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2021-08-31 17:13:49 +00:00
1. Backward Incompatible Changes
2. New Features
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
3. Changes in SAPI modules
4. Deprecated Functionality
5. Changed Functions
6. New Functions
7. New Classes and Interfaces
2015-02-10 07:56:18 +00:00
8. Removed Extensions and SAPIs
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
9. Other Changes to Extensions
10. New Global Constants
11. Changes to INI File Handling
2014-08-22 11:35:07 +00:00
12. Windows Support
13. Other Changes
14. Performance Improvements
2010-03-24 16:23:50 +00:00
1. Backward Incompatible Changes
2010-03-24 16:23:50 +00:00
- Date:
. DateTime::createFromImmutable() now has a tentative return type of static,
previously it was DateTime.
. DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable() now has a tentative return type of static,
previously it was DateTimeImmutable.
- Standard:
. strtolower() and strtoupper() are no longer locale-sensitive. They now
perform ASCII case conversion, as if the locale were "C". Use
mb_strtolower() if you want localized case conversion. Similarly, stristr,
stripos, strripos, lcfirst, ucfirst, ucwords, str_ireplace,
array_change_key_case and sorting with SORT_FLAG_CASE use ASCII case
- SPL:
. The following methods now enforce their signature:
* SplFileInfo::_bad_state_ex()
* SplFileObject::getCsvControl()
* SplFileObject::fflush()
* SplFileObject::ftell()
* SplFileObject::fgetc()
* SplFileObject::fpassthru()
2022-04-20 16:43:10 +00:00
. SplFileObject::hasChildren() now has a tentative return type of false,
previously it was bool
. SplFileObject::getChildren() now has a tentative return type of null,
previously it was ?RecursiveIterator
2. New Features
- Core:
. Added the #[\SensitiveParameter] attribute to redact sensitive data in
2022-04-20 16:43:10 +00:00
. It is now possible to use null and false as standalone types.
. Added support for readonly classes.
- Curl:
. Added CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_METHOD option and returning the effective
HTTP method in curl_getinfo() return value.
2021-11-12 06:59:22 +00:00
- OCI8:
2021-11-28 01:06:25 +00:00
. Added an oci8.prefetch_lob_size directive and oci_set_prefetch_lob()
function to tune LOB query performance by reducing the number of
round-trips between PHP and Oracle Database when fetching LOBS. This is
usable with Oracle Database 12.2 or later.
2021-11-12 06:59:22 +00:00
. Added support for the "n" (NO_AUTO_CAPTURE) modifier, which makes simple
`(xyz)` groups non-capturing. Only named groups like `(?<name>xyz)` are
capturing. This only affects which groups are capturing, it is still
possible to use numbered subpattern references, and the matches array will
still contain numbered results.
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
3. Changes in SAPI modules
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
4. Deprecated Functionality
- Core:
. Creation of dynamic properties is deprecated, unless the class opts in by
using the #[AllowDynamicProperties] attribute. stdClass allows dynamic
properties. Usage of __get()/__set() is not affected by this change. A
dynamic properties deprecation warning can be addressed by:
- Declaring the property (preferred).
- Adding the #[AllowDynamicProperties] attribute to the class (which also
applies to all child classes).
- Using a WeakMap if you wish to associate additional data with an object
you do not own.
. Callables that are not accepted by the $callable() syntax (but are accepted
by call_user_func) are deprecated. In particular:
["self", "method"]
["parent", "method"]
["static", "method"]
["Foo", "Bar::method"]
[new Foo, "Bar::method"]
This does not affect normal method callables like "A::method" or
["A", "method"]. A deprecation notice is only emitted on call. Both
is_callable() and the callable type will silently accept these callables
until support for them is removed entirely.
. The "${var}" and "${expr}" style string interpolations are deprecated and
will be removed in PHP 9. Use "$var"/"{$var}" or "{${expr}}", respectively.
- Mbstring:
. Use of QPrint, Base64, Uuencode, and HTML-ENTITIES 'text encodings' is
deprecated for all Mbstring functions. Unlike all the other text
encodings supported by Mbstring, these do not encode a sequence of
Unicode codepoints, but rather a sequence of raw bytes. It is not
clear what the correct return values for most Mbstring functions should
be when one of these non-encodings is specified. Further, PHP has
separate, built-in implementations of all of them; for example, UUencoded
data can be handled using convert_uuencode/convert_uudecode.
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
5. Changed Functions
2009-06-23 19:40:31 +00:00
. dba_open() and dba_popen() now have the following enforced function signature
dba_open(string $path, string $mode, ?string $handler = null, int $permission = 0o644, int $map_size = 0)
. dba_fetch()'s optional skip argument is now at the end in line with
PHP userland semantics its signature now is:
dba_fetch(string|array $key, $dba, int $skip = 0): string|false
The overloaded signature
dba_fetch(string|array $key, $skip, $dba): string|false
is still accepted, but it is recommended to use the new standard variant.
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
6. New Functions
2015-04-24 15:19:58 +00:00
- Reflection:
. ReflectionFunction::isAnonymous()
. ReflectionMethod::hasPrototype()
- Sodium:
. sodium_crypto_stream_xchacha20_xor_ic()
- Standard:
. The peak memory usage can now be reset to the current usage thanks to
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
7. New Classes and Interfaces
2015-02-10 07:56:18 +00:00
8. Removed Extensions and SAPIs
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
9. Other Changes to Extensions
2016-07-03 10:43:30 +00:00
- Intl:
. IntlBreakIterator, IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator, IntlCodePointBreakIterator,
IntlPartsIterator, IntlCalendar, IntlCalendar, Collator, IntlIterator,
UConverter, IntlDateFormatter, IntlDatePatternGenerator, MessageFormatter,
ResourceBundle, Spoofchecker, IntlTimeZone and Transliterator instances are
no longer serializable. Previously, they could be serialized, but
unserialization yielded unusable objects or failed.
- OCI8:
. The minimum Oracle Client library version required is now 11.2.
- SQLite3:
. sqlite3.defensive is now PHP_INI_USER.
- Standard:
. getimagesize() now reports the actual image dimensions, bits and channels
of AVIF images. Previously, the dimensions have been reported as 0x0, and
bits and channels have not been reported at all.
- Zip:
. extension updated to 1.20.0 with new methods:
ZipArchive::clearError, getStreamName and getStreamIndex
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
10. New Global Constants
2010-03-24 16:23:50 +00:00
- Curl:
- Sockets:
2014-05-01 10:27:38 +00:00
11. Changes to INI File Handling
2014-08-22 11:35:07 +00:00
12. Windows Support
- Core:
. Windows specific error messages are no longer localized, but instead in
English to better match PHP error messages.
- OCI8:
. Since building against Oracle Client 10g is no longer supported anyway,
the configuration option --with-oci8 has been dropped. --with-oci8-11g,
--with-oci8-12c and --with-oci8-19 are still supported.
- Zip:
. The Zip extension is now built as shared library (DLL) by default.
13. Other Changes
14. Performance Improvements