Adam Amstrong 6b9d05653c move Enterasys mibs to mib root
git-svn-id: 61d68cd4-352d-0410-923a-c4978735b2b8
2010-07-31 12:40:45 +00:00

536 lines
24 KiB

etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
LAST-UPDATED "200211111556Z" -- Mon Nov 11 15:56 GMT 2002
"Enterasys Networks"
"Enterasys Networks, Inc.
35 Industrial Way, P.O. Box 5005
Rochester, NH 03867-0505
Phone: +1-603-332-9400
"The Enterasys Networks Proprietary MIB module for entities
implementing the client side of the Remote Access Dialin
User Service (RADIUS) authentication protocol (RFC2865).
Use of this MIB in any product requires the approval
of the Office of the CTO, Enterasys Networks, Inc.
Permission to use this MIB will not be granted for
products in which SNMPv3 is now, or will soon be,
implemented. Permission to use this MIB in products
that are never scheduled to implement SNMPv3 will be
granted on a case-by-case basis, depending on what
other suitable, secure means of RADIUS client
configuration are available in the product.
The standard RADIUS Authentication Client MIB (RFC2618)
does not have any writable objects, and is missing key
objects needed for configuration.
Use of this MIB requires encryption/decryption for security
during transmission, using SNMPv1. Therefore, there are two
separate processes needed to use this MIB.
1) The standard processes for SNMP gets and sets.
2) The encoding/encryption or decryption/decoding of objects.
The encryption/decryption algorithm, as presented herein, is
taken from the RADIUS protocol, and is the method specified
for encryption of Tunnel-Password Attributes in RFC 2868.
For a detailed discussion of the encoding/decoding and
encryption/decryption of applicable objects, refer to the
definition of RadiusEncryptionString defined in the Textual
Conventions section of this MIB.
Note that the encryption/decryption method makes use of an
agreed-upon Secret and an Authenticator which are shared between
the RADIUS Client SNMP interface and the management entity
implementing the MIB.
The reason that the shared secret and authenticator are
algorithmically derived in the RADIUS Client / SNMP Agent
and in the SNMP Management Station is to permit plug-'n-play
remote installation, configuration and management of the device.
An object is included to allow remote management of the
Authenticator portion of the encryption key. It is suggested
that this value be changed by the network administrator after
initial configuration of the system.
On receipt, the process is reversed to yield the plain-text
REVISION "200211111556Z" -- Mon Nov 11 15:56 GMT 2002
DESCRIPTION "Removed the display hint for the RadiusEncryptedString
textual convention."
REVISION "200201241606Z" -- Thu Jan 24 16:06 GMT 2002
DESCRIPTION "Changed { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptOID } to
{ etsysModules 5 } so that the released MIB would
work with the NetSNMP stack that is currently
being used by Netsight."
REVISION "200011080000Z" -- 08 November 2000
DESCRIPTION "Initial version"
::= { etsysModules 5 } -- { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptOID }
-- ------------------------------------
-- Textual Conventions
-- ------------------------------------
RadiusEncryptedString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"Before encryption, the 'native' objects must be encoded into a
formatted Octet String. After decryption, the Octet String must
be decoded to obtain the 'native' objects.
Fields which contain integers must be in network byte order prior
to encryption of the formatted octet string. The network byte
order for the Internet protocol suite is big endian. The Berkeley
Software Distribution (BSD) functions htons and htonl will convert
two and four byte integers, respectively, from host to network
byte order. Likewise, the BSD functions ntohs and ntohl will
convert integers from network byte order to host byte order.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Type | Length | Salt |
| String ...
The data type of the non-encrypted 'native' data:
1 = Integer32
The length in octets of the native object sub-field of the
Octet String, exclusive of any optional padding. Note that the
Integrity Check sub-fields (CRC, OID-tail, Time Stamp, Source
IPv4 address) are not included in this length value, but since
the IC sub-fields are always present and are of fixed length,
there is no impediment to proper packet parsing.
The Salt field is two octets in length and is used to ensure the
uniqueness of the encryption key used to encrypt each object.
The most significant bit (leftmost) of the Salt field
MUST be set (1). The contents of each Salt field in a given
SNMP packet must be unique. This two-byte field must be in
network byte order (big endian).
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| CRC (4 bytes) |
| OID-tail (4 bytes) |
| Time Stamp (4 bytes) |
| Source IPv4 address (4 bytes) |
| Object/Padding ...
The plain-text String field consists of six logical sub-fields:
the CRC, OID-tail, Time Stamp, Source IPv4 address and native Object
sub-fields (all of which are required), and the optional Padding
sub-field. The String field MUST be treated as a counted-string
of undistinguished octets, and not as a standard C/UNIX-style
null-terminated, printable ASCII string.
CRC Sub-field
The CRC sub-field contains a 32-bit CRC (CRC-32) calculated
over the following concatenated sub-fields of the String:
the OID-tail, Time Stamp, Source IPv4 address and unpadded native
Object fields. The CRC sub-field acts as an integrity check on
the decrypted data. This four-byte field must be in
network byte order (big endian).
OID-tail Sub-field
The OID-tail sub-field contains the least significant four octets
of the Object ID of the varbind. This field is included as an
integrity check on the OID of the varbind. This four-byte field
must be in network byte order (big endian).
Time Stamp Sub-field
The Time Stamp sub-field contains a 32-bit unsigned integer
value representing the time the encrypted message was assembled.
This field acts as an integrity check by facilitating the
disposal of stale or replayed messages. The time window of
acceptance is implementation dependent, and may be the subject
of local (i.e. managed entity) policy configuration. The Time
Stamp is relative time, in units of seconds, referenced to the
sysUpTime object of the managed entity. This four-byte field
must be in network byte order (big endian).
Source IPv4 address Sub-field
The Source IPv4 address sub-field contains an unsigned 32-bit
representation of the IPv4 address of the source of the encrypted
message. This is an added check to allow verification of the
source of the varbind. This four-byte field must be in
network byte order (big endian).
The CRC, OID-tail, Time Stamp, and Source IPv4 address sub-fields are
collectively hereinafter referred to as the Integrity Check (IC)
Object/Padding Sub-field
The Object sub-field contains the actual or native
object data followed by padding, if necessary.
If the 'native' data type is Integer32, this field
must be in network byte order (big endian).
If the combined length (in octets) of the non-encrypted
CRC, OID-tail, Time Stamp, Source IPv4 address, and native
Object sub-fields is not an even multiple of 16, then the
Padding sub-field MUST be present. If it is present, the
length of the Padding sub-field is variable, between 1 and
15 octets. The value of the pad octets MUST be zero.
Encrypting/Decrypting the String Field
The entire String field MUST be encrypted as follows, prior to
Construct a plain-text version of the String field by
concatenating the CRC, OID-tail, Time Stamp, Source IPv4 address
and native Object sub-fields. If necessary, pad the resulting
string until its length (in octets) is an even multiple
of 16. It is required that zero octets (0x00) be used
for padding. Call this plain-text P.
Shared Secret
The shared secret is formed from the MAC (hardware)
address of the primary management interface of the
managed device (containing the RADIUS Client). The
MAC address is represented as upper-cased, dashed-ASCII
string, e.g. 08-00-2B-11-22-33. This string is not
The 128-bit authenticator is a manageable object. This
field is a 16 byte (not null-terminated) ascii string. The
pre-defined factory default value is an Enterasys
Networks trade secret. The user is advised to change
it from the default value after initial configuration
of the system.
Call the shared secret S, the [pseudo-random] 128-bit
Authenticator R, and the contents of the Salt field A.
Break P into 16 octet chunks p(1), p(2)...p(i),
where i = len(P)/16. Call the cipher-text blocks
c(1), c(2)...c(i) and the final cipher-text C. Intermediate
values b(1), b(2)...c(i) are required. Encryption
performed in the following manner ('+' indicates concatenation):
b(1) = MD5(S + R + A) c(1) = p(1) xor b(1) C = c(1)
b(2) = MD5(S + c(1)) c(2) = p(2) xor b(2) C = C + c(2)
. .
. .
. .
b(i) = MD5(S + c(i-1)) c(i) = p(i) xor b(i) C = C + c(i)
The resulting encrypted String field will contain
-- ------------------------------------
-- MIB Objects
-- ------------------------------------
etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIB 1 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientRetryTimeoutEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete
"The number of seconds to wait for a RADIUS Server to
respond to a request. This parameter value is maintained
across system reboots. This object's true data type is 1,
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBObjects 1 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientRetriesEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete
"The number of times to resend an authentication packet
if a RADIUS Server does not respond to a request.
This parameter value is maintained across system reboots.
This object's true data type is 1, Integer32."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBObjects 2 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientEnableEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete
"This indicates whether or not the RADIUS Client is
or is to be, enabled or disabled. This parameter value
is maintained across system reboots. This object's true
data type is Integer32(1), and it follows an enumeration
textual convention (enable(1), disable(2))."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBObjects 3 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientAuthTypeEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete
"This indicates which method is being used for
authentication. The authentication type is an
Integer32 object that maps to the following enumeration
mac(1) - indicates MAC address authentication
eapol(2) - indicates EAPOL authentication
This list of enumeration constants is subject to
change. This parameter value is maintained across system
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBObjects 4 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientManageAuthKeyEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete
"The Authenticator used, in part, to form the key
to encrypt/decrypt the objects of type RadiusEncryptedString.
This object's true data type is OCTET STRING. This
parameter value is maintained across system reboots."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBObjects 5 }
etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EtsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS obsolete
"The (conceptual) table listing the RADIUS authentication
servers with which the client shares a secret."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBObjects 6 }
etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX EtsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS obsolete
"An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS
authentication server with which the client shares
a secret.
All created conceptual rows are non-volatile and as such
must be maintained upon restart of the agent."
INDEX { etsysRadiusAuthServerIndexEncrypt }
::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptTable 1 }
EtsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
etsysRadiusAuthServerIndexEncrypt INTEGER,
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddressEncrypt RadiusEncryptedString,
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerPortNumberEncrypt RadiusEncryptedString,
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEncrypt RadiusEncryptedString,
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEnteredEncrypt RadiusEncryptedString,
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerClearTimeEncrypt RadiusEncryptedString,
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatusEncrypt RowStatus
etsysRadiusAuthServerIndexEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS obsolete
"A number uniquely identifying each conceptual row
in the etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptTable.
In the event of an agent restart, the same value
of etsysRadiusAuthServerIndexEncrypt must be used
to identify each conceptual row in
etsysRadiusAuthServerTableEncrypt as prior to the
::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry 1 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerAddressEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS obsolete
"The dotted-decimal IPv4 address of RADIUS
authentication server. This parameter value
is maintained across system reboots. This
object's true data type is 2, OCTET STRING."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry 2 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerPortNumberEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS obsolete
"The UDP port number (0-65535) the client is using
to send requests to this server. This parameter
value is maintained across system reboots. This
object's true data type is 1, Integer32."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry 3 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS obsolete
"This object is the secret shared between the RADIUS
authentication server and RADIUS client. This
parameter value is maintained across system reboots.
This object's true data type is 2, OCTET STRING."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry 4 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerSecretEnteredEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"This object indicates the existence of a shared secret.
This object's true data type is 1, Integer32."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry 5 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerClearTimeEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RadiusEncryptedString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS obsolete
"This value indicates the date and time since server
counters were last cleared.
On a write, the server counters will be cleared and
the clear time will be set to the current time if the
decoded object is zero.
This object's true data type is 1, Integer32."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry 6 }
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatusEncrypt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS obsolete
"Lets users create and delete RADIUS authentication
server entries on systems that support this capability.
1. When creating a RADIUS Authentication Client, it
is up to the management station to determine a
suitable etsysRadiusAuthServerIndexEncrypt.
To facilitate interoperability, agents should not
put any restrictions on the
etsysRadiusAuthServerIndexEncrypt beyond the
obvious ones that it be valid and unused.
2. Before a new row can become 'active', values
must be supplied for the columnar objects
etsysRadiusAuthClientServerPortNumberEncrypt and
3. The value of etsysRadiusAuthClientServerStatusEncrypt
must be set to 'notInService' in order to modify a
writable object in the same conceptual row.
4. etsysRadiusAuthClientServer entries whose
status is 'notReady' or 'notInService' will
not be used for authentication."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthServerEncryptEntry 7 }
-- ------------------------------------
-- Conformance information
-- ------------------------------------
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIB 2 }
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBConformance 1 }
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBConformance 2 }
-- ------------------------------------
-- Units of conformance
-- ------------------------------------
etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { etsysRadiusAuthClientRetryTimeoutEncrypt,
STATUS obsolete
"The basic collection of objects providing a proprietary
extension to the standard RADIUS Client MIB. This
proprietary MIB allows secure SETs to key RADIUS Clients
objects, via SNMPv1."
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBGroups 1 }
-- ------------------------------------
-- Compliance statements
-- ------------------------------------
etsysRadiusClientEncryptMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
"The compliance statement for authentication clients
implementing the RADIUS Authentication Client MIB."
MODULE -- this module
MANDATORY-GROUPS { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBGroup }
::= { etsysRadiusAuthClientEncryptMIBCompliances 1 }