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/* utility function to write .dsp source blocks */
function write_src_file(fname, arr)
var src = FSO.CreateTextFile(fname, true);
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].length > 1) {
src.WriteLine("# Begin Source File");
src.WriteLine("SOURCE=" + arr[i]);
src.WriteLine("# End Source File");
/* final stage, all gets cleaned up here */
function copy_dsp_files()
var tmp = FSO.GetFolder("tmp");
var core = "TSRM Zend main streams win32 standard";
var tmpl = file_get_contents("win32\\build\\template.dsw");
f = new Enumerator(tmp.Files);
blocks = "";
for (; !f.atEnd(); f.moveNext()) {
/* retrieve the final path for the .dsp */
contents = file_get_contents(f.item());
address = contents.slice(0, contents.indexOf("#"));
contents = contents.slice(contents.indexOf("#"));
dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile(address, true);
/* pick up module name, check it isn't already in template.dsw */
ext = address.slice(address.lastIndexOf("\\")+1, address.length-4);
/* if not, write the workspace block */
if (!core.match(ext)) {
blocks += file_get_contents("win32\\build\\block.template.dsw");
blocks = blocks.replace("ADDRESS", address);
blocks = blocks.replace("EXTNAME", ext);
/* push all the blocks to the same tag */
tmpl = tmpl.replace("INSERT", blocks);
dsw = FSO.CreateTextFile("win32\\php.dsw", true);
/* goodnight vienna */
function generate_dsp_flags()
for (i = 0; i < DSP_FLAGS.length; i++) {
name = DSP_FLAGS[i][0];
/* it's apparently not possible to key a javascript
array using strings, much less dual-key it */
if (DSP_FLAGS.length == i+1 || name != DSP_FLAGS[i+1][0]) {
ext = name.substr(7).toLowerCase();
src = file_get_contents("tmp\\" + ext + ".dsp");
have = "/D HAVE_" + ext.toUpperCase() + "=1";
src = src.replace(have, have + " " + DSP_FLAGS[i][1]);
dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile("tmp\\" + ext + ".dsp", true);
/* now we have flags (and potentially other stuff) for
all configured modules, so finish off the process */
function generate_dsp_filelist(ext, ext_dir, files)
var EXT = ext.toUpperCase();
var tabs = new RegExp("[\t\r\n\'\"]", "gm");
var ws = new RegExp("\\s+", "g");
var dir = FSO.GetFolder(ext_dir);
var configfile = FSO.BuildPath(ext_dir, "config.w32");
var headers = "";
if (!files) {
/* module either lacks a config.w32 or is core
* either way, we know nothing about its sources
files = "";
f = new Enumerator(dir.Files);
for (; !f.atEnd(); f.moveNext()) {
name = FSO.GetFileName(f.item());
if (name.substr(name.length-2) == ".c") {
files += " ./" + name;
} else {
files = files.replace(tabs, "");
files = "./" + files.replace(/ /g, " ./");
DSP_SOURCES = files.split(" ");
/* pick up headers (all modules) */
f = new Enumerator(dir.Files);
for (; !f.atEnd(); f.moveNext()) {
name = FSO.GetFileName(f.item());
if (name.substr(name.length-2) == ".h") {
headers += " ./" + name;
DSP_HEADERS = headers.split(" ");
/* check for bundled library paths and sourcefiles */
if (FSO.FileExists(configfile)) {
config = file_get_contents(configfile);
if (config.match("ADD_SOURCES")) {
sources = new RegExp("ADD_SOURCES\\([^,]*\\s*,\\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"].*\\)", "gm");
arr = config.match(sources);
line = arr[0].replace(tabs, "");
newarr = line.split(',');
orig_path = newarr[0].replace("ADD_SOURCES(", "");
munged_dir = ext_dir.replace(/\\/g, '/');
orig_path = orig_path.replace("configure_module_dirname", munged_dir);
orig_path = orig_path.replace(" + ", "");
path = orig_path.replace(munged_dir + '/', "");
if (path.length > 0 && path != ext) {
subdir = FSO.GetFolder(orig_path);
lib = new Enumerator(subdir.Files);
libheaders = "";
for (; !lib.atEnd(); lib.moveNext()) {
name = FSO.GetFileName(lib.item());
if (name.substr(name.length-2) == ".h") {
libheaders += " ./" + path + "/" + name;
DSP_HEADERS = DSP_HEADERS.concat(libheaders.split(" "));
sources = newarr[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
sources = sources.replace(ws, " ");
path = path ? " ./" + path + "/" : " ./";
sources = sources.replace(/ /g, path);
DSP_SOURCES = DSP_SOURCES.concat(sources.split(" "));
/* store the array contents in temp files
waiting for CFLAGS etc to be populated */
write_src_file("tmp\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp", DSP_HEADERS);
write_src_file("tmp\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp", DSP_SOURCES);
/* entry point. Called from EXTENSION(), from SAPI() and (for
core modules) from generate_files(), all in confutils.js */
function generate_dsp_file(ext, ext_dir, files, shared)
var dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile("tmp\\" + ext + ".dsp", true);
var tmpl = file_get_contents("win32\\build\\template.dsp");
var EXT = ext.toUpperCase();
/* store the final path in the head of the tmp file */
tmpl = ext_dir + "\\" + ext + ".dsp" + tmpl;
extname = new RegExp("extname", "gm");
EXTNAME = new RegExp("EXTNAME", "gm");
tmpl = tmpl.replace(extname, ext);
tmpl = tmpl.replace(EXTNAME, EXT);
status = PHP_DEBUG == "no" ? 'Release' : 'Debug';
STATUS = new RegExp("Status", "gm");
tmpl = tmpl.replace(STATUS, status);
if (PHP_ZTS == "no") {
zts = new RegExp("_TS", "gmi");
tmpl = tmpl.replace(zts, '');
if (PHP_DEBUG != "no") {
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/Use_Debug_Libraries 0/g, "Use_Debug_Libraries 1");
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/NDEBUG/g, "_DEBUG");
cflags = get_define("CFLAGS").replace("$(BASE_INCLUDES)", '/I "..\\.." /I "..\\..\\..\\Zend" /I "..\\..\\TSRM" /I "..\\..\\main" ');
basecpp = cflags = cflags.replace('/I "..\\bindlib_w32"', '/I "..\\..\\..\\bindlib_w32"');
if (shared) {
basecpp += " /D COMPILE_DL_" + EXT;
tmpl = tmpl.replace("BASECPP", basecpp);
tmpl = tmpl.replace("BASECPP", cflags + " /D HAVE_" + EXT + "=1");
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELIBS/g, get_define("LIBS"));
tmpl = tmpl.replace("LOCALLIBS", get_define("PHPLIB"));
debug = PHP_DEBUG != "no" ? " /debug" : "";
dll = shared ? ' /dll /out:"..\\..\\Debug_TS\\php_' + ext + '.dll"' : "";
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELDFLAGS/g, "/nologo" + debug + dll);
/* call to generate source and header blocks for .dsp */
generate_dsp_filelist(ext, ext_dir, files);
sources = file_get_contents("tmp\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp");
tmpl = tmpl.replace("SOURCEFILES", sources);
FSO.DeleteFile("tmp\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp");
headers = file_get_contents("tmp\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp");
tmpl = tmpl.replace("HEADERFILES", headers);
FSO.DeleteFile("tmp\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp");