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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP Version 4 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
// | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
// | |
// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
// | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Author: Stig S<>ther Bakken <> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id$
require_once "PEAR/Command/Common.php";
require_once "PEAR/Installer.php";
* PEAR commands for installation or deinstallation/upgrading of
* packages.
class PEAR_Command_Install extends PEAR_Command_Common
// {{{ properties
var $commands = array(
'install' => array(
'summary' => 'Install Package',
'function' => 'doInstall',
'shortcut' => 'i',
'options' => array(
'force' => array(
'shortopt' => 'f',
'doc' => 'will overwrite newer installed packages',
'nodeps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'n',
'doc' => 'ignore dependencies, install anyway',
'register-only' => array(
'shortopt' => 'r',
'doc' => 'do not install files, only register the package as installed',
'soft' => array(
'shortopt' => 's',
'doc' => 'soft install, fail silently, or upgrade if already installed',
'nobuild' => array(
'shortopt' => 'B',
'doc' => 'don\'t build C extensions',
'nocompress' => array(
'shortopt' => 'Z',
'doc' => 'request uncompressed files when downloading',
'installroot' => array(
'shortopt' => 'R',
'arg' => 'DIR',
'doc' => 'root directory used when installing files (ala PHP\'s INSTALL_ROOT)',
'ignore-errors' => array(
'doc' => 'force install even if there were errors',
'alldeps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'a',
'doc' => 'install all required and optional dependencies',
'onlyreqdeps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'o',
'doc' => 'install all required dependencies',
'doc' => '<package> ...
Installs one or more PEAR packages. You can specify a package to
install in four ways:
"Package-1.0.tgz" : installs from a local file
"" : installs from
anywhere on the net.
"package.xml" : installs the package described in
package.xml. Useful for testing, or for wrapping a PEAR package in
another package manager such as RPM.
"Package" : queries your configured server
({config master_server}) and downloads the newest package with
the preferred quality/state ({config preferred_state}).
More than one package may be specified at once. It is ok to mix these
four ways of specifying packages.
'upgrade' => array(
'summary' => 'Upgrade Package',
'function' => 'doInstall',
'shortcut' => 'up',
'options' => array(
'force' => array(
'shortopt' => 'f',
'doc' => 'overwrite newer installed packages',
'nodeps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'n',
'doc' => 'ignore dependencies, upgrade anyway',
'register-only' => array(
'shortopt' => 'r',
'doc' => 'do not install files, only register the package as upgraded',
'nobuild' => array(
'shortopt' => 'B',
'doc' => 'don\'t build C extensions',
'nocompress' => array(
'shortopt' => 'Z',
'doc' => 'request uncompressed files when downloading',
'installroot' => array(
'shortopt' => 'R',
'arg' => 'DIR',
'doc' => 'root directory used when installing files (ala PHP\'s INSTALL_ROOT)',
'ignore-errors' => array(
'doc' => 'force install even if there were errors',
'alldeps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'a',
'doc' => 'install all required and optional dependencies',
'onlyreqdeps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'o',
'doc' => 'install all required dependencies',
'doc' => '<package> ...
Upgrades one or more PEAR packages. See documentation for the
"install" command for ways to specify a package.
When upgrading, your package will be updated if the provided new
package has a higher version number (use the -f option if you need to
upgrade anyway).
More than one package may be specified at once.
'upgrade-all' => array(
'summary' => 'Upgrade All Packages',
'function' => 'doInstall',
'shortcut' => 'ua',
'options' => array(
'nodeps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'n',
'doc' => 'ignore dependencies, upgrade anyway',
'register-only' => array(
'shortopt' => 'r',
'doc' => 'do not install files, only register the package as upgraded',
'nobuild' => array(
'shortopt' => 'B',
'doc' => 'don\'t build C extensions',
'nocompress' => array(
'shortopt' => 'Z',
'doc' => 'request uncompressed files when downloading',
'installroot' => array(
'shortopt' => 'R',
'arg' => 'DIR',
'doc' => 'root directory used when installing files (ala PHP\'s INSTALL_ROOT)',
'ignore-errors' => array(
'doc' => 'force install even if there were errors',
'doc' => '
Upgrades all packages that have a newer release available. Upgrades are
done only if there is a release available of the state specified in
"preferred_state" (currently {config preferred_state}), or a state considered
more stable.
'uninstall' => array(
'summary' => 'Un-install Package',
'function' => 'doUninstall',
'shortcut' => 'un',
'options' => array(
'nodeps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'n',
'doc' => 'ignore dependencies, uninstall anyway',
'register-only' => array(
'shortopt' => 'r',
'doc' => 'do not remove files, only register the packages as not installed',
'installroot' => array(
'shortopt' => 'R',
'arg' => 'DIR',
'doc' => 'root directory used when installing files (ala PHP\'s INSTALL_ROOT)',
'ignore-errors' => array(
'doc' => 'force install even if there were errors',
'doc' => '<package> ...
Uninstalls one or more PEAR packages. More than one package may be
specified at once.
'bundle' => array(
'summary' => 'Unpacks a Pecl Package',
'function' => 'doBundle',
'shortcut' => 'bun',
'options' => array(
'destination' => array(
'shortopt' => 'd',
'arg' => 'DIR',
'doc' => 'Optional destination directory for unpacking (defaults to current path or "ext" if exists)',
'force' => array(
'shortopt' => 'f',
'doc' => 'Force the unpacking even if there were errors in the package',
'doc' => '<package>
Unpacks a Pecl Package into the selected location. It will download the
package if needed.
'revert' => array(
'summary' => 'Revert the Most Recent Upgrade of a Package',
'function' => 'doRevert',
'shortcut' => 'r',
'options' => array(
'force' => array(
'shortopt' => 'f',
'doc' => 'Force the revert even if there were errors',
'installroot' => array(
'shortopt' => 'R',
'arg' => 'DIR',
'doc' => 'root directory used when installing files (ala PHP\'s INSTALL_ROOT)',
'deps' => array(
'shortopt' => 'd',
'doc' => 'revert any dependencies that are incompatible with earlier versions',
'doc' => '<package> ...
This command may only be used after a pear upgrade <package> has
been executed. pear revert will revert a package to the previously
installed version number. This command will only work once, and will
fail if any packages depend on the newer version.'),
// }}}
// {{{ constructor
* PEAR_Command_Install constructor.
* @access public
function PEAR_Command_Install(&$ui, &$config)
parent::PEAR_Command_Common($ui, $config);
// }}}
// {{{ doInstall()
function doInstall($command, $options, $params)
require_once 'PEAR/Downloader.php';
if (empty($this->installer)) {
$this->installer = &new PEAR_Installer($this->ui);
if ($command == 'upgrade') {
$options['upgrade'] = true;
if ($command == 'upgrade-all') {
include_once "PEAR/Remote.php";
$options['upgrade'] = true;
$remote = &new PEAR_Remote($this->config);
$state = $this->config->get('preferred_state');
if (empty($state) || $state == 'any') {
$latest = $remote->call("package.listLatestReleases");
} else {
$latest = $remote->call("package.listLatestReleases", $state);
if (PEAR::isError($latest)) {
return $latest;
$reg = new PEAR_Registry($this->config->get('php_dir'));
$installed = array_flip($reg->listPackages());
$params = array();
foreach ($latest as $package => $info) {
$package = strtolower($package);
if (!isset($installed[$package])) {
// skip packages we don't have installed
$inst_version = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version');
if (version_compare("$info[version]", "$inst_version", "le")) {
// installed version is up-to-date
$params[] = $package;
$this->ui->outputData(array('data' => "Will upgrade $package"), $command);
$this->downloader = &new PEAR_Downloader($this->ui, $options, $this->config);
$errors = array();
$downloaded = array();
$errors = $this->downloader->getErrorMsgs();
if (count($errors)) {
$err['data'] = array($errors);
$err['headline'] = 'Install Errors';
return $this->raiseError("$command failed");
$downloaded = $this->downloader->getDownloadedPackages();
foreach ($downloaded as $pkg) {
$bn = basename($pkg['file']);
$info = $this->installer->install($pkg['file'], $options, $this->config);
if (is_array($info)) {
if ($this->config->get('verbose') > 0) {
$label = "$info[package] $info[version]";
$out = array('data' => "$command ok: $label");
if (isset($info['release_warnings'])) {
$out['release_warnings'] = $info['release_warnings'];
$this->ui->outputData($out, $command);
} else {
return $this->raiseError("$command failed");
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ doUninstall()
function doUninstall($command, $options, $params)
if (empty($this->installer)) {
$this->installer = &new PEAR_Installer($this->ui);
if (sizeof($params) < 1) {
return $this->raiseError("Please supply the package(s) you want to uninstall");
include_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
$reg = new PEAR_Registry($this->config->get('php_dir'));
$newparams = array();
$badparams = array();
foreach ($params as $pkg) {
$info = $reg->packageInfo($pkg);
if ($info === null) {
$badparams[] = $pkg;
} else {
$newparams[] = $info;
PEAR_Common::sortPkgDeps($newparams, true);
$params = array();
foreach($newparams as $info) {
$params[] = $info['info']['package'];
$params = array_merge($params, $badparams);
foreach ($params as $pkg) {
if ($this->installer->uninstall($pkg, $options)) {
if ($this->config->get('verbose') > 0) {
$this->ui->outputData("uninstall ok: $pkg", $command);
} else {
return $this->raiseError("uninstall failed: $pkg");
return true;
// }}}
// }}}
// {{{ doBundle()
(cox) It just downloads and untars the package, does not do
any check that the PEAR_Installer::_installFile() does.
function doBundle($command, $options, $params)
if (empty($this->installer)) {
$this->installer = &new PEAR_Downloader($this->ui);
$installer = &$this->installer;
if (sizeof($params) < 1) {
return $this->raiseError("Please supply the package you want to bundle");
$pkgfile = $params[0];
$need_download = false;
if (preg_match('#^(http|ftp)://#', $pkgfile)) {
$need_download = true;
} elseif (!@is_file($pkgfile)) {
if ($installer->validPackageName($pkgfile)) {
$pkgfile = $installer->getPackageDownloadUrl($pkgfile);
$need_download = true;
} else {
if (strlen($pkgfile)) {
return $this->raiseError("Could not open the package file: $pkgfile");
} else {
return $this->raiseError("No package file given");
// Download package -----------------------------------------------
if ($need_download) {
$downloaddir = $installer->config->get('download_dir');
if (empty($downloaddir)) {
if (PEAR::isError($downloaddir = System::mktemp('-d'))) {
return $downloaddir;
$installer->log(2, '+ tmp dir created at ' . $downloaddir);
$callback = $this->ui ? array(&$installer, '_downloadCallback') : null;
$file = $installer->downloadHttp($pkgfile, $this->ui, $downloaddir, $callback);
if (PEAR::isError($file)) {
return $this->raiseError($file);
$pkgfile = $file;
// Parse xml file -----------------------------------------------
$pkginfo = $installer->infoFromTgzFile($pkgfile);
if (PEAR::isError($pkginfo)) {
return $this->raiseError($pkginfo);
$installer->validatePackageInfo($pkginfo, $errors, $warnings);
// XXX We allow warnings, do we have to do it?
if (count($errors)) {
if (empty($options['force'])) {
return $this->raiseError("The following errors where found:\n".
implode("\n", $errors));
} else {
$this->log(0, "warning : the following errors were found:\n".
implode("\n", $errors));
$pkgname = $pkginfo['package'];
// Unpacking -------------------------------------------------
if (isset($options['destination'])) {
if (!is_dir($options['destination'])) {
System::mkdir('-p ' . $options['destination']);
$dest = realpath($options['destination']);
} else {
$pwd = getcwd();
if (is_dir($pwd . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ext')) {
$dest = $pwd . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ext';
} else {
$dest = $pwd;
$dest .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pkgname;
$orig = $pkgname . '-' . $pkginfo['version'];
$tar = new Archive_Tar($pkgfile);
if (!@$tar->extractModify($dest, $orig)) {
return $this->raiseError("unable to unpack $pkgfile");
$this->ui->outputData("Package ready at '$dest'");
// }}}
// }}}
// {{{ doRevert()
function doRevert($command, $options, $params)
if (empty($this->installer)) {
$this->installer = &new PEAR_Installer($this->ui);
if (sizeof($params) < 1) {
return $this->raiseError("Please supply the package(s) you want to revert");
include_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
$reg = new PEAR_Registry($this->config->get('php_dir'));
$newparams = array();
$badparams = array();
foreach ($params as $pkg) {
$info = $reg->packageInfo($pkg);
if ($info === null) {
$badparams[]['info']['package'] = $pkg;
} else {
$newparams = array_merge($newparams,
$this->installer->processRevertDeps($info, $options, $config, $reg));
$newparams[] = $info;
PEAR_Common::sortPkgDeps($newparams, true);
$params = array();
$params = array_merge($newparams, $badparams);
foreach ($params as $pkg) {
if (!PEAR::isError($this->installer->revert($pkg['info']['package'],
$options, $this->config))) {
if ($this->config->get('verbose') > 0) {
$this->ui->outputData('revert ok: ' . $pkg['info']['package'], $command);
} else {
$this->ui->outputData('revert failed: ');
return $this->raiseError($pkg);
return true;
// }}}