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2007-10-05 19:32:28 +00:00
Test setlocale() function : basic functionality - passing multiple locales as argument
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
die('skip Not valid for windows');
/* Prototype : string setlocale (int $category , string $locale [,string $..] )
: string setlocale(int $category , array $locale);
* Description: Sets locale information.Returns the new current locale , or FALSE
if locale functinality is not implemented in this platform.
* Source code: ext/standard/string.c
/* Test the setlocale() when multiple locales are provided as argument */
/* Prototype : array list_system_locales( void )
Description: To get the currently installed locle in this platform
Arguments : Nil
Returns : set of locale as array
function list_system_locales() {
// start the buffering of next command to internal output buffer
// run the command 'locale -a' to fetch all locales available in the system
system('locale -a');
// get the contents from the internal output buffer
$all_locales = ob_get_contents();
// fflush and end the output buffering to internal output buffer
$system_locales = explode("\n", $all_locales);
// return all the locale found in the system
return $system_locales;
/* Collect existing system locales and get three locales that can be use to
pass as argument to setlocale() */
echo "*** Testing setlocale() by passing multiple locales as argument ***\n";
//set of currency symbol according to above list of locales
$currency_symbol = array(
"en_US.utf8" => "USD",
"en_AU.utf8" => "AUD",
"ko_KR.utf8" => "KRW",
"zh_CN.utf8" => "CNY",
"de_DE.utf8" => "EUR",
"es_EC.utf8" => "USD",
"fr_FR.utf8" => "EUR",
"ja_JP.utf8" => "JPY",
"el_GR.utf8" => "EUR",
"nl_NL.utf8" =>"EUR"
// gather all the locales installed in the system
$all_system_locales = list_system_locales();
// Now check for three locales that is present in the system and use that as argument to setlocale()
if( in_array("en_US.utf8",$all_system_locales) ||
in_array("Ko_KR.utf8",$all_system_locales) ||
in_array("zh_CN.utf8",$all_system_locales) ) {
echo "-- Testing setlocale() by giving 'category' as LC_ALL & multiple locales(en_US.utf8, Ko_KR.utf8, zh_CN.utf8) --\n";
// call setlocale()
$new_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8", "Ko_KR.utf8", "zh_CN.utf8");
// dump the name of the new locale set by setlocale()
// check that new locale setting is effective
// use localeconv() to get the details of currently set locale
$locale_info = localeconv();
$new_currency = trim($locale_info['int_curr_symbol']);
echo "Checking currency settings in the new locale, expected: ".$currency_symbol[$new_locale].", Found: ".$new_currency."\n";
echo "Test ";
if( trim($currency_symbol[$new_locale]) == $new_currency) {
echo "PASSED.\n";
} else {
echo "FAILED.\n";
echo "Done\n";
*** Testing setlocale() by passing multiple locales as argument ***
-- Testing setlocale() by giving 'category' as LC_ALL & multiple locales(en_US.utf8, Ko_KR.utf8, zh_CN.utf8) --
string(%d) "%s"
Checking currency settings in the new locale, expected: %s, Found: %s