b6
&ast; => * 2a
&asymp; => ≈ e28988
&asympeq; => ≍ e2898d
&atilde; => ã c3a3
&auml; => ä c3a4
&awconint; => ∳ e288b3
&awint; => ⨑ e2a891
&bNot; => ⫭ e2abad
&backcong; => ≌ e2898c
&backepsilon; => ϶ cfb6
&backprime; => e280b5
&backsim; => ∽ e288bd
&backsimeq; => ⋍ e28b8d
&barvee; => ⊽ e28abd
&barwed; => ⌅ e28c85
&barwedge; => ⌅ e28c85
&bbrk; => ⎵ e28eb5
&bbrktbrk; => ⎶ e28eb6
&bcong; => ≌ e2898c
&bcy; => б d0b1
&bdquo; => „ e2809e
&becaus; => ∵ e288b5
&because; => ∵ e288b5
&bemptyv; => ⦰ e2a6b0
&bepsi; => ϶ cfb6
&bernou; => e284ac
&beta; => β ceb2
&beth; => ℶ e284b6
&between; => ≬ e289ac
&bfr; => 𝔟 f09d949f
&bigcap; => ⋂ e28b82
&bigcirc; => ◯ e297af
&bigcup; => e28b83
&bigodot; => ⨀ e2a880
&bigoplus; => ⨁ e2a881
&bigotimes; => ⨂ e2a882
&bigsqcup; => ⨆ e2a886
&bigstar; => ★ e29885
&bigtriangledown; => ▽ e296bd
&bigtriangleup; => △ e296b3
&biguplus; => ⨄ e2a884
&bigvee; => e28b81
&bigwedge; => ⋀ e28b80
&bkarow; => ⤍ e2a48d
&blacklozenge; => ⧫ e2a7ab
&blacksquare; => ▪ e296aa
&blacktriangle; => ▴ e296b4
&blacktriangledown; => ▾ e296be
&blacktriangleleft; => ◂ e29782
&blacktriangleright; => ▸ e296b8
&blank; => ␣ e290a3
&blk12; => ▒ e29692
&blk14; => ░ e29691
&blk34; => ▓ e29693
&block; => █ e29688
&bne; => =⃥ 3de283a5
&bnequiv; => ≡⃥ e289a1e283a5
&bnot; => ⌐ e28c90
&bopf; => 𝕓 f09d9593
&bot; => ⊥ e28aa5
&bottom; => ⊥ e28aa5
&bowtie; => ⋈ e28b88
&boxDL; => ╗ e29597
&boxDR; => ╔ e29594
&boxDl; => ╖ e29596
&boxDr; => ╓ e29593
&boxH; => ═ e29590
&boxHD; => ╦ e295a6
&boxHU; => ╩ e295a9
&boxHd; => ╤ e295a4
&boxHu; => ╧ e295a7
&boxUL; => ╝ e2959d
&boxUR; => ╚ e2959a
&boxUl; => ╜ e2959c
&boxUr; => ╙ e29599
&boxV; => ║ e29591
&boxVH; => ╬ e295ac
&boxVL; => ╣ e295a3
&boxVR; => ╠ e295a0
&boxVh; => ╫ e295ab
&boxVl; => ╢ e295a2
&boxVr; => ╟ e2959f
&boxbox; => ⧉ e2a789
&boxdL; => ╕ e29595
&boxdR; => ╒ e29592
&boxdl; => ┐ e29490
&boxdr; => ┌ e2948c
&boxh; => ─ e29480
&boxhD; => ╥ e295a5
&boxhU; => ╨ e295a8
&boxhd; => ┬ e294ac
&boxhu; => ┴ e294b4
&boxminus; => ⊟ e28a9f
&boxplus; => ⊞ e28a9e
&boxtimes; => ⊠ e28aa0
&boxuL; => ╛ e2959b
&boxuR; => ╘ e29598
&boxul; => ┘ e29498
&boxur; => └ e29494
&boxv; => │ e29482
&boxvH; => ╪ e295aa
&boxvL; => ╡ e295a1
&boxvR; => ╞ e2959e
&boxvh; => ┼ e294bc
&boxvl; => ┤ e294a4
&boxvr; => ├ e2949c
&bprime; => e280b5
&breve; => ˘ cb98
&brvbar; => ¦ c2a6
&bscr; => 𝒷 f09d92b7
&bsemi; => ⁏ e2818f
&bsim; => ∽ e288bd
&bsime; => ⋍ e28b8d
&bsol; => \ 5c
&bsolb; => ⧅ e2a785
&bsolhsub; => ⟈ e29f88
&bull; => • e280a2
&bullet; => • e280a2
&bump; => ≎ e2898e
&bumpE; => ⪮ e2aaae
&bumpe; => ≏ e2898f
&bumpeq; => ≏ e2898f
&cacute; => ć c487
&cap; => ∩ e288a9
&capand; => ⩄ e2a984
&capbrcup; => ⩉ e2a989
&capcap; => ⩋ e2a98b
&capcup; => ⩇ e2a987
&capdot; => ⩀ e2a980
&caps; => ∩︀ e288a9efb880
&caret; => e28181
&caron; => ˇ cb87
&ccaps; => ⩍ e2a98d
&ccaron; => č c48d
&ccedil; => ç c3a7
&ccirc; => ĉ c489
&ccups; => ⩌ e2a98c
&ccupssm; => ⩐ e2a990
&cdot; => ċ c48b
&cedil; => ¸ c2b8
&cemptyv; => ⦲ e2a6b2
&cent; => ¢ c2a2
&centerdot; => · c2b7
&cfr; => 𝔠 f09d94a0
&chcy; => ч d187
&check; => ✓ e29c93
&checkmark; => ✓ e29c93
&chi; => χ cf87
&cir; => ○ e2978b
&cirE; => ⧃ e2a783
&circ; => ˆ cb86
&circeq; => ≗ e28997
&circlearrowleft; => ↺ e286ba
&circlearrowright; => ↻ e286bb
&circledR; => ® c2ae
&circledS; => Ⓢ e29388
&circledast; => ⊛ e28a9b
&circledcirc; => ⊚ e28a9a
&circleddash; => ⊝ e28a9d
&cire; => ≗ e28997
&cirfnint; => ⨐ e2a890
&cirmid; => ⫯ e2abaf
&cirscir; => ⧂ e2a782
&clubs; => ♣ e299a3
&clubsuit; => ♣ e299a3
&colon; => : 3a
&colone; => ≔ e28994
&coloneq; => ≔ e28994
&comma; => , 2c
&commat; => @ 40
&comp; => ∁ e28881
&compfn; => ∘ e28898
&complement; => ∁ e28881
&complexes; => e28482
&cong; => ≅ e28985
&congdot; => ⩭ e2a9ad
&conint; => ∮ e288ae
&copf; => 𝕔 f09d9594
&coprod; => ∐ e28890
&copy; => © c2a9
&copysr; => ℗ e28497
&crarr; => ↵ e286b5
&cross; => ✗ e29c97
&cscr; => 𝒸 f09d92b8
&csub; => ⫏ e2ab8f
&csube; => ⫑ e2ab91
&csup; => ⫐ e2ab90
&csupe; => ⫒ e2ab92
&ctdot; => ⋯ e28baf
&cudarrl; => ⤸ e2a4b8
&cudarrr; => ⤵ e2a4b5
&cuepr; => ⋞ e28b9e
&cuesc; => ⋟ e28b9f
&cularr; => ↶ e286b6
&cularrp; => ⤽ e2a4bd
&cup; => e288aa
&cupbrcap; => ⩈ e2a988
&cupcap; => ⩆ e2a986
&cupcup; => ⩊ e2a98a
&cupdot; => ⊍ e28a8d
&cupor; => ⩅ e2a985
&cups; => e288aaefb880
&curarr; => ↷ e286b7
&curarrm; => ⤼ e2a4bc
&curlyeqprec; => ⋞ e28b9e
&curlyeqsucc; => ⋟ e28b9f
&curlyvee; => ⋎ e28b8e
&curlywedge; => ⋏ e28b8f
&curren; => ¤ c2a4
&curvearrowleft; => ↶ e286b6
&curvearrowright; => ↷ e286b7
&cuvee; => ⋎ e28b8e
&cuwed; => ⋏ e28b8f
&cwconint; => ∲ e288b2
&cwint; => ∱ e288b1
&cylcty; => ⌭ e28cad
&dArr; => ⇓ e28793
&dHar; => ⥥ e2a5a5
&dagger; => † e280a0
&daleth; => ℸ e284b8
&darr; => ↓ e28693
&dash; => e28090
&dashv; => ⊣ e28aa3
&dbkarow; => ⤏ e2a48f
&dblac; => ˝ cb9d
&dcaron; => ď c48f
&dcy; => д d0b4
&dd; => e28586
&ddagger; => ‡ e280a1
&ddarr; => ⇊ e2878a
&ddotseq; => ⩷ e2a9b7
&deg; => ° c2b0
&delta; => δ ceb4
&demptyv; => ⦱ e2a6b1
&dfisht; => ⥿ e2a5bf
&dfr; => 𝔡 f09d94a1
&dharl; => ⇃ e28783
&dharr; => ⇂ e28782
&diam; => ⋄ e28b84
&diamond; => ⋄ e28b84
&diamondsuit; => ♦ e299a6
&diams; => ♦ e299a6
&die; => ¨ c2a8
&digamma; => ϝ cf9d
&disin; => ⋲ e28bb2
&div; => ÷ c3b7
&divide; => ÷ c3b7
&divideontimes; => ⋇ e28b87
&divonx; => ⋇ e28b87
&djcy; => ђ d192
&dlcorn; => ⌞ e28c9e
&dlcrop; => ⌍ e28c8d
&dollar; => $ 24
&dopf; => 𝕕 f09d9595
&dot; => ˙ cb99
&doteq; => ≐ e28990
&doteqdot; => ≑ e28991
&dotminus; => ∸ e288b8
&dotplus; => ∔ e28894
&dotsquare; => ⊡ e28aa1
&doublebarwedge; => ⌆ e28c86
&downarrow; => ↓ e28693
&downdownarrows; => ⇊ e2878a
&downharpoonleft; => ⇃ e28783
&downharpoonright; => ⇂ e28782
&drbkarow; => ⤐ e2a490
&drcorn; => ⌟ e28c9f
&drcrop; => ⌌ e28c8c
&dscr; => 𝒹 f09d92b9
&dscy; => ѕ d195
&dsol; => ⧶ e2a7b6
&dstrok; => đ c491
&dtdot; => ⋱ e28bb1
&dtri; => ▿ e296bf
&dtrif; => ▾ e296be
&duarr; => ⇵ e287b5
&duhar; => ⥯ e2a5af
&dwangle; => ⦦ e2a6a6
&dzcy; => џ d19f
&dzigrarr; => ⟿ e29fbf
&eDDot; => ⩷ e2a9b7
&eDot; => ≑ e28991
&eacute; => é c3a9
&easter; => ⩮ e2a9ae
&ecaron; => ě c49b
&ecir; => ≖ e28996
&ecirc; => ê c3aa
&ecolon; => ≕ e28995
&ecy; => э d18d
&edot; => ė c497
&ee; => e28587
&efDot; => ≒ e28992
&efr; => 𝔢 f09d94a2
&eg; => ⪚ e2aa9a
&egrave; => è c3a8
&egs; => ⪖ e2aa96
&egsdot; => ⪘ e2aa98
&el; => ⪙ e2aa99
&elinters; => ⏧ e28fa7
&ell; => e28493
&els; => ⪕ e2aa95
&elsdot; => ⪗ e2aa97
&emacr; => ē c493
&empty; => ∅ e28885
&emptyset; => ∅ e28885
&emptyv; => ∅ e28885
&emsp; => e28083
&emsp13; => e28084
&emsp14; => e28085
&eng; => ŋ c58b
&ensp; => e28082
&eogon; => ę c499
&eopf; => 𝕖 f09d9596
&epar; => ⋕ e28b95
&eparsl; => ⧣ e2a7a3
&eplus; => ⩱ e2a9b1
&epsi; => ε ceb5
&epsilon; => ε ceb5
&epsiv; => ϵ cfb5
&eqcirc; => ≖ e28996
&eqcolon; => ≕ e28995
&eqsim; => ≂ e28982
&eqslantgtr; => ⪖ e2aa96
&eqslantless; => ⪕ e2aa95
&equals; => = 3d
&equest; => ≟ e2899f
&equiv; => ≡ e289a1
&equivDD; => ⩸ e2a9b8
&eqvparsl; => ⧥ e2a7a5
&erDot; => ≓ e28993
&erarr; => ⥱ e2a5b1
&escr; => e284af
&esdot; => ≐ e28990
&esim; => ≂ e28982
&eta; => η ceb7
&eth; => ð c3b0
&euml; => ë c3ab
&euro; => € e282ac
&excl; => ! 21
&exist; => ∃ e28883
&expectation; => e284b0
&exponentiale; => e28587
&fallingdotseq; => ≒ e28992
&fcy; => ф d184
&female; => ♀ e29980
&ffilig; => ffi efac83
&fflig; => ff efac80
&ffllig; => ffl efac84
&ffr; => 𝔣 f09d94a3
&filig; => fi efac81
&fjlig; => fj 666a
&flat; => ♭ e299ad
&fllig; => fl efac82
&fltns; => ▱ e296b1
&fnof; => ƒ c692
&fopf; => 𝕗 f09d9597
&forall; => ∀ e28880
&fork; => ⋔ e28b94
&forkv; => ⫙ e2ab99
&fpartint; => ⨍ e2a88d
&frac12; => ½ c2bd
&frac13; => ⅓ e28593
&frac14; => ¼ c2bc
&frac15; => ⅕ e28595
&frac16; => ⅙ e28599
&frac18; => ⅛ e2859b
&frac23; => ⅔ e28594
&frac25; => ⅖ e28596
&frac34; => ¾ c2be
&frac35; => ⅗ e28597
&frac38; => ⅜ e2859c
&frac45; => ⅘ e28598
&frac56; => ⅚ e2859a
&frac58; => ⅝ e2859d
&frac78; => ⅞ e2859e
&frasl; => e28184
&frown; => ⌢ e28ca2
&fscr; => 𝒻 f09d92bb
&gE; => ≧ e289a7
&gEl; => ⪌ e2aa8c
&gacute; => ǵ c7b5
&gamma; => γ ceb3
&gammad; => ϝ cf9d
&gap; => ⪆ e2aa86
&gbreve; => ğ c49f
&gcirc; => ĝ c49d
&gcy; => г d0b3
&gdot; => ġ c4a1
&ge; => ≥ e289a5
&gel; => ⋛ e28b9b
&geq; => ≥ e289a5
&geqq; => ≧ e289a7
&geqslant; => ⩾ e2a9be
&ges; => ⩾ e2a9be
&gescc; => ⪩ e2aaa9
&gesdot; => ⪀ e2aa80
&gesdoto; => ⪂ e2aa82
&gesdotol; => ⪄ e2aa84
&gesl; => ⋛︀ e28b9befb880
&gesles; => ⪔ e2aa94
&gfr; => 𝔤 f09d94a4
&gg; => ≫ e289ab
&ggg; => ⋙ e28b99
&gimel; => ℷ e284b7
&gjcy; => ѓ d193
&gl; => ≷ e289b7
&glE; => ⪒ e2aa92
&gla; => ⪥ e2aaa5
&glj; => ⪤ e2aaa4
&gnE; => ≩ e289a9
&gnap; => ⪊ e2aa8a
&gnapprox; => ⪊ e2aa8a
&gne; => ⪈ e2aa88
&gneq; => ⪈ e2aa88
&gneqq; => ≩ e289a9
&gnsim; => ⋧ e28ba7
&gopf; => 𝕘 f09d9598
&grave; => ` 60
&gscr; => e2848a
&gsim; => ≳ e289b3
&gsime; => ⪎ e2aa8e
&gsiml; => ⪐ e2aa90
&gt; => > 3e
&gtcc; => ⪧ e2aaa7
&gtcir; => ⩺ e2a9ba
&gtdot; => ⋗ e28b97
&gtlPar; => ⦕ e2a695
&gtquest; => ⩼ e2a9bc
&gtrapprox; => ⪆ e2aa86
&gtrarr; => ⥸ e2a5b8
&gtrdot; => ⋗ e28b97
&gtreqless; => ⋛ e28b9b
&gtreqqless; => ⪌ e2aa8c
&gtrless; => ≷ e289b7
&gtrsim; => ≳ e289b3
&gvertneqq; => ≩︀ e289a9efb880
&gvnE; => ≩︀ e289a9efb880
&hArr; => ⇔ e28794
&hairsp; => e2808a
&half; => ½ c2bd
&hamilt; => e2848b
&hardcy; => ъ d18a
&harr; => ↔ e28694
&harrcir; => ⥈ e2a588
&harrw; => ↭ e286ad
&hbar; => ℏ e2848f
&hcirc; => ĥ c4a5
&hearts; => ♥ e299a5
&heartsuit; => ♥ e299a5
&hellip; => … e280a6
&hercon; => ⊹ e28ab9
&hfr; => 𝔥 f09d94a5
&hksearow; => ⤥ e2a4a5
&hkswarow; => ⤦ e2a4a6
&hoarr; => ⇿ e287bf
&homtht; => ∻ e288bb
&hookleftarrow; => ↩ e286a9
&hookrightarrow; => ↪ e286aa
&hopf; => 𝕙 f09d9599
&horbar; => ― e28095
&hscr; => 𝒽 f09d92bd
&hslash; => ℏ e2848f
&hstrok; => ħ c4a7
&hybull; => e28183
&hyphen; => e28090
&iacute; => í c3ad
&ic; => e281a3
&icirc; => î c3ae
&icy; => и d0b8
&iecy; => е d0b5
&iexcl; => ¡ c2a1
&iff; => ⇔ e28794
&ifr; => 𝔦 f09d94a6
&igrave; => ì c3ac
&ii; => e28588
&iiiint; => ⨌ e2a88c
&iiint; => ∭ e288ad
&iinfin; => ⧜ e2a79c
&iiota; => ℩ e284a9
&ijlig; => ij c4b3
&imacr; => ī c4ab
&image; => e28491
&imagline; => e28490
&imagpart; => e28491
&imath; => ı c4b1
&imof; => ⊷ e28ab7
&imped; => Ƶ c6b5
&in; => ∈ e28888
&incare; => ℅ e28485
&infin; => ∞ e2889e
&infintie; => ⧝ e2a79d
&inodot; => ı c4b1
&int; => ∫ e288ab
&intcal; => ⊺ e28aba
&integers; => e284a4
&intercal; => ⊺ e28aba
&intlarhk; => ⨗ e2a897
&intprod; => ⨼ e2a8bc
&iocy; => ё d191
&iogon; => į c4af
&iopf; => 𝕚 f09d959a
&iota; => ι ceb9
&iprod; => ⨼ e2a8bc
&iquest; => ¿ c2bf
&iscr; => 𝒾 f09d92be
&isin; => ∈ e28888
&isinE; => ⋹ e28bb9
&isindot; => ⋵ e28bb5
&isins; => ⋴ e28bb4
&isinsv; => ⋳ e28bb3
&isinv; => ∈ e28888
&it; => e281a2
&itilde; => ĩ c4a9
&iukcy; => і d196
&iuml; => ï c3af
&jcirc; => ĵ c4b5
&jcy; => й d0b9
&jfr; => 𝔧 f09d94a7
&jmath; => ȷ c8b7
&jopf; => 𝕛 f09d959b
&jscr; => 𝒿 f09d92bf
&jsercy; => ј d198
&jukcy; => є d194
&kappa; => κ ceba
&kappav; => ϰ cfb0
&kcedil; => ķ c4b7
&kcy; => к d0ba
&kfr; => 𝔨 f09d94a8
&kgreen; => ĸ c4b8
&khcy; => х d185
&kjcy; => ќ d19c
&kopf; => 𝕜 f09d959c
&kscr; => 𝓀 f09d9380
&lAarr; => ⇚ e2879a
&lArr; => ⇐ e28790
&lAtail; => ⤛ e2a49b
&lBarr; => ⤎ e2a48e
&lE; => ≦ e289a6
&lEg; => ⪋ e2aa8b
&lHar; => ⥢ e2a5a2
&lacute; => ĺ c4ba
&laemptyv; => ⦴ e2a6b4
&lagran; => e28492
&lambda; => λ cebb
&lang; => ⟨ e29fa8
&langd; => ⦑ e2a691
&langle; => ⟨ e29fa8
&lap; => ⪅ e2aa85
&laquo; => « c2ab
&larr; => ← e28690
&larrb; => ⇤ e287a4
&larrbfs; => ⤟ e2a49f
&larrfs; => ⤝ e2a49d
&larrhk; => ↩ e286a9
&larrlp; => ↫ e286ab
&larrpl; => ⤹ e2a4b9
&larrsim; => ⥳ e2a5b3
&larrtl; => ↢ e286a2
&lat; => ⪫ e2aaab
&latail; => ⤙ e2a499
&late; => ⪭ e2aaad
&lates; => ⪭︀ e2aaadefb880
&lbarr; => ⤌ e2a48c
&lbbrk; => e29db2
&lbrace; => { 7b
&lbrack; => [ 5b
&lbrke; => ⦋ e2a68b
&lbrksld; => ⦏ e2a68f
&lbrkslu; => ⦍ e2a68d
&lcaron; => ľ c4be
&lcedil; => ļ c4bc
&lceil; => ⌈ e28c88
&lcub; => { 7b
&lcy; => л d0bb
&ldca; => ⤶ e2a4b6
&ldquo; => “ e2809c
&ldquor; => „ e2809e
&ldrdhar; => ⥧ e2a5a7
&ldrushar; => ⥋ e2a58b
&ldsh; => ↲ e286b2
&le; => ≤ e289a4
&leftarrow; => ← e28690
&leftarrowtail; => ↢ e286a2
&leftharpoondown; => ↽ e286bd
&leftharpoonup; => ↼ e286bc
&leftleftarrows; => ⇇ e28787
&leftrightarrow; => ↔ e28694
&leftrightarrows; => ⇆ e28786
&leftrightharpoons; => ⇋ e2878b
&leftrightsquigarrow; => ↭ e286ad
&leftthreetimes; => ⋋ e28b8b
&leg; => ⋚ e28b9a
&leq; => ≤ e289a4
&leqq; => ≦ e289a6
&leqslant; => ⩽ e2a9bd
&les; => ⩽ e2a9bd
&lescc; => ⪨ e2aaa8
&lesdot; => ⩿ e2a9bf
&lesdoto; => ⪁ e2aa81
&lesdotor; => ⪃ e2aa83
&lesg; => ⋚︀ e28b9aefb880
&lesges; => ⪓ e2aa93
&lessapprox; => ⪅ e2aa85
&lessdot; => ⋖ e28b96
&lesseqgtr; => ⋚ e28b9a
&lesseqqgtr; => ⪋ e2aa8b
&lessgtr; => ≶ e289b6
&lesssim; => ≲ e289b2
&lfisht; => ⥼ e2a5bc
&lfloor; => ⌊ e28c8a
&lfr; => 𝔩 f09d94a9
&lg; => ≶ e289b6
&lgE; => ⪑ e2aa91
&lhard; => ↽ e286bd
&lharu; => ↼ e286bc
&lharul; => ⥪ e2a5aa
&lhblk; => ▄ e29684
&ljcy; => љ d199
&ll; => ≪ e289aa
&llarr; => ⇇ e28787
&llcorner; => ⌞ e28c9e
&llhard; => ⥫ e2a5ab
&lltri; => ◺ e297ba
&lmidot; => ŀ c580
&lmoust; => ⎰ e28eb0
&lmoustache; => ⎰ e28eb0
&lnE; => ≨ e289a8
&lnap; => ⪉ e2aa89
&lnapprox; => ⪉ e2aa89
&lne; => ⪇ e2aa87
&lneq; => ⪇ e2aa87
&lneqq; => ≨ e289a8
&lnsim; => ⋦ e28ba6
&loang; => ⟬ e29fac
&loarr; => ⇽ e287bd
&lobrk; => ⟦ e29fa6
&longleftarrow; => ⟵ e29fb5
&longleftrightarrow; => ⟷ e29fb7
&longmapsto; => ⟼ e29fbc
&longrightarrow; => ⟶ e29fb6
&looparrowleft; => ↫ e286ab
&looparrowright; => ↬ e286ac
&lopar; => ⦅ e2a685
&lopf; => 𝕝 f09d959d
&loplus; => ⨭ e2a8ad
&lotimes; => ⨴ e2a8b4
&lowast; => e28897
&lowbar; => _ 5f
&loz; => ◊ e2978a
&lozenge; => ◊ e2978a
&lozf; => ⧫ e2a7ab
&lpar; => ( 28
&lparlt; => ⦓ e2a693
&lrarr; => ⇆ e28786
&lrcorner; => ⌟ e28c9f
&lrhar; => ⇋ e2878b
&lrhard; => ⥭ e2a5ad
&lrm; => e2808e
&lrtri; => ⊿ e28abf
&lsaquo; => e280b9
&lscr; => 𝓁 f09d9381
&lsh; => ↰ e286b0
&lsim; => ≲ e289b2
&lsime; => ⪍ e2aa8d
&lsimg; => ⪏ e2aa8f
&lsqb; => [ 5b
&lsquo; => e28098
&lsquor; => e2809a
&lstrok; => ł c582
&lt; => < 3c
&ltcc; => ⪦ e2aaa6
&ltcir; => ⩹ e2a9b9
&ltdot; => ⋖ e28b96
&lthree; => ⋋ e28b8b
&ltimes; => ⋉ e28b89
&ltlarr; => ⥶ e2a5b6
&ltquest; => ⩻ e2a9bb
&ltrPar; => ⦖ e2a696
&ltri; => ◃ e29783
&ltrie; => ⊴ e28ab4
&ltrif; => ◂ e29782
&lurdshar; => ⥊ e2a58a
&luruhar; => ⥦ e2a5a6
&lvertneqq; => ≨︀ e289a8efb880
&lvnE; => ≨︀ e289a8efb880
&mDDot; => ∺ e288ba
&macr; => ¯ c2af
&male; => ♂ e29982
&malt; => ✠ e29ca0
&maltese; => ✠ e29ca0
&map; => ↦ e286a6
&mapsto; => ↦ e286a6
&mapstodown; => ↧ e286a7
&mapstoleft; => ↤ e286a4
&mapstoup; => ↥ e286a5
&marker; => ▮ e296ae
&mcomma; => ⨩ e2a8a9
&mcy; => м d0bc
&mdash; => — e28094
&measuredangle; => ∡ e288a1
&mfr; => 𝔪 f09d94aa
&mho; => ℧ e284a7
&micro; => µ c2b5
&mid; => e288a3
&midast; => * 2a
&midcir; => ⫰ e2abb0
&middot; => · c2b7
&minus; => e28892
&minusb; => ⊟ e28a9f
&minusd; => ∸ e288b8
&minusdu; => ⨪ e2a8aa
&mlcp; => ⫛ e2ab9b
&mldr; => … e280a6
&mnplus; => ∓ e28893
&models; => ⊧ e28aa7
&mopf; => 𝕞 f09d959e
&mp; => ∓ e28893
&mscr; => 𝓂 f09d9382
&mstpos; => ∾ e288be
&mu; => μ cebc
&multimap; => ⊸ e28ab8
&mumap; => ⊸ e28ab8
&nGg; => ⋙̸ e28b99ccb8
&nGt; => ≫⃒ e289abe28392
&nGtv; => ≫̸ e289abccb8
&nLeftarrow; => ⇍ e2878d
&nLeftrightarrow; => ⇎ e2878e
&nLl; => ⋘̸ e28b98ccb8
&nLt; => ≪⃒ e289aae28392
&nLtv; => ≪̸ e289aaccb8
&nRightarrow; => ⇏ e2878f
&nVDash; => ⊯ e28aaf
&nVdash; => ⊮ e28aae
&nabla; => ∇ e28887
&nacute; => ń c584
&nang; => ∠⃒ e288a0e28392
&nap; => ≉ e28989
&napE; => ⩰̸ e2a9b0ccb8
&napid; => ≋̸ e2898bccb8
&napos; => ʼn c589
&napprox; => ≉ e28989
&natur; => ♮ e299ae
&natural; => ♮ e299ae
&naturals; => e28495
&nbsp; =>   c2a0
&nbump; => ≎̸ e2898eccb8
&nbumpe; => ≏̸ e2898fccb8
&ncap; => ⩃ e2a983
&ncaron; => ň c588
&ncedil; => ņ c586
&ncong; => ≇ e28987
&ncongdot; => ⩭̸ e2a9adccb8
&ncup; => ⩂ e2a982
&ncy; => н d0bd
&ndash; => e28093
&ne; => ≠ e289a0
&neArr; => ⇗ e28797
&nearhk; => ⤤ e2a4a4
&nearr; => ↗ e28697
&nearrow; => ↗ e28697
&nedot; => ≐̸ e28990ccb8
&nequiv; => ≢ e289a2
&nesear; => ⤨ e2a4a8
&nesim; => ≂̸ e28982ccb8
&nexist; => ∄ e28884
&nexists; => ∄ e28884
&nfr; => 𝔫 f09d94ab
&ngE; => ≧̸ e289a7ccb8
&nge; => ≱ e289b1
&ngeq; => ≱ e289b1
&ngeqq; => ≧̸ e289a7ccb8
&ngeqslant; => ⩾̸ e2a9beccb8
&nges; => ⩾̸ e2a9beccb8
&ngsim; => ≵ e289b5
&ngt; => ≯ e289af
&ngtr; => ≯ e289af
&nhArr; => ⇎ e2878e
&nharr; => ↮ e286ae
&nhpar; => ⫲ e2abb2
&ni; => ∋ e2888b
&nis; => ⋼ e28bbc
&nisd; => ⋺ e28bba
&niv; => ∋ e2888b
&njcy; => њ d19a
&nlArr; => ⇍ e2878d
&nlE; => ≦̸ e289a6ccb8
&nlarr; => ↚ e2869a
&nldr; => ‥ e280a5
&nle; => ≰ e289b0
&nleftarrow; => ↚ e2869a
&nleftrightarrow; => ↮ e286ae
&nleq; => ≰ e289b0
&nleqq; => ≦̸ e289a6ccb8
&nleqslant; => ⩽̸ e2a9bdccb8
&nles; => ⩽̸ e2a9bdccb8
&nless; => ≮ e289ae
&nlsim; => ≴ e289b4
&nlt; => ≮ e289ae
&nltri; => ⋪ e28baa
&nltrie; => ⋬ e28bac
&nmid; => ∤ e288a4
&nopf; => 𝕟 f09d959f
&not; => ¬ c2ac
&notin; => ∉ e28889
&notinE; => ⋹̸ e28bb9ccb8
&notindot; => ⋵̸ e28bb5ccb8
&notinva; => ∉ e28889
&notinvb; => ⋷ e28bb7
&notinvc; => ⋶ e28bb6
&notni; => ∌ e2888c
&notniva; => ∌ e2888c
&notnivb; => ⋾ e28bbe
&notnivc; => ⋽ e28bbd
&npar; => ∦ e288a6
&nparallel; => ∦ e288a6
&nparsl; => ⫽⃥ e2abbde283a5
&npart; => ∂̸ e28882ccb8
&npolint; => ⨔ e2a894
&npr; => ⊀ e28a80
&nprcue; => ⋠ e28ba0
&npre; => ⪯̸ e2aaafccb8
&nprec; => ⊀ e28a80
&npreceq; => ⪯̸ e2aaafccb8
&nrArr; => ⇏ e2878f
&nrarr; => ↛ e2869b
&nrarrc; => ⤳̸ e2a4b3ccb8
&nrarrw; => ↝̸ e2869dccb8
&nrightarrow; => ↛ e2869b
&nrtri; => ⋫ e28bab
&nrtrie; => ⋭ e28bad
&nsc; => ⊁ e28a81
&nsccue; => ⋡ e28ba1
&nsce; => ⪰̸ e2aab0ccb8
&nscr; => 𝓃 f09d9383
&nshortmid; => ∤ e288a4
&nshortparallel; => ∦ e288a6
&nsim; => ≁ e28981
&nsime; => ≄ e28984
&nsimeq; => ≄ e28984
&nsmid; => ∤ e288a4
&nspar; => ∦ e288a6
&nsqsube; => ⋢ e28ba2
&nsqsupe; => ⋣ e28ba3
&nsub; => ⊄ e28a84
&nsubE; => ⫅̸ e2ab85ccb8
&nsube; => ⊈ e28a88
&nsubset; => ⊂⃒ e28a82e28392
&nsubseteq; => ⊈ e28a88
&nsubseteqq; => ⫅̸ e2ab85ccb8
&nsucc; => ⊁ e28a81
&nsucceq; => ⪰̸ e2aab0ccb8
&nsup; => ⊅ e28a85
&nsupE; => ⫆̸ e2ab86ccb8
&nsupe; => ⊉ e28a89
&nsupset; => ⊃⃒ e28a83e28392
&nsupseteq; => ⊉ e28a89
&nsupseteqq; => ⫆̸ e2ab86ccb8
&ntgl; => ≹ e289b9
&ntilde; => ñ c3b1
&ntlg; => ≸ e289b8
&ntriangleleft; => ⋪ e28baa
&ntrianglelefteq; => ⋬ e28bac
&ntriangleright; => ⋫ e28bab
&ntrianglerighteq; => ⋭ e28bad
&nu; => ν cebd
&num; => # 23
&numero; => № e28496
&numsp; => e28087
&nvDash; => ⊭ e28aad
&nvHarr; => ⤄ e2a484
&nvap; => ≍⃒ e2898de28392
&nvdash; => ⊬ e28aac
&nvge; => ≥⃒ e289a5e28392
&nvgt; => >⃒ 3ee28392
&nvinfin; => ⧞ e2a79e
&nvlArr; => ⤂ e2a482
&nvle; => ≤⃒ e289a4e28392
&nvlt; => <⃒ 3ce28392
&nvltrie; => ⊴⃒ e28ab4e28392
&nvrArr; => ⤃ e2a483
&nvrtrie; => ⊵⃒ e28ab5e28392
&nvsim; => ∼⃒ e288bce28392
&nwArr; => ⇖ e28796
&nwarhk; => ⤣ e2a4a3
&nwarr; => ↖ e28696
&nwarrow; => ↖ e28696
&nwnear; => ⤧ e2a4a7
&oS; => Ⓢ e29388
&oacute; => ó c3b3
&oast; => ⊛ e28a9b
&ocir; => ⊚ e28a9a
&ocirc; => ô c3b4
&ocy; => о d0be
&odash; => ⊝ e28a9d
&odblac; => ő c591
&odiv; => ⨸ e2a8b8
&odot; => ⊙ e28a99
&odsold; => ⦼ e2a6bc
&oelig; => œ c593
&ofcir; => ⦿ e2a6bf
&ofr; => 𝔬 f09d94ac
&ogon; => ˛ cb9b
&ograve; => ò c3b2
&ogt; => ⧁ e2a781
&ohbar; => ⦵ e2a6b5
&ohm; => Ω cea9
&oint; => ∮ e288ae
&olarr; => ↺ e286ba
&olcir; => ⦾ e2a6be
&olcross; => ⦻ e2a6bb
&oline; => ‾ e280be
&olt; => ⧀ e2a780
&omacr; => ō c58d
&omega; => ω cf89
&omicron; => ο cebf
&omid; => ⦶ e2a6b6
&ominus; => ⊖ e28a96
&oopf; => 𝕠 f09d95a0
&opar; => ⦷ e2a6b7
&operp; => ⦹ e2a6b9
&oplus; => ⊕ e28a95
&or; => e288a8
&orarr; => ↻ e286bb
&ord; => ⩝ e2a99d
&order; => e284b4
&orderof; => e284b4
&ordf; => ª c2aa
&ordm; => º c2ba
&origof; => ⊶ e28ab6
&oror; => ⩖ e2a996
&orslope; => ⩗ e2a997
&orv; => ⩛ e2a99b
&oscr; => e284b4
&oslash; => ø c3b8
&osol; => ⊘ e28a98
&otilde; => õ c3b5
&otimes; => ⊗ e28a97
&otimesas; => ⨶ e2a8b6
&ouml; => ö c3b6
&ovbar; => ⌽ e28cbd
&par; => ∥ e288a5
&para; => ¶ c2b6
&parallel; => ∥ e288a5
&parsim; => ⫳ e2abb3
&parsl; => ⫽ e2abbd
&part; => ∂ e28882
&pcy; => п d0bf
&percnt; => % 25
&period; => . 2e
&permil; => ‰ e280b0
&perp; => ⊥ e28aa5
&pertenk; => ‱ e280b1
&pfr; => 𝔭 f09d94ad
&phi; => φ cf86
&phiv; => ϕ cf95
&phmmat; => e284b3
&phone; => ☎ e2988e
&pi; => π cf80
&pitchfork; => ⋔ e28b94
&piv; => ϖ cf96
&planck; => ℏ e2848f
&planckh; => e2848e
&plankv; => ℏ e2848f
&plus; => + 2b
&plusacir; => ⨣ e2a8a3
&plusb; => ⊞ e28a9e
&pluscir; => ⨢ e2a8a2
&plusdo; => ∔ e28894
&plusdu; => ⨥ e2a8a5
&pluse; => ⩲ e2a9b2
&plusmn; => ± c2b1
&plussim; => ⨦ e2a8a6
&plustwo; => ⨧ e2a8a7
&pm; => ± c2b1
&pointint; => ⨕ e2a895
&popf; => 𝕡 f09d95a1
&pound; => £ c2a3
&pr; => ≺ e289ba
&prE; => ⪳ e2aab3
&prap; => ⪷ e2aab7
&prcue; => ≼ e289bc
&pre; => ⪯ e2aaaf
&prec; => ≺ e289ba
&precapprox; => ⪷ e2aab7
&preccurlyeq; => ≼ e289bc
&preceq; => ⪯ e2aaaf
&precnapprox; => ⪹ e2aab9
&precneqq; => ⪵ e2aab5
&precnsim; => ⋨ e28ba8
&precsim; => ≾ e289be
&prime; => e280b2
&primes; => e28499
&prnE; => ⪵ e2aab5
&prnap; => ⪹ e2aab9
&prnsim; => ⋨ e28ba8
&prod; => ∏ e2888f
&profalar; => ⌮ e28cae
&profline; => ⌒ e28c92
&profsurf; => ⌓ e28c93
&prop; => ∝ e2889d
&propto; => ∝ e2889d
&prsim; => ≾ e289be
&prurel; => ⊰ e28ab0
&pscr; => 𝓅 f09d9385
&psi; => ψ cf88
&puncsp; => e28088
&qfr; => 𝔮 f09d94ae
&qint; => ⨌ e2a88c
&qopf; => 𝕢 f09d95a2
&qprime; => ⁗ e28197
&qscr; => 𝓆 f09d9386
&quaternions; => e2848d
&quatint; => ⨖ e2a896
&quest; => ? 3f
&questeq; => ≟ e2899f
&quot; => " 22
&rAarr; => ⇛ e2879b
&rArr; => ⇒ e28792
&rAtail; => ⤜ e2a49c
&rBarr; => ⤏ e2a48f
&rHar; => ⥤ e2a5a4
&race; => ∽̱ e288bdccb1
&racute; => ŕ c595
&radic; => √ e2889a
&raemptyv; => ⦳ e2a6b3
&rang; => ⟩ e29fa9
&rangd; => ⦒ e2a692
&range; => ⦥ e2a6a5
&rangle; => ⟩ e29fa9
&raquo; => » c2bb
&rarr; => → e28692
&rarrap; => ⥵ e2a5b5
&rarrb; => ⇥ e287a5
&rarrbfs; => ⤠ e2a4a0
&rarrc; => ⤳ e2a4b3
&rarrfs; => ⤞ e2a49e
&rarrhk; => ↪ e286aa
&rarrlp; => ↬ e286ac
&rarrpl; => ⥅ e2a585
&rarrsim; => ⥴ e2a5b4
&rarrtl; => ↣ e286a3
&rarrw; => ↝ e2869d
&ratail; => ⤚ e2a49a
&ratio; => e288b6
&rationals; => e2849a
&rbarr; => ⤍ e2a48d
&rbbrk; => e29db3
&rbrace; => } 7d
&rbrack; => ] 5d
&rbrke; => ⦌ e2a68c
&rbrksld; => ⦎ e2a68e
&rbrkslu; => ⦐ e2a690
&rcaron; => ř c599
&rcedil; => ŗ c597
&rceil; => ⌉ e28c89
&rcub; => } 7d
&rcy; => р d180
&rdca; => ⤷ e2a4b7
&rdldhar; => ⥩ e2a5a9
&rdquo; => ” e2809d
&rdquor; => ” e2809d
&rdsh; => ↳ e286b3
&real; => e2849c
&realine; => e2849b
&realpart; => e2849c
&reals; => e2849d
&rect; => ▭ e296ad
&reg; => ® c2ae
&rfisht; => ⥽ e2a5bd
&rfloor; => ⌋ e28c8b
&rfr; => 𝔯 f09d94af
&rhard; => ⇁ e28781
&rharu; => ⇀ e28780
&rharul; => ⥬ e2a5ac
&rho; => ρ cf81
&rhov; => ϱ cfb1
&rightarrow; => → e28692
&rightarrowtail; => ↣ e286a3
&rightharpoondown; => ⇁ e28781
&rightharpoonup; => ⇀ e28780
&rightleftarrows; => ⇄ e28784
&rightleftharpoons; => ⇌ e2878c
&rightrightarrows; => ⇉ e28789
&rightsquigarrow; => ↝ e2869d
&rightthreetimes; => ⋌ e28b8c
&ring; => ˚ cb9a
&risingdotseq; => ≓ e28993
&rlarr; => ⇄ e28784
&rlhar; => ⇌ e2878c
&rlm; => e2808f
&rmoust; => ⎱ e28eb1
&rmoustache; => ⎱ e28eb1
&rnmid; => ⫮ e2abae
&roang; => ⟭ e29fad
&roarr; => ⇾ e287be
&robrk; => ⟧ e29fa7
&ropar; => ⦆ e2a686
&ropf; => 𝕣 f09d95a3
&roplus; => ⨮ e2a8ae
&rotimes; => ⨵ e2a8b5
&rpar; => ) 29
&rpargt; => ⦔ e2a694
&rppolint; => ⨒ e2a892
&rrarr; => ⇉ e28789
&rsaquo; => e280ba
&rscr; => 𝓇 f09d9387
&rsh; => ↱ e286b1
&rsqb; => ] 5d
&rsquo; => e28099
&rsquor; => e28099
&rthree; => ⋌ e28b8c
&rtimes; => ⋊ e28b8a
&rtri; => ▹ e296b9
&rtrie; => ⊵ e28ab5
&rtrif; => ▸ e296b8
&rtriltri; => ⧎ e2a78e
&ruluhar; => ⥨ e2a5a8
&rx; => ℞ e2849e
&sacute; => ś c59b
&sbquo; => e2809a
&sc; => ≻ e289bb
&scE; => ⪴ e2aab4
&scap; => ⪸ e2aab8
&scaron; => š c5a1
&sccue; => ≽ e289bd
&sce; => ⪰ e2aab0
&scedil; => ş c59f
&scirc; => ŝ c59d
&scnE; => ⪶ e2aab6
&scnap; => ⪺ e2aaba
&scnsim; => ⋩ e28ba9
&scpolint; => ⨓ e2a893
&scsim; => ≿ e289bf
&scy; => с d181
&sdot; => ⋅ e28b85
&sdotb; => ⊡ e28aa1
&sdote; => ⩦ e2a9a6
&seArr; => ⇘ e28798
&searhk; => ⤥ e2a4a5
&searr; => ↘ e28698
&searrow; => ↘ e28698
&sect; => § c2a7
&semi; => ; 3b
&seswar; => ⤩ e2a4a9
&setminus; => e28896
&setmn; => e28896
&sext; => ✶ e29cb6
&sfr; => 𝔰 f09d94b0
&sfrown; => ⌢ e28ca2
&sharp; => ♯ e299af
&shchcy; => щ d189
&shcy; => ш d188
&shortmid; => e288a3
&shortparallel; => ∥ e288a5
&shy; => ­ c2ad
&sigma; => σ cf83
&sigmaf; => ς cf82
&sigmav; => ς cf82
&sim; => e288bc
&simdot; => ⩪ e2a9aa
&sime; => ≃ e28983
&simeq; => ≃ e28983
&simg; => ⪞ e2aa9e
&simgE; => ⪠ e2aaa0
&siml; => ⪝ e2aa9d
&simlE; => ⪟ e2aa9f
&simne; => ≆ e28986
&simplus; => ⨤ e2a8a4
&simrarr; => ⥲ e2a5b2
&slarr; => ← e28690
&smallsetminus; => e28896
&smashp; => ⨳ e2a8b3
&smeparsl; => ⧤ e2a7a4
&smid; => e288a3
&smile; => ⌣ e28ca3
&smt; => ⪪ e2aaaa
&smte; => ⪬ e2aaac
&smtes; => ⪬︀ e2aaacefb880
&softcy; => ь d18c
&sol; => / 2f
&solb; => ⧄ e2a784
&solbar; => ⌿ e28cbf
&sopf; => 𝕤 f09d95a4
&spades; => ♠ e299a0
&spadesuit; => ♠ e299a0
&spar; => ∥ e288a5
&sqcap; => ⊓ e28a93
&sqcaps; => ⊓︀ e28a93efb880
&sqcup; => ⊔ e28a94
&sqcups; => ⊔︀ e28a94efb880
&sqsub; => ⊏ e28a8f
&sqsube; => ⊑ e28a91
&sqsubset; => ⊏ e28a8f
&sqsubseteq; => ⊑ e28a91
&sqsup; => ⊐ e28a90
&sqsupe; => ⊒ e28a92
&sqsupset; => ⊐ e28a90
&sqsupseteq; => ⊒ e28a92
&squ; => □ e296a1
&square; => □ e296a1
&squarf; => ▪ e296aa
&squf; => ▪ e296aa
&srarr; => → e28692
&sscr; => 𝓈 f09d9388
&ssetmn; => e28896
&ssmile; => ⌣ e28ca3
&sstarf; => ⋆ e28b86
&star; => ☆ e29886
&starf; => ★ e29885
&straightepsilon; => ϵ cfb5
&straightphi; => ϕ cf95
&strns; => ¯ c2af
&sub; => ⊂ e28a82
&subE; => ⫅ e2ab85
&subdot; => ⪽ e2aabd
&sube; => ⊆ e28a86
&subedot; => ⫃ e2ab83
&submult; => ⫁ e2ab81
&subnE; => ⫋ e2ab8b
&subne; => ⊊ e28a8a
&subplus; => ⪿ e2aabf
&subrarr; => ⥹ e2a5b9
&subset; => ⊂ e28a82
&subseteq; => ⊆ e28a86
&subseteqq; => ⫅ e2ab85
&subsetneq; => ⊊ e28a8a
&subsetneqq; => ⫋ e2ab8b
&subsim; => ⫇ e2ab87
&subsub; => ⫕ e2ab95
&subsup; => ⫓ e2ab93
&succ; => ≻ e289bb
&succapprox; => ⪸ e2aab8
&succcurlyeq; => ≽ e289bd
&succeq; => ⪰ e2aab0
&succnapprox; => ⪺ e2aaba
&succneqq; => ⪶ e2aab6
&succnsim; => ⋩ e28ba9
&succsim; => ≿ e289bf
&sum; => ∑ e28891
&sung; => ♪ e299aa
&sup; => ⊃ e28a83
&sup1; => ¹ c2b9
&sup2; => ² c2b2
&sup3; => ³ c2b3
&supE; => ⫆ e2ab86
&supdot; => ⪾ e2aabe
&supdsub; => ⫘ e2ab98
&supe; => ⊇ e28a87
&supedot; => ⫄ e2ab84
&suphsol; => ⟉ e29f89
&suphsub; => ⫗ e2ab97
&suplarr; => ⥻ e2a5bb
&supmult; => ⫂ e2ab82
&supnE; => ⫌ e2ab8c
&supne; => ⊋ e28a8b
&supplus; => ⫀ e2ab80
&supset; => ⊃ e28a83
&supseteq; => ⊇ e28a87
&supseteqq; => ⫆ e2ab86
&supsetneq; => ⊋ e28a8b
&supsetneqq; => ⫌ e2ab8c
&supsim; => ⫈ e2ab88
&supsub; => ⫔ e2ab94
&supsup; => ⫖ e2ab96
&swArr; => ⇙ e28799
&swarhk; => ⤦ e2a4a6
&swarr; => ↙ e28699
&swarrow; => ↙ e28699
&swnwar; => ⤪ e2a4aa
&szlig; => ß c39f
&target; => ⌖ e28c96
&tau; => τ cf84
&tbrk; => ⎴ e28eb4
&tcaron; => ť c5a5
&tcedil; => ţ c5a3
&tcy; => т d182
&tdot; => ⃛ e2839b
&telrec; => ⌕ e28c95
&tfr; => 𝔱 f09d94b1
&there4; => ∴ e288b4
&therefore; => ∴ e288b4
&theta; => θ ceb8
&thetasym; => ϑ cf91
&thetav; => ϑ cf91
&thickapprox; => ≈ e28988
&thicksim; => e288bc
&thinsp; => e28089
&thkap; => ≈ e28988
&thksim; => e288bc
&thorn; => þ c3be
&tilde; => ˜ cb9c
&times; => × c397
&timesb; => ⊠ e28aa0
&timesbar; => ⨱ e2a8b1
&timesd; => ⨰ e2a8b0
&tint; => ∭ e288ad
&toea; => ⤨ e2a4a8
&top; => e28aa4
&topbot; => ⌶ e28cb6
&topcir; => ⫱ e2abb1
&topf; => 𝕥 f09d95a5
&topfork; => ⫚ e2ab9a
&tosa; => ⤩ e2a4a9
&tprime; => ‴ e280b4
&trade; => ™ e284a2
&triangle; => ▵ e296b5
&triangledown; => ▿ e296bf
&triangleleft; => ◃ e29783
&trianglelefteq; => ⊴ e28ab4
&triangleq; => ≜ e2899c
&triangleright; => ▹ e296b9
&trianglerighteq; => ⊵ e28ab5
&tridot; => ◬ e297ac
&trie; => ≜ e2899c
&triminus; => ⨺ e2a8ba
&triplus; => ⨹ e2a8b9
&trisb; => ⧍ e2a78d
&tritime; => ⨻ e2a8bb
&trpezium; => ⏢ e28fa2
&tscr; => 𝓉 f09d9389
&tscy; => ц d186
&tshcy; => ћ d19b
&tstrok; => ŧ c5a7
&twixt; => ≬ e289ac
&twoheadleftarrow; => ↞ e2869e
&twoheadrightarrow; => ↠ e286a0
&uArr; => ⇑ e28791
&uHar; => ⥣ e2a5a3
&uacute; => ú c3ba
&uarr; => ↑ e28691
&ubrcy; => ў d19e
&ubreve; => ŭ c5ad
&ucirc; => û c3bb
&ucy; => у d183
&udarr; => ⇅ e28785
&udblac; => ű c5b1
&udhar; => ⥮ e2a5ae
&ufisht; => ⥾ e2a5be
&ufr; => 𝔲 f09d94b2
&ugrave; => ù c3b9
&uharl; => ↿ e286bf
&uharr; => ↾ e286be
&uhblk; => ▀ e29680
&ulcorn; => ⌜ e28c9c
&ulcorner; => ⌜ e28c9c
&ulcrop; => ⌏ e28c8f
&ultri; => ◸ e297b8
&umacr; => ū c5ab
&uml; => ¨ c2a8
&uogon; => ų c5b3
&uopf; => 𝕦 f09d95a6
&uparrow; => ↑ e28691
&updownarrow; => ↕ e28695
&upharpoonleft; => ↿ e286bf
&upharpoonright; => ↾ e286be
&uplus; => ⊎ e28a8e
&upsi; => υ cf85
&upsih; => ϒ cf92
&upsilon; => υ cf85
&upuparrows; => ⇈ e28788
&urcorn; => ⌝ e28c9d
&urcorner; => ⌝ e28c9d
&urcrop; => ⌎ e28c8e
&uring; => ů c5af
&urtri; => ◹ e297b9
&uscr; => 𝓊 f09d938a
&utdot; => ⋰ e28bb0
&utilde; => ũ c5a9
&utri; => ▵ e296b5
&utrif; => ▴ e296b4
&uuarr; => ⇈ e28788
&uuml; => ü c3bc
&uwangle; => ⦧ e2a6a7
&vArr; => ⇕ e28795
&vBar; => ⫨ e2aba8
&vBarv; => ⫩ e2aba9
&vDash; => ⊨ e28aa8
&vangrt; => ⦜ e2a69c
&varepsilon; => ϵ cfb5
&varkappa; => ϰ cfb0
&varnothing; => ∅ e28885
&varphi; => ϕ cf95
&varpi; => ϖ cf96
&varpropto; => ∝ e2889d
&varr; => ↕ e28695
&varrho; => ϱ cfb1
&varsigma; => ς cf82
&varsubsetneq; => ⊊︀ e28a8aefb880
&varsubsetneqq; => ⫋︀ e2ab8befb880
&varsupsetneq; => ⊋︀ e28a8befb880
&varsupsetneqq; => ⫌︀ e2ab8cefb880
&vartheta; => ϑ cf91
&vartriangleleft; => ⊲ e28ab2
&vartriangleright; => ⊳ e28ab3
&vcy; => в d0b2
&vdash; => ⊢ e28aa2
&vee; => e288a8
&veebar; => ⊻ e28abb
&veeeq; => ≚ e2899a
&vellip; => ⋮ e28bae
&verbar; => | 7c
&vert; => | 7c
&vfr; => 𝔳 f09d94b3
&vltri; => ⊲ e28ab2
&vnsub; => ⊂⃒ e28a82e28392
&vnsup; => ⊃⃒ e28a83e28392
&vopf; => 𝕧 f09d95a7
&vprop; => ∝ e2889d
&vrtri; => ⊳ e28ab3
&vscr; => 𝓋 f09d938b
&vsubnE; => ⫋︀ e2ab8befb880
&vsubne; => ⊊︀ e28a8aefb880
&vsupnE; => ⫌︀ e2ab8cefb880
&vsupne; => ⊋︀ e28a8befb880
&vzigzag; => ⦚ e2a69a
&wcirc; => ŵ c5b5
&wedbar; => ⩟ e2a99f
&wedge; => ∧ e288a7
&wedgeq; => ≙ e28999
&weierp; => ℘ e28498
&wfr; => 𝔴 f09d94b4
&wopf; => 𝕨 f09d95a8
&wp; => ℘ e28498
&wr; => ≀ e28980
&wreath; => ≀ e28980
&wscr; => 𝓌 f09d938c
&xcap; => ⋂ e28b82
&xcirc; => ◯ e297af
&xcup; => e28b83
&xdtri; => ▽ e296bd
&xfr; => 𝔵 f09d94b5
&xhArr; => ⟺ e29fba
&xharr; => ⟷ e29fb7
&xi; => ξ cebe
&xlArr; => ⟸ e29fb8
&xlarr; => ⟵ e29fb5
&xmap; => ⟼ e29fbc
&xnis; => ⋻ e28bbb
&xodot; => ⨀ e2a880
&xopf; => 𝕩 f09d95a9
&xoplus; => ⨁ e2a881
&xotime; => ⨂ e2a882
&xrArr; => ⟹ e29fb9
&xrarr; => ⟶ e29fb6
&xscr; => 𝓍 f09d938d
&xsqcup; => ⨆ e2a886
&xuplus; => ⨄ e2a884
&xutri; => △ e296b3
&xvee; => e28b81
&xwedge; => ⋀ e28b80
&yacute; => ý c3bd
&yacy; => я d18f
&ycirc; => ŷ c5b7
&ycy; => ы d18b
&yen; => ¥ c2a5
&yfr; => 𝔶 f09d94b6
&yicy; => ї d197
&yopf; => 𝕪 f09d95aa
&yscr; => 𝓎 f09d938e
&yucy; => ю d18e
&yuml; => ÿ c3bf
&zacute; => ź c5ba
&zcaron; => ž c5be
&zcy; => з d0b7
&zdot; => ż c5bc
&zeetrf; => e284a8
&zeta; => ζ ceb6
&zfr; => 𝔷 f09d94b7
&zhcy; => ж d0b6
&zigrarr; => ⇝ e2879d
&zopf; => 𝕫 f09d95ab
&zscr; => 𝓏 f09d938f
&zwj; => e2808d
&zwnj; => e2808c