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Test get_html_translation_table() function : basic functionality - with default args
if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN"){
die('skip Not for Windows');
if( ini_get("unicode.semantics") == "1")
die('skip do not run when unicode on');
if( !setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8") ) {
die('skip failed to set locale settings to "en-US.UTF-8"');
/* Prototype : array get_html_translation_table ( [int $table [, int $quote_style]] )
* Description: Returns the internal translation table used by htmlspecialchars and htmlentities
* Source code: ext/standard/html.c
/* Test get_html_translation_table() when table is specified as HTML_ENTITIES */
//set locale to en_US.UTF-8
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");
echo "*** Testing get_html_translation_table() : basic functionality ***\n";
// Calling get_html_translation_table() with default arguments
echo "-- with default arguments --\n";
var_dump( get_html_translation_table() );
// Calling get_html_translation_table() with all possible optional arguments
echo "-- with table = HTML_ENTITIES --\n";
var_dump( get_html_translation_table($table) );
echo "-- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS --\n";
var_dump( get_html_translation_table($table) );
echo "Done\n";
*** Testing get_html_translation_table() : basic functionality ***
-- with default arguments --
array(4) {
string(6) "&quot;"
string(4) "&lt;"
string(4) "&gt;"
string(5) "&amp;"
-- with table = HTML_ENTITIES --
array(100) {
string(6) "&nbsp;"
string(7) "&iexcl;"
string(6) "&cent;"
string(7) "&pound;"
string(8) "&curren;"
string(5) "&yen;"
string(8) "&brvbar;"
string(6) "&sect;"
string(5) "&uml;"
string(6) "&copy;"
string(6) "&ordf;"
string(7) "&laquo;"
string(5) "&not;"
string(5) "&shy;"
string(5) "&reg;"
string(6) "&macr;"
string(5) "&deg;"
string(8) "&plusmn;"
string(6) "&sup2;"
string(6) "&sup3;"
string(7) "&acute;"
string(7) "&micro;"
string(6) "&para;"
string(8) "&middot;"
string(7) "&cedil;"
string(6) "&sup1;"
string(6) "&ordm;"
string(7) "&raquo;"
string(8) "&frac14;"
string(8) "&frac12;"
string(8) "&frac34;"
string(8) "&iquest;"
string(8) "&Agrave;"
string(8) "&Aacute;"
string(7) "&Acirc;"
string(8) "&Atilde;"
string(6) "&Auml;"
string(7) "&Aring;"
string(7) "&AElig;"
string(8) "&Ccedil;"
string(8) "&Egrave;"
string(8) "&Eacute;"
string(7) "&Ecirc;"
string(6) "&Euml;"
string(8) "&Igrave;"
string(8) "&Iacute;"
string(7) "&Icirc;"
string(6) "&Iuml;"
string(5) "&ETH;"
string(8) "&Ntilde;"
string(8) "&Ograve;"
string(8) "&Oacute;"
string(7) "&Ocirc;"
string(8) "&Otilde;"
string(6) "&Ouml;"
string(7) "&times;"
string(8) "&Oslash;"
string(8) "&Ugrave;"
string(8) "&Uacute;"
string(7) "&Ucirc;"
string(6) "&Uuml;"
string(8) "&Yacute;"
string(7) "&THORN;"
string(7) "&szlig;"
string(8) "&agrave;"
string(8) "&aacute;"
string(7) "&acirc;"
string(8) "&atilde;"
string(6) "&auml;"
string(7) "&aring;"
string(7) "&aelig;"
string(8) "&ccedil;"
string(8) "&egrave;"
string(8) "&eacute;"
string(7) "&ecirc;"
string(6) "&euml;"
string(8) "&igrave;"
string(8) "&iacute;"
string(7) "&icirc;"
string(6) "&iuml;"
string(5) "&eth;"
string(8) "&ntilde;"
string(8) "&ograve;"
string(8) "&oacute;"
string(7) "&ocirc;"
string(8) "&otilde;"
string(6) "&ouml;"
string(8) "&divide;"
string(8) "&oslash;"
string(8) "&ugrave;"
string(8) "&uacute;"
string(7) "&ucirc;"
string(6) "&uuml;"
string(8) "&yacute;"
string(7) "&thorn;"
string(6) "&yuml;"
string(6) "&quot;"
string(4) "&lt;"
string(4) "&gt;"
string(5) "&amp;"
-- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS --
array(4) {
string(6) "&quot;"
string(4) "&lt;"
string(4) "&gt;"
string(5) "&amp;"
*** Testing get_html_translation_table() : basic functionality ***
-- with default arguments --
array(4) {
unicode(6) "&quot;"
unicode(4) "&lt;"
unicode(4) "&gt;"
unicode(5) "&amp;"
-- with table = HTML_ENTITIES --
array(311) {
[u" "]=>
unicode(6) "&nbsp;"
unicode(7) "&iexcl;"
unicode(6) "&cent;"
unicode(7) "&pound;"
unicode(8) "&curren;"
unicode(5) "&yen;"
unicode(8) "&brvbar;"
unicode(6) "&sect;"
unicode(5) "&uml;"
unicode(6) "&copy;"
unicode(6) "&ordf;"
unicode(7) "&laquo;"
unicode(5) "&not;"
unicode(5) "&shy;"
unicode(5) "&reg;"
unicode(6) "&macr;"
unicode(5) "&deg;"
unicode(8) "&plusmn;"
unicode(6) "&sup2;"
unicode(6) "&sup3;"
unicode(7) "&acute;"
unicode(7) "&micro;"
unicode(6) "&para;"
unicode(8) "&middot;"
unicode(7) "&cedil;"
unicode(6) "&sup1;"
unicode(6) "&ordm;"
unicode(7) "&raquo;"
unicode(8) "&frac14;"
unicode(8) "&frac12;"
unicode(8) "&frac34;"
unicode(8) "&iquest;"
unicode(8) "&Agrave;"
unicode(8) "&Aacute;"
unicode(7) "&Acirc;"
unicode(8) "&Atilde;"
unicode(6) "&Auml;"
unicode(7) "&Aring;"
unicode(7) "&AElig;"
unicode(8) "&Ccedil;"
unicode(8) "&Egrave;"
unicode(8) "&Eacute;"
unicode(7) "&Ecirc;"
unicode(6) "&Euml;"
unicode(8) "&Igrave;"
unicode(8) "&Iacute;"
unicode(7) "&Icirc;"
unicode(6) "&Iuml;"
unicode(5) "&ETH;"
unicode(8) "&Ntilde;"
unicode(8) "&Ograve;"
unicode(8) "&Oacute;"
unicode(7) "&Ocirc;"
unicode(8) "&Otilde;"
unicode(6) "&Ouml;"
unicode(7) "&times;"
unicode(8) "&Oslash;"
unicode(8) "&Ugrave;"
unicode(8) "&Uacute;"
unicode(7) "&Ucirc;"
unicode(6) "&Uuml;"
unicode(8) "&Yacute;"
unicode(7) "&THORN;"
unicode(7) "&szlig;"
unicode(8) "&agrave;"
unicode(8) "&aacute;"
unicode(7) "&acirc;"
unicode(8) "&atilde;"
unicode(6) "&auml;"
unicode(7) "&aring;"
unicode(7) "&aelig;"
unicode(8) "&ccedil;"
unicode(8) "&egrave;"
unicode(8) "&eacute;"
unicode(7) "&ecirc;"
unicode(6) "&euml;"
unicode(8) "&igrave;"
unicode(8) "&iacute;"
unicode(7) "&icirc;"
unicode(6) "&iuml;"
unicode(5) "&eth;"
unicode(8) "&ntilde;"
unicode(8) "&ograve;"
unicode(8) "&oacute;"
unicode(7) "&ocirc;"
unicode(8) "&otilde;"
unicode(6) "&ouml;"
unicode(8) "&divide;"
unicode(8) "&oslash;"
unicode(8) "&ugrave;"
unicode(8) "&uacute;"
unicode(7) "&ucirc;"
unicode(6) "&uuml;"
unicode(8) "&yacute;"
unicode(7) "&thorn;"
unicode(6) "&yuml;"
unicode(7) "&OElig;"
unicode(7) "&oelig;"
unicode(8) "&Scaron;"
unicode(8) "&scaron;"
unicode(6) "&Yuml;"
unicode(6) "&fnof;"
unicode(6) "&circ;"
unicode(7) "&tilde;"
unicode(7) "&Alpha;"
unicode(6) "&Beta;"
unicode(7) "&Gamma;"
unicode(7) "&Delta;"
unicode(9) "&Epsilon;"
unicode(6) "&Zeta;"
unicode(5) "&Eta;"
unicode(7) "&Theta;"
unicode(6) "&Iota;"
unicode(7) "&Kappa;"
unicode(8) "&Lambda;"
unicode(4) "&Mu;"
unicode(4) "&Nu;"
unicode(4) "&Xi;"
unicode(9) "&Omicron;"
unicode(4) "&Pi;"
unicode(5) "&Rho;"
unicode(7) "&Sigma;"
unicode(5) "&Tau;"
unicode(9) "&Upsilon;"
unicode(5) "&Phi;"
unicode(5) "&Chi;"
unicode(5) "&Psi;"
unicode(7) "&Omega;"
unicode(7) "&alpha;"
unicode(6) "&beta;"
unicode(7) "&gamma;"
unicode(7) "&delta;"
unicode(9) "&epsilon;"
unicode(6) "&zeta;"
unicode(5) "&eta;"
unicode(7) "&theta;"
unicode(6) "&iota;"
unicode(7) "&kappa;"
unicode(8) "&lambda;"
unicode(4) "&mu;"
unicode(4) "&nu;"
unicode(4) "&xi;"
unicode(9) "&omicron;"
unicode(4) "&pi;"
unicode(5) "&rho;"
unicode(8) "&sigmaf;"
unicode(7) "&sigma;"
unicode(5) "&tau;"
unicode(9) "&upsilon;"
unicode(5) "&phi;"
unicode(5) "&chi;"
unicode(5) "&psi;"
unicode(7) "&omega;"
unicode(10) "&thetasym;"
unicode(7) "&upsih;"
unicode(5) "&piv;"
unicode(6) "&ensp;"
unicode(6) "&emsp;"
unicode(8) "&thinsp;"
unicode(6) "&zwnj;"
unicode(5) "&zwj;"
unicode(5) "&lrm;"
unicode(5) "&rlm;"
unicode(7) "&ndash;"
unicode(7) "&mdash;"
unicode(7) "&lsquo;"
unicode(7) "&rsquo;"
unicode(7) "&sbquo;"
unicode(7) "&ldquo;"
unicode(7) "&rdquo;"
unicode(7) "&bdquo;"
unicode(8) "&dagger;"
unicode(8) "&Dagger;"
unicode(6) "&bull;"
unicode(8) "&hellip;"
unicode(8) "&permil;"
unicode(7) "&prime;"
unicode(7) "&Prime;"
unicode(8) "&lsaquo;"
unicode(8) "&rsaquo;"
unicode(7) "&oline;"
unicode(7) "&frasl;"
unicode(6) "&euro;"
unicode(7) "&image;"
unicode(8) "&weierp;"
unicode(6) "&real;"
unicode(7) "&trade;"
unicode(9) "&alefsym;"
unicode(6) "&larr;"
unicode(6) "&uarr;"
unicode(6) "&rarr;"
unicode(6) "&darr;"
unicode(6) "&harr;"
unicode(7) "&crarr;"
unicode(6) "&lArr;"
unicode(6) "&uArr;"
unicode(6) "&rArr;"
unicode(6) "&dArr;"
unicode(6) "&hArr;"
unicode(6) "&vArr;"
unicode(7) "&lAarr;"
unicode(7) "&rAarr;"
unicode(7) "&rarrw;"
unicode(8) "&forall;"
unicode(6) "&comp;"
unicode(6) "&part;"
unicode(7) "&exist;"
unicode(8) "&nexist;"
unicode(7) "&empty;"
unicode(7) "&nabla;"
unicode(6) "&isin;"
unicode(7) "&notin;"
unicode(7) "&epsis;"
unicode(4) "&ni;"
unicode(7) "&notni;"
unicode(7) "&bepsi;"
unicode(6) "&prod;"
unicode(8) "&coprod;"
unicode(5) "&sum;"
unicode(7) "&minus;"
unicode(8) "&mnplus;"
unicode(8) "&plusdo;"
unicode(7) "&setmn;"
unicode(8) "&lowast;"
unicode(8) "&compfn;"
unicode(7) "&radic;"
unicode(6) "&prop;"
unicode(7) "&infin;"
unicode(7) "&ang90;"
unicode(5) "&ang;"
unicode(8) "&angmsd;"
unicode(8) "&angsph;"
unicode(5) "&mid;"
unicode(6) "&nmid;"
unicode(5) "&par;"
unicode(6) "&npar;"
unicode(5) "&and;"
unicode(4) "&or;"
unicode(5) "&cap;"
unicode(5) "&cup;"
unicode(5) "&int;"
unicode(8) "&conint;"
unicode(8) "&there4;"
unicode(8) "&becaus;"
unicode(5) "&sim;"
unicode(6) "&bsim;"
unicode(8) "&wreath;"
unicode(6) "&nsim;"
unicode(6) "&sime;"
unicode(7) "&nsime;"
unicode(6) "&cong;"
unicode(7) "&ncong;"
unicode(7) "&asymp;"
unicode(5) "&nap;"
unicode(5) "&ape;"
unicode(7) "&bcong;"
unicode(7) "&asymp;"
unicode(6) "&bump;"
unicode(7) "&bumpe;"
unicode(4) "&ne;"
unicode(7) "&equiv;"
unicode(4) "&le;"
unicode(4) "&ge;"
unicode(4) "&lE;"
unicode(4) "&gE;"
unicode(5) "&lnE;"
unicode(5) "&gnE;"
unicode(4) "&Lt;"
unicode(4) "&Gt;"
unicode(7) "&twixt;"
unicode(5) "&nlt;"
unicode(5) "&ngt;"
unicode(6) "&nles;"
unicode(6) "&nges;"
unicode(6) "&lsim;"
unicode(6) "&gsim;"
unicode(4) "&lg;"
unicode(4) "&gl;"
unicode(4) "&pr;"
unicode(4) "&sc;"
unicode(7) "&cupre;"
unicode(7) "&sscue;"
unicode(7) "&prsim;"
unicode(7) "&scsim;"
unicode(5) "&npr;"
unicode(5) "&nsc;"
unicode(5) "&sub;"
unicode(5) "&sup;"
unicode(6) "&nsub;"
unicode(6) "&nsup;"
unicode(6) "&sube;"
unicode(6) "&supe;"
unicode(7) "&oplus;"
unicode(8) "&otimes;"
unicode(6) "&perp;"
unicode(6) "&sdot;"
unicode(7) "&lceil;"
unicode(7) "&rceil;"
unicode(8) "&lfloor;"
unicode(8) "&rfloor;"
unicode(6) "&lang;"
unicode(6) "&rang;"
unicode(5) "&loz;"
unicode(8) "&spades;"
unicode(7) "&clubs;"
unicode(8) "&hearts;"
unicode(7) "&diams;"
unicode(6) "&quot;"
unicode(4) "&lt;"
unicode(4) "&gt;"
unicode(5) "&amp;"
-- with table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS --
array(4) {
unicode(6) "&quot;"
unicode(4) "&lt;"
unicode(4) "&gt;"
unicode(5) "&amp;"